PVR Micro ATX Motherboard Recommendation
New egg has this socket A board
I've got an extra socket A and I think i can shoe horn everything into Antec aria case. Or have I lost my mind and stay with an Abit nf7 2.
Suggestions on a micro board?
.....love this design, build stuff
I've got an extra socket A and I think i can shoe horn everything into Antec aria case. Or have I lost my mind and stay with an Abit nf7 2.
Suggestions on a micro board?
.....love this design, build stuff
I have:
athlon xp mobile 2400,
ABit nf 7 s g MB
xp 97 cooling,
SATA 160, 1GB of Kingston ram
Win TV 350 Tuner card
ATI 9600 video
Wireless KB & Mouse.
I know my wife would like the Antec Aria Case
Most of the stuff will fit.
I have a hack saw so i can shorten the MB.
but instead i thought I'd look at what Micro ATX MBs are out there.
since this will simple be recording cable TV and playing back.
super laser powered audio with 300 mega watt sub woofer are probably not needed.
What Micro Motherboard would you put in an Antex Aria Case with an XP Mobile??
however i think you might like this case here....just as cheap as a decent mATX board, but it is very nice. I just got one 2 weeks ago for a 2nd htpc and love it.
nmedia htpc 300ba = $76
it is not the perfect htpc case, but it fits both regular atx mobos and atx psus in a very small format. plus it takes full height expansion cards. it's main problem is that they couldn't decide on the orientation. so the front usb/1394/sound ports end up on the underside if you lay the case flat. also the lcd is flipped on its side with the case flat. if you have the space, using this case vertically solves these 2 problems. but who has their av equipment vertical or even the space?
pretty stupid design decision if you ask me, they should have oriented the case horizontally and arranged the lcd accordingly. and i know they could have squeezed the front ports on the front fascia as well...i can see space for it for crying out loud!
anyway these shortcomings are reflected in the relatively low price. it isn't perfect by any means, but it's a pretty good value. i solved the front ports problem by using a $5 usb extension cable from the back. the only thing i need to plug in is the reciever for my wireless key/mouse combo so it's not a deal breaker for me.