We're still here.
not here much New
Though we have been absent for a while, we certainly have not left.
Basically, a forced job change and a series of computer problems aswell as being somewhat lethargic, has kept us away from computer leisure time.
Unfortunately my new job has no after hours phone line access like my previous one, so i am offline 2 weeks at the time. The week i am home has been filled with comp repairs and feeling a bit lethargic has not helped.
Fortunately, things are looking up for once. The new job is settling in and going quite well. Our new tyan board has come back from RMA and is finally folding. Another comp that just died has been fixed/upgraded and should be folding in the very near future. It was a P4 and ran faultless till the mobo went south. Replaced it with a DFI Ultra D and an 170 Opty. That fixed it.:)
Like everyone else, server 112 has given us grief, but we are getting around that one.
And here is the reason this thread is in the "folding" section of the forum. A screen shot of the Tyan with dual 265 Opty's named "2 Dogs" (Aussie humour).
Basically, a forced job change and a series of computer problems aswell as being somewhat lethargic, has kept us away from computer leisure time.
Unfortunately my new job has no after hours phone line access like my previous one, so i am offline 2 weeks at the time. The week i am home has been filled with comp repairs and feeling a bit lethargic has not helped.
Fortunately, things are looking up for once. The new job is settling in and going quite well. Our new tyan board has come back from RMA and is finally folding. Another comp that just died has been fixed/upgraded and should be folding in the very near future. It was a P4 and ran faultless till the mobo went south. Replaced it with a DFI Ultra D and an 170 Opty. That fixed it.:)
Like everyone else, server 112 has given us grief, but we are getting around that one.
And here is the reason this thread is in the "folding" section of the forum. A screen shot of the Tyan with dual 265 Opty's named "2 Dogs" (Aussie humour).
Come to the lan, visit with mtgoat and me. We'll eat nasty pickled eggs and drink beers till we're silly
Prime, i have to ask. Since when do we need nasty pickled eggs and beer to be silly???
Marc, every new build with a new OS gets the same treatment. Take full advantage of the 30 days. Been a steep learning curve. As soon as we register early, a new format has to be done and causes too many drama's. Now we wait and see all is ok first.:)
ps. Prof, if you are soooooooo jealous of the screenshot, i don't mind if you make a copy and keep it. It is not copyrite yet.
NICE new rig:)
I understand "Two Dogs":D:D
EDIT: Got curious about Los Dos Perros, so I checked it out. :ausflag:
A few decades ago we had a comedian named Graham Kennedy. Most of his lines were right on the edge (read sick/funny). On of his compatriots, Ken Sutcliffe, got nicknamed 2 dogs by graham, as he reckoned he had a face like 2 dogs F******. Unfortunately Graham is no longer with us. He also had the right facial expressions to go with his comments. He is surely missed.