Icrontic.com - Sold!
OwnerDetroit Icrontian
Icrontic.com, the former home of many of our oldest members before the Crash of '03, has been put up for sale by its owner, citrixmeta. For details, see Icrontic.com.
What is Icrontic?
Source: Icrontic.com
What is Icrontic?
Source: Icrontic.com
I hope some link-scum spammer doesn't end up with it and it becomes a link parking page
Oh well... I REALLY hope it finds a good owner and we can still be close "sister-site". ICRONTIC Members, you are always welcome here.
Now there's an idea
I am very dissapointed...... I understand, but very disapointed.
I do think that is an amazing idea, just a redirect no need for extra servers or anything but the domain name fee's.
There wasn't notice, but I can't say I was surprised. It just seemed to be heading that direction.
I have to admit the site seemed to be more and more dead there and the only people that seemed to be there were people that seemed to know nothing but pretended they did, and preteen 1337 h4x0rs. Not good, heh.
To make a comment like this you clearly you had not been there in a while and had not graced the populous with your vast knowledge.
Who else?
I visited there every month or so, more often than that originally (when SM was first founded) and less often over time. I have to admit I hadn't been there for a month or so before it closed because the last time I went was when I got the strongest impression of what I had stated above.
I'll chip in a little money too, if Citrix doesn't want to gouge on the price. If I remember right, when it went up for auction after the hack job, Tex had some sniping proggie bidding on it against Citrix, who I think had a sniping program on it too, so the sniping programs were the cause of the price runup. (or something like that)
It went up to something crazy like $9000 but they mutually decided to retract the bids. I appreciate people wanting the domain badly, but anyone that uses programs to do that deserve anything they get as it tends to screw Joe Public like myself that try and use the system normally.