Possible to OC Pentium D 930 on an INTEL D945 mobo?
Is it possible to overclock my Pentium D 930 running on an INTEL D945 board?
I can't do it from BIos, but I think there used to be a program do OC it from Windows?
I can't do it from BIos, but I think there used to be a program do OC it from Windows?
No dude, the CHIPSET is the 945P. The MOTHERBOARD is the INTEL 945PSN, bought here at newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813121288
Sorry, I don't know what's in the BIOS. Check in Advanced Settings. If there are adjustments available for memory speed and FSB, then you should be able to overclock with that board.
You stated that you cannot overclock from the BIOS. If that means there are no adjustable settings there, then I don't see any software being able able to help you. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure no motherboard manufacturer makes overclocking software for motherboards that don't have overclocking options in the BIOS.