I am going to kill my friend

I have been playing baulders gate : dark Alliance on my x box for like 2 weeks and i was darn far in it and my friend saves over my game! OMG i was like near the end too! OMG I WAS TO KILL HIM!!! I AM GOING TO KILL HIM! OMG!!! " **** News update * A 20 yr old tean has been arrested in the murder of his best friend, The teen who was killed had an xbox controller shoved up his rear "
Now, who else caught the spelling error, but missed the math part altogether?:eek3:
Consider this thread a handy prep for the SAT.
I know how your friend feels - I did the same thing to my daughter years ago when she was near the end of King's Quest VII. Try explaining something like that to an eleven year old teenager. ...sorry, couldn't help myself...
Being the computer genius that I am, I found a saved game on the 'net and downloaded it for her. Probably the only reason I'm alive to tell the tale.
Ulas jo spal lkdis me dnt car1
I take that back, I hate it when people put no spaces behind their periods.like this.you know who you are.yes you.muahahahaha.
If so just find someone with a save near to where you were and put that on your xbox.
good luck. I feel yathough. I have had the same thing happen in the past.
That chopped up character disk represented about a month's worth of after-school playtime. I was mightily pissed.
Ahhh, childhood geeks....
Did you kill him?
Shouldn't play console games anyway, because apparently games companies are going to stop developing for the PC altogether.......
Actually, I had a similar thing happen a couple months ago, except it was my doing. I have the power cable for my PS2 plugged into my sterio reciever. I had been happily playing GTA:VC for sometime and had gotten quite far into the game. In fact, there were only two assets left in the game that I did not have. Well I go to save the game, and while the game is saving I accidently hit the power button on the reciever remote, thereby shutting off the PS2. When I turned the PS2 back on I came to find out that the GTA:VC file was gone. My emotions went something like this > :wow:
I know your pain, I know it all too well.
....erm...a big huge...what?
Most recently I saved over my Ikaruga file on the gamecube, cuz I didn't realize you had to load a file first before you can update it with more input. For those who don't know...the longer you play, the more you unlock. Several hours of unlockables...gone
Funny, the things we remember from our childhood.