SM25 - Sign Up Closed!
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
Who Wants To Host SM25?
:celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate
900+ Points/Week Rig Needs A New Host!!!
:celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate
900+ Points/Week Rig Needs A New Host!!!
After being chosen as the Host of SM25 just about a year ago, our teammate drasnor has decided that the time is right to pass along the reins to someone else. Team 93 would like to take this opportunity to thank him for a fine job.
Though this computer doesn't pack quite the same firepower as some of our recent SMx rigs, it's no slouch either. Set this baby up with those Timeless Tinkers and watch the points roll in:
If you meet the qualifications for hosting one of our SMx machines, why not sign up to be a candidate? You could be the one chosen to house this Folding rig in your home, not to mention having that extra Folding sig to show off your status as one of Team 93's elite group of SMx Hosts.
The Hosting Requirements and Selection Process are available on the team page. Please look them over carefully before signing up.
If you feel you meet the requirements and are willing to sign the contract, announce your candidacy by posting in this thread and giving us some details about your hosting conditions (connection, environment, etc.) and your computer ability that would mark you as a suitable host for our latest SMx Folding machine.
Here's what SM25 has under the hood:
SM25 Specs:
Motherboard: ECS K7S5A (Rev. 1.0)
CPU: Athlon XP 1900+
Hard Drive: 4.3GB
Display Adapter: 3Dlabs Oxygen VX1 (PCI)
Memory: 256MB
NIC: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (Onboard)
Case: A Nice Rosewill Case & PSU Included
Because this is a reissue, all the parts will be shipped together. Some minor assembly, an OS load, and you'll be off and <s>running</s> Folding in no time.
If you happened upon this thread by accident and wonder what it is exactly that Folding hopes to accomplish, check out Join Folding for a quick summary of the F@H Project. Like many of us here, you could put your spare computer cycles to work for the betterment of mankind. Won't you consider joining us?
Sign up soon. We will give you plenty of notice before the signup period is closed and the SMx Committee vote is taken.
As per our policy, there are no geographical limitations on hosting eligibilty.
Check out The SMx Project - Reloaded! thread for more information on the project in general. If you have any parts you could spare for future SMx rigs, go here and have a look at what we need. Memory (PC1600 or greater) and Motherboards are in extremely short supply. To keep this project going we need your help.
Good luck, everybody!
To you prospective candidates, no luck is needed. The SM25 has been cranking out points without error for a while now on Master Prof's bench. She's loaded for bear and ready for a custodian!
I wasn't sure you were making an offical entry yet.
Uhh....Bellsouth DSL connection. 99.9% uptime. Nice cool north facing room that stays cool all the time. Several free spots on my HUB. An APC BACKUPS I'm not using so it won't shutdown hard on power outages. Um...that it?
Alright - who is going to give him some competition?
The problem turned out to be the two-connector IDE Cable. I noticed that it was awfully slow to boot up and started going through the BIOS to see if I could figure out why. When it took a coon's age for it to identify the HD, I tested the drive in another machine and found it to be fine. The next drive I tried in the rig did the same same thing. I replaced the cable with a (standard) three-connector part and it was off to the races.
Thanks to the generosity of Team 93, we receive new donations on an almost weekly basis. When I'm putting a rig together I try to match things up as best I can. SM35 shipped out with one of SM25's old MB's because it was the best fit for the memory and CPU I had on hand at the time. The reason I have the HD and RAM for the re-release of SM25 marked as TBD (To Be Determined) is that I'm using the motherboard prime replaced in SM18 and it accepts both DDR RAM and old-timey SDRAM. I'm hoping to use up some of the older memory while I can, since very few boards I get these days can use anything but the newer stuff. DogDragon just sent me a suitable stick of SDRAM, but I'd like to see it run for another week to be sure that it's going to play nice with the board. Memtest-86 says that it's fine, so I'm optimistic that we can keep the DDR stuff for rigs that can't use anything else.
Ps- I have a few PC100-133 256 and 512 memory sticks here.
and I have a 4 port cable router.
I think she will like it here.
Put my name in the hat
Good Luck to everyone that gets put in the hat
Count me in! I have been folding for a few months now... oh wait I mean 1/2 year and have placed myself in the top 40 of SM I love Folding I love the community I Love my SMx33 and could also learn to love SMx25 I run Fiber out fo the house and have a nice huge office with 1 32 port switch that could almost host all the SMx Rigs
OOhhh yea, well my dad can do more push-ups than your there!!!!
Sign Up is still in progress....
If SM-25 needs a little help I have PLENTY of parts.
Just send me a PM with the details and I'll get right on it.
(Who has SM36_Sara_Isabel off to a great start!)
Only one entry per rig, though.
i0esign, what is your FAH username?
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