nVidia driver update = BSOD

I've tried installing the latest nVidia driver (Windows XP, Geforce FX 5950 256) because when trying to run some games (ie. Doom 3, Quake 4 demo, but not Deus Ex 2 [??]) I got this message:
nVidia OpenGL driver
Driver component sizes mis-match. Rettry to keep going. Cancel to exit.
Retry = the same message comes up again. Have to cancel.
When I installed the latest driver (both the US and International one, I live in the UK) I cant load up my computer. Just when you would expect the OS to show up, I get a BSOD: 0x7E. I tried restarting about 6 times, and the same message each time - although I got C2 once.. This is a computer I have just built, so may not just be the GFX driver, although when I installed the latest driver on an old PC, I had to completly reinstall windows becasue it messed up the HD (I've decided I hate nVidia)
I can load the computer up with 'last known good settings' and it works ok.
Any help would be aprieciated.. Thanks
nVidia OpenGL driver
Driver component sizes mis-match. Rettry to keep going. Cancel to exit.
Retry = the same message comes up again. Have to cancel.
When I installed the latest driver (both the US and International one, I live in the UK) I cant load up my computer. Just when you would expect the OS to show up, I get a BSOD: 0x7E. I tried restarting about 6 times, and the same message each time - although I got C2 once.. This is a computer I have just built, so may not just be the GFX driver, although when I installed the latest driver on an old PC, I had to completly reinstall windows becasue it messed up the HD (I've decided I hate nVidia)
I can load the computer up with 'last known good settings' and it works ok.
Any help would be aprieciated.. Thanks
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