Toys "R" Us Takes PS3 Pre-orders
California Icrontian
For $50 Toys R Us will allow you to pre-order your very own PS3. This offer is only available in the stores, so don't go looking online.
Source: The Inquirer
Well 50 bucks for a non existent console, sure why not.Toys R Us is one of the bigger sellers of consoles and many were thinking they would put a hold on pre-orders of the PS3 for a few months.
Source: The Inquirer
That they are. And they're right, too. Sony kids will buy anything, just like the Nintendo ones. And hey, I'm not criticizing - you bet your ass I'll be waiting in whatever line (or lack thereof ) there is for a Revolution. Same with the new Zelda whenever it finally comes out.
I'll be right there with you. I'm psyched about the Revolution, and I can't wait to play the new Zelda game.
That is until they find out the balance!
I thought Sony was going to be smarter than trying to put something out right at the Christmas rush. No thanks, I'll wait.
I'm gonna pre-order as many as I can, from every store I can. I don't care if I have to spend $10,000, cause once they finally release, you know they'll be going for like $2000 each on ebay.