Mystery wire sticking out of PCI-E slot. Weird..

lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
edited March 2006 in Hardware
When I was reinstalling my Opteron after a fun adventure that I outlined here..

I noticed a mystery conductor sticking out of the pci-express slot. Thankfully the slot appears fully functional, but I thought this was weird to say the least. Anyone else seen something like this before?

I assume it's just the end of the slot conductor that became dislodged from the plastic housing.



  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    Yeah that looks like a defect or something. Hey, as long as it works! :eek3:
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited March 2006
    That was a while ago....and your just assembling now?

    but yea, like prime said, as long as it works theres nothing to worry about.
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    wow, you're in luck. That's one of them PCI-e alignment wires. It helps to align the rotational transfunctioning resistors to maintain proper voltage and reduce cross-talk from over-amperage due to induction current.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    Kwitko wrote:
    wow, you're in luck. That's one of them PCI-e alignment wires. It helps to align the rotational transfunctioning resistors to maintain proper voltage and reduce cross-talk from over-amperage due to induction current.

    What he means to say is that your motherboard can produce 1.21 jigawatts, McFly.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited March 2006
    ;D those DFI engineers think of everything..

    Just need to find the flux-capacitor pin-outs. Hope I dont confuse them for the USB headers again..
  • BLuKnightBLuKnight Lehi, UT Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    Thrax wrote:
    What he means to say is that your motherboard can produce 1.21 jigawatts, McFly.

    That's great and all... but do you think his CPU fan can get up to 88 MPH? :)
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited March 2006
    BLuKnight wrote:
    That's great and all... but do you think his CPU fan can get up to 88 MPH? :)
    It can go 94 easily!
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