To OMEGA or not to OMEGA?!?
Birmingham, UK
I heard the OMEGA ATI drivers have some great features and support for the TV output modes. Is this correct?
Also, more generally speaking, what are the benefits of using the Omega drivers over that of the standard official catylst driver suite?
Thoughts, opinions, random observations? (okay, just kidding with the last one).
Any input would be appreciated.
Also, more generally speaking, what are the benefits of using the Omega drivers over that of the standard official catylst driver suite?
Thoughts, opinions, random observations? (okay, just kidding with the last one).
Any input would be appreciated.
I'm not a hardcore benchmarker, so the performance benefits for benching that is included with the Omega's doesn't appeal to me.
- slightly lowered benchmarks
- more overclocking flexibility
- better 2D and 3D quality, and better color rendering
- will hose your system if you don't completely remove all traces of previous drivers
I've bounced back and forth between ATI and Omega. Frankly, I could be happy with either, but I give the nod to Catalyst.
Er........ guessing you meant "ATi and Omega" ?
I had a few, let's call them 'issues' getting my system working correctly with the drivers and still couldn't get the 2d to work (start menu took 1 full second to come up), and that was the easy part. getting the Cats to work again was, how you say, hellish at best
give 'em a shot, they might help, might not
Good point.
The reason I ask is I have a 9700 pro I hook up to a HDTV over DVI. Cats recognise the TV as a digital display rather than a TV.
I can choose 2 resolutions 1900x540 and 848x640. Bothe of these resolutions look a little funny.
Think I might benefit from the Omegas by haveing other resolution options?
Huh? Omega's already got his Cat 3.8 out...
I swear by 'em. It seriously pumps up my R9500 Pro, and gives better image quality overall. Works better in games, but gives slightly lower benches. But if the games are working, I don't really care about the benchmarks.