Diamond Processors
I recently read an artical and it was about how these people found a new way to make diamonds. Not the fake kind that people buy there wives, but these are real diamonds, worth about 15000 and costs them less than 100 to make, It said pentium is thinking about starting to make chips out of diamonds instead of silicon, because the diamond chips can run at temps that would melt silicon. Thought you guys would find that interesting
//EDIT: <S>Pentium</s> Intel.
*queue thrax with his heatsink pic from that thread*
Just as long as it doesnt get so hot that it melts the ZIF socket.
Ahhhh, the stuff of dreams.
If Thrax pines about being the #1 folder I'm sure he has to pine about this stuff.
You have no idea.
Really get your family members folding...
omg I just made myself sick.. whats wrong with me...
HAHA I remember that too.
The thought of this diamond synthesizing is kinda wierd. If itis true the Diamond will be dirt cheap soon enough What will we have to buy our future wives!?
Damn women...