The Facts About MySpace @

A critical look at the social software behemoth
Source: BigBruinThe latest hangout for tweens and teens isn’t the mall in downtown or any particular club, but rather the chaotic world of cyberspace, at a website called As the hottest social networking site on the web, MySpace has accumulated an estimated 54 million users in just three years of existence, with many users falling within the teen and twenty-something crowds and approximately 19% under the age of 17. MySpace is a wonderful place to meet others of like mind and interest, but with this sharing of interests come other dangers that are heightened by the unregulated nature of the Internet and the ready availability of personal information online.
you gotta be an idiot to use MySpace.
That whole site makes me sad.
I understand the category of software and its specific aspects, and I actually clicked on the article hoping to read an explanation on the technical backbone of myspace. IE an overview of the coldfusion code that is used, and the type of server setup they have to handle the massive data requirements for that site. I guess I was just expecting something else.
As far as a general myspace overview; if Homeland Security ever wants to create a massive human database, there is no need to spend billions in tax dollars. They should just use myspace.:tongue2:
Some parents are still unusually wary of it though; I was asked by one parent in the neighborhood who thought it was some kind of front for a gay porn site (seriously) to lure children into being raped.
It's not that bad.
I'm no idiot because I use myspace! I use myspace for special reasons!
Myspace isn't bad at all for some people.
myspace is practically the same thing as aim chat or geocities and i don't see you complaining about that.