120 mm goodness IS NOW HERE!
Well, Sidewindercomputers finally rounded some up and they should be in on the 25th and I'm buying one. I'm talking about the grandaddy of all 120mm fans, the infamous Delta GFB1212VHW fans,whose measurements are 120 X 76mm.
And yes, that's right, as thick as 2 normal high cfm 120's and for a reason: there are 2 fan assemblies mounted in this beast. The following performance stats are copied from their site:
CFM-220.29 :headbange
Noise-59.0 dB
Power requirements-31.80watts, 2.65 amps
Price-around $50 :bawling:
One good thing about these fans is that they are going to wire each fan independently, so each fan can have it's own controller circuit and your fan controller should be able to handle the power requirements of this beast. Since I still have 2 channels open on my fan controller, this will be no problem for me to run it at more sane levels of noise. And yes, I am ordering 1 for myself as soon as they are in stock.:woowoo:
Here's a pic of the beast.
And I hope that Geeky1 sees these as there is no way he can pass on this fan.

CFM-220.29 :headbange
Noise-59.0 dB

Power requirements-31.80watts, 2.65 amps

Price-around $50 :bawling:
One good thing about these fans is that they are going to wire each fan independently, so each fan can have it's own controller circuit and your fan controller should be able to handle the power requirements of this beast. Since I still have 2 channels open on my fan controller, this will be no problem for me to run it at more sane levels of noise. And yes, I am ordering 1 for myself as soon as they are in stock.:woowoo:
Here's a pic of the beast.

And I hope that Geeky1 sees these as there is no way he can pass on this fan.
Actually, with your fan controller, I imagine that thing can move quite a bit of air at low noise, once it's turned down. If it's anything like the Sunon 120mm that's in IC_11, it'll need almost full power to get spinning on startup, but it can be reduced to minimum after that.
You'll have to type a little louder I can't hear you over that dang jet whistle ...my it's getting a little breezy in here!!! hehe
Noise-59.0 dB. Ouch.
Just imagine the damage he could do to his fingers with this one.:-/
I just ordered mine by phone as they didn't have the 2-molex connector option listed on their website. I talked to Gary, who was putting connectors on the first of these monsters and he added the 2 molex connector option to my fan order and he also said that he will add that option on the website for the fan too. While talking to him, he finished wiring the fan up and ran it for me. The sound surprised me, in that you don't hear a high pitched whine from it at all, and confirmed by Gary too. He also said the air out of it is concentrated to blowing out in a straight line, even more so than the FFB and TFB fans do. Also, he said that he could feel no dead spot behind the fan hub either and that the airflow was just incredible.
BTW, Gary said that they have over 200 of these fans, so I imagine that they will have some for a while. But don't dawdle too long before ordering, as I think they will sell pretty quick, even at $49.95 a pop.
A few notes here, in case you are wondering if you can use this beast.
1. The fan is right at 2 15/16 inches thick, a real large, thick fan.
2. Mounted on an SI-120, the hsf combo is right at 6 3/4 inches tall with a fan grill installed on top of the fan. So mounting in a narrow case is out, to say the least. I don't even know if it will mount in my Coolermaster Praetorian 730 case yet; I might have to order the windowed side cover and then cut a hole for the fan.
I'll try to post some pics of the beast tomorrow (gives me a chance to play with my other new toy, a Cannon S3 IS digicam).
If anyone has ever heard a Dell poweredge 2850 or 1850 at bootup, you'll be greeted by about 6 or 7 deltas at full bore. I fired one up in the office once and caused a bit of a stir
pseudo, it's a totally different sound than the Tornado fans, although I've never heard a 120mm Tornado. I have heard the 92 and 80mm Tornado fans and yes, those howl like a banshee.
just how loud is it?
I can't wait to hear this thing with the fan controller on it.
The comparison photo between this and the stock AMD heatpipe sink make me laugh.
As soon as I get in from work I will post some pics of it mounted in my Praetorian.
Don't get a new case... cut a hole in it, like the guys who can't fit their whole engine underneath the hood.
A shaker case!