Europeans Invade the Shores of Detroit

There's these two guys, you may have heard of them.... Shorty (the "Short" in short-media), and Mackanz (The short-media OCZ support guy).. I mean, they've been around a while, right?
Well, they're coming to America... Warren, MI to be exact.
It's true - Shorty and Mackanz will be at Short-Media LAN 2006!
Well, they're coming to America... Warren, MI to be exact.
It's true - Shorty and Mackanz will be at Short-Media LAN 2006!
Short-Media LAN 2006!
Heh. Dirty.
If I will be able to visit the party in the future, I will bring surströmming with me.
But I fear that I will not be invited more then once :Rocker:
I would have to decline I think.
Don't you hate it when that happens...
Hey, Esso - I'm always willing to try something new. Get yourself over here and brings some of that stuff with you.
Then if you open the can under water it doesn't smell so bad.
I am borned in the middle of the surströmming district, were everyone does it !
But I'll guess that after 1/2 liter of vodka, you wouldn't notice anything.
As Leonardo says, there is only one thing to avoid - don't eat the yellow snow !
See my sign.
/me cries...
Me too!!
Man, I'm going to have to make it to one of these!
Book a flight...
Oh yeah, there will be other insignificant people there too...
It's the DogTouch that I'm worried about...
my sorry
I forgot
Its redrockets not mantouch