MSI 945p NEO2 Overclocking problem
I just get D805 and MSI 945p Neo2 , but when I try overcklock "ever with small value to 134 - 140 FSB", my computer boots two times and returns to 133 FSB , some thing is in CoreCenter, when I hit Apply nothing hapens , where I'm wrong?
My system is:
CPU: Pentium D805
Mainboard: MSI 945p Neo2-F
RAM: 2Gb DDR 533 A-data
PSU: Fortron 400W
Video: temporary PCI S3 2Mb (PGE is disabled in bios)
I just get D805 and MSI 945p Neo2 , but when I try overcklock "ever with small value to 134 - 140 FSB", my computer boots two times and returns to 133 FSB , some thing is in CoreCenter, when I hit Apply nothing hapens , where I'm wrong?
My system is:
CPU: Pentium D805
Mainboard: MSI 945p Neo2-F
RAM: 2Gb DDR 533 A-data
PSU: Fortron 400W
Video: temporary PCI S3 2Mb (PGE is disabled in bios)
From Core Center , When I hit Apply Display flickers, and nothing hapens.
I assume you have a motherboard manual. I hope you have the manual with your native language. Do you?
While you are looking/replying, I will be taking a look at the manual so I can provide better advice.
Somthig else, My BIOS date is 12/2005 but on msi webpage there is not new BIOS avaible.
Please look in the "Cell Menu" screen:
High Performance Mode - should be Manual
Memory Function Control - what are your settings?
DOT, all sections - turn OFF
I dont have these options
The first Core Cell BIOS screen should look like the attachment I've provided below. Your settings shouldn't be those pictured, but you should have those options, unless the BIOS displays are different for an 805 than for 820s.
Here is online manual , and in manual Cell menu is the same as mine!
In "Advanced Chipset Setup", at the "DRAM Frequency" entry, please select "533". We want to lock your DRAM at it's default speed so we can isolate the CPU FSB for overclocking.
In "Cell Menu", disable "Spread Spectrum", keep PCI Frequency at 33.3 (where you had it before), and set the CPU FSB at 135 (just to test). Does the BIOS still refuse to keep your settings?
OOOOOHHHH. I just noticed. You wrote that your board is an "MSI 945P Neo-2". I am so sorry! I was thinking this whole time about the MSI 945P Neo-F that I used to have. Oh boy, I'll have to read your manual some more. I'm thinking that your board is not really designed for overclocking. Maybe I am wrong.
In the "Cell Menu", turn off/disable "CPU Dynamic Overclocking". It's an automatic overclocking device that may or may not work well, but if on, will not let you manually set the CPU FSB.
You should be able to try different FSB settings now.
Thank you for the help!
MSI 945P Neo2F
Pentium D805
TT Big Typhoon
1g DDR2 533 ram
XFX 7600GT video
I just purchased this machine off MWAVE with the intention of overclocking and have been running into the same problems as OP. Keep in mind I am an overclocking noob AND I have a very crappy 400W PSU. However, last night I was able to get the D805 up to 2.95 and load windows. It seems like, at least for me, there is a very delicate balance of NB, CPU over, and FSB settings. Here is a list of what combination of settings held in BIOS after reboot:
NB 1.65 1.7 1.7 1.7
CPU 125 175 187 200
FSB 143 146 147 148
the 147 and 148 FSB settings do not hold 100% of the time but I've always been able to get 146FSB to hold which puts me at 2919 CPU. No matter what I do, I can't get faster than 148 FSB. Needless to say I will be very disapointed if I can not get my D805 faster than 2.9. Any ideas from you OC experts would be great but please don't tell me to buy a different motherboard, I will shoot myself in the face, or the leg.
I've used two similar boards to the Neo2 you guys have. With Pentium D820s, I've overclocked the 945P Neo-F boards to stable, 24/7, full load overclocks of 3.5 and 3.6GHz. To achieve those overclocks I had to use MSI's software overclocking utility. I just couldn't get much success with the BIOS settings. I recommend you guys try the software. I have always disdained software overclocking because there are too few settings that you can manipulate, but at least with my MSI experience, it was the better choice.
Download MSI Core Center (945P Neo-F/Neo2-F) and give it a try. Before you overclock with the software, you should set your BIOS CPU and memory settings to stock.
Also, if you haven't already done so, flash your BIOS to the latest version. MSI's Live Update works very well.
Please keep us informed how it goes!
Flashed Bios, updated Core Center, no dice. In Core Center, I can adjust the CPU voltage and NB voltage, it saves those settings, but when I try to bump up the FSB, the 133 just blinks at me. Like its mocking me. I'm thinking the 945P Neo2 is a pretty new board and MSI just hasn't worked out the communication with Core Center. It sucks if I have to wait for an updated version of Core Center before I can overclock. First I thought the problem was my cheap PSU but aparantly its the MSI board. Leonardo, I'm wondering what you set your NB and CPU voltage on your MSI board to accommodate 3.6GHz. I'd like to get a referance point from someone with similar hardware.
Concerning the voltages: I only had to bump vCore maybe two increments to get 3.5/6.
As as the Neo-2 being too new, no, I don't think so. I believe it's just a later revision of the 945P Neo-F, which was already a mature board when I used it.
Tell you what - contact Donut, or better, get him to post in this thread. He's got the 945P Neo-F that I used to own.
Dear Customer,
This is one of the reason why our official processor supporting list did not list this 805 as support it processor:
We will forward this request to our bios team and will be added in to the next bios release.
Technical Support Team
Technical Support Division
MSI Computer Corp.
If it's the same board Leonardo started with, you should be all set. Also some good tips and observations.
edit. upon re-reading parts of this thread, you might have to use software to OC or a combo of software and the BIOS.