Short-Media Infiltrated By Shill

Short-Media has seen its first recognized "attack" by a spammer using a newly revealed, insidious form of ad posting. The user first makes innocuous posts to seem like a normal member. After some time, they post a link asking for opinions of the website. For more information, see GHoosdum's thread in the Pub with links to Penny Arcade's notices about this type of attack.
Source: Short-Media Pub
The source is the spammer's insidious thread in the...I was told that if I accepted the job, I was to have at LEAST 50 identities on as many forums as I could muster (they wanted 100 eventually), with a goal of 5 posts an hour. The posts had to be well thought out, and the idea was that I was to establish multiple identities with a history on the forums, so that when the timing was right a well written but subtly placed marketing post could be finessed in. And regular visitors would recognize the post as coming from a long time poster. (from Penny Arcade)
Source: Short-Media Pub
Let us all boycott the intarwebnet!!!
Well... maybe not. LOL
Good work to everybody involved - bothered, James Collins, Ghoosdum, and others who felt a bit uneasy about this user
Visit Short-Media! The best place on the internet!
Ok he's being paid to basicaly chat on forum and then put a pub once in a while... What a boring way to get paid... Well at least they can't post about viagra of some $/"!%? like that cuz it will get them ban too easy lol
After a day of hard work this guy can go to sleep and say 'man i've done a lot for the world today...' Maybe that's what he's saying to himself, but in the end he's the same kind of person that those who spam my email box everyday, so he can go to hell
Well.. Good job on 'finding the rogue spammer' :Pwned:
Watch out for users like "Thrax"
**** you...
And you...
/me takes his Apple iPod© and goes to another website.
He visited your house??
It's a joke. I've known thrax for years. Yes, him and several other members of the site pretty regularly hang out at my house
Sounds like an opportunity to be a paid shill!
"We do NOT SPAM" <--- lies!
and the dude's email address is @, which is just one of those parked domains
And he responds with this:
Are you f'ing kidding me? I email you to tell you how unethical your crap is and you respond with a job decription and extend an offer to me? Holy crap!
I should respond to the job offer
oh, wait, it's PROF! Oops, hold back the banning reaction. Breath deeply...OK Kwitko, back off. Necropolis, are you listening?
I enjoyed the "open and honest" and "paid through Paypal" parts of the job description. Just a hint to the spammers: jobs pay you a thing called a "paycheck" and report your income to the Federal Government. Paypal is not a means of doing this, it's a means of skirting the system. Real honest there, guys.
You really should respond. See if you get the "job". It would be awesome if you could take the whole organization down.