Secret to folding?

CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
edited October 2003 in Folding@Home
This is probably going to sound stupid, but, is there some secret to folding? I don't really mean that literally, but, I've noticed people with less, equal or only one or two more active CPUs than I are producing WAY more than I am, I understand some of them are like OCed and stuff, I'm just wondering if I'm producing to my full potential, here's my current roster:

AthlonXP 2100+ Full Time
AthlonXP 2100+ (Part Time, but on a lot)
AthlonXP 1700+ Full Time
AthlonXP 1700+ Full Time
AthlonXP 1700+ Full Time
AthlonXP 1700+ (Part Time)
AthlonXP 1700+ (Part Time
Athlon 800 Full Time
Pentium4 2.0gh Full Time
AthlonXP 2500+ Full Time

I am usually producing between 1,300-1,600 points per week. Should I be producing more. When I set the other machines up, I did not use the -advmethods or -forceasm tags, the only machine running with those tags is my own 2100+ full time, do these tags make a big difference in WU production time? (mostly the forceasm I would think) Just something I was curious about.


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    -forceasm and -advmethods doubled my production. I've been running them since my first 1000 points, the amount of PCs has stayed the same.
  • CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    im trying to tell some of my console folders how to add the tags to their console shortcut, but i just use the tags in FireDaemon cause I run it as a service, how do I add these tags in the console short cut, just under "Target" put -advmethods and -forceasm at the end?
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    As Thrax related, the difference between Tinker & Gromacs WU's are incredible production wise. Set the -advmethods & -forceasm at the earliest possible chance and you will be flying with all those machines. :vimp:

    Yes, so it looks something like this:

    x:\folding\fahconsole.exe -advmethods -forceasm

    If there are quotes, enter the flags after the last quote.
  • CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    alrighty, thanks guys, hopefully you'll be seeing my production going up soon!
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited October 2003
    I always make sure I have Folding@Home set, rather than "No preference" or Genome@Home. Don't know if that makes a difference when -forceasm and -advmethods are used, but I do it anyway.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    any special tricks with the graphical version 3.25?
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited October 2003
    That's what I use is the graphical 3.25 beta.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    IIRC, graphical folds slower.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited October 2003
    Can you find anything that substantiates that? If so, I'll switch the machines that I can to the console client.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    I would think that the graphical client has to use cpu cycles to draw the proteins the console will probably produce more in the same amount of time.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited October 2003
    It's always minimzed, and the slider is all the way to the left and logos are disabled. Also, the F@H documentation said something about that not making a difference w/ even a half-way decent video card. Anything else? If someone has tested the same WU on both the graphical and the console and shown the console to be faster that would be sweet.
  • pseudonympseudonym Michigan Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    a2jfreak said
    It's always minimzed, and the slider is all the way to the left and logos are disabled. Also, the F@H documentation said something about that not making a difference w/ even a half-way decent video card. Anything else? If someone has tested the same WU on both the graphical and the console and shown the console to be faster that would be sweet.

    Yeah, I'd be interested in that.

    I have 1 system with the tags, and my other without. I like the console, except for the fact it has to run in the window. Any way to let it run down in the toolbar like the graphical client does?
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited October 2003
    I can't think of the program off hand but some of those who run the console version use a program that allow it to run as a service and (I believe) not show the console window.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    to run either graphical of console as a service see the bluetestacle:eek2::
  • CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    a2jfreak said
    I can't think of the program off hand but some of those who run the console version use a program that allow it to run as a service and (I believe) not show the console window.

    FireDaemon service mananger, I use it, quite nice
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2003
    GUI will run as fast as the console if minimized.

    And yes Firedaemon for the console.
  • PreacherPreacher Potomac, MD Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Are they both just as reliable and stable?
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    graphical folds slower

    The difference is miniscule - like two to three seconds (or less) per work unit frame. Of course, that is, if you keep the graphic display minimized.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    With 3.25, forceasm is built-in, right?

    Also, I've been considering adding advanced methods to my P4 box at home and my two P4s at work. Do I need to wait until a work unit has just been uploaded to Stanford, or can I add the tag while a work unit is being run.?
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Another question:

    I'm running two instances with my sys. No. 1 below. One of the instances is run under FireDaemon. To set advancemethods in that, do I just add "-advancemethods" in the "Paramaters" field? So in other words, should the parameters field look like this: "-service -advancemethods"?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2003
  • hypermoodhypermood Smyrna, GA New
    edited October 2003
    It's "-advmethods", Leo.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Like this?
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Like hypermood related, it's "-advmethods", not "-advancemethods". :)
  • CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Leonardo said
    Like this?

    Yeah, thats how I have mine running with FireDaemon, but I also have the -forceasm tag in there
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