Diablo 2

Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
edited November 2003 in Gaming
Is anyone still playing this? or LoD?

I think I am going to be getting back into it before the 1.10 patch (If that ever happens)

Anyone up for some closed US East, or an IP game?


  • panzerkwpanzerkw New York City
    edited October 2003
    It's been thrown around a couple of times. I think we're all waiting for 1.10 to finally come out. I know I am.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003

  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    yeah I hear yah

    it kind of sucks I lost everything when I uninstalled it like a year ago...1.8 disgusted me..too much cheating.

    hopefully 1.10 will be out soon...beta for now..
  • TemplarTemplar You first.
    edited October 2003
    1.10 is pulling a Duke Nukem Forever.. heh.

    I don't even like the game all that much. I used to play it with a group of friends only because it was the only game they played pretty much. I had a few characters up in the 80's and got one to 93, but didn't do much beyond that. It's only an economy/scam game now. See who can come up with the craftiest scheme to screw someone over :)
  • Mr_BojinglesMr_Bojingles Northern Michigan New
    edited October 2003
    ah....I remember when the game first came out and me and a couple buds played through the game together on my lan. Good fun :D ...but haven't been able to bring myself back to it since and probably never will.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2003
    I recently started playing. Had it forever but now I am finally playing it.
  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    That's cool mm.

    Are you into closed B.net? or just kind of playing single player?Either way we can set something up, I'm good for IP or closed...

    Do you have the expansion? if not, it is a vast improvment to the graphics, items, new classes, etc. and I recomend it..adds to the expierence I think.

    Anyways..if you want to set something up, me and a few friends are going to try and get together next weekend for an IP game. Contacts are in my profile :)
  • panzerkwpanzerkw New York City
    edited October 2003
    Next weekend I won't be around since I'll be getting ready to leave the Army and head home that Monday. But the next weekend, if I'm able to get my cable connection at home back up, I'll be good for some demon whacking.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2003
    I play with the expantion pack. I am not very far at all. Level 27 Necro and just started a Sorcress at level 6. Still a n00b.
  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    Hey that's great guys...since I have no life, I'm good almost every weekend. Just IM me.

    and don't feel n00bish mm, I don't have anything started yet, heh
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2003
    Well then, I havent played with anyone else in Battle.net. Got all the way to Diablo and got my ass pwned, thats Act 4. If you have just started then I can help you level up quickly.

    My roommates have level 80+ characters and I guess there is a thing called rushing. Someone like level 80 plays with a n00b and they kill all the hard guys and both get experience for all the kills. The n00b levels up like mad since it takes nothing for them to kill the hard guys. Roommates say in less than an hour they could have gotten me to like 30-40ish when I was just starting.
  • JLunarJLunar the t dot.
    edited October 2003
    Yeah, I had my Frostmaiden killing machine - but then I left her alone for 3+ months and she was toast. very sad.

    However, I'm to playing. gotta reinstall, but I've got the xpac too. Will we be playing b.net? if so - east/west server?

  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    I don't know if we're doing closed. If we do it doesn't matter what server, just not asia, lol!

    perhaps an IP game?
  • NorgeNorge Sidney, Ohio
    edited October 2003
    I still play the game but just enough to keep my accounts and characters active. I'm still waiting for patch 1.10 to come out. All the hackers and scammers online now drive me nuts. I'm up for an IP game. Sounds like fun to get a bunch of people together who actually won't be using hacks. I assume since some people don't have characters we'll be starting from scratch? If so that sounds like a blast to me. There isn't anything more fun than starting with a brand new group and playing through the game. Once again I'm all up for an IP game this weekend or possibly next if there is going to be one.

  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    That would be great Norge. I think we should have a nice IP game one weekend, maybe when panzerkw would be back online.

    This would be awesome. I've never done anything like that before. heh
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Open will suck as it will lag too much.

    Why not just a passworded Closed game on the Europe server, as its more central to the world........ :rolleyes2

  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    Maybe, it doesn't matter to me..a passworded closed game would be more stable.

    Are you in NS?
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Sure, I have 3 copies of the game, I mean litteral copies, as did you see what happened to my original?


    Not good.

    I have 2 copies (legal) of the expansion, but only 1 for the original....... (as me and my brother wanted to play but I didn't realise you need unique keys for both :banghead: ).

    I'll see if I can put together a working CD from the damaged ones.

  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    ok so that makes what...6 of us so far? and then I have another friend who will play which makes 7...one spot left, heh

    what would everyone prefer? a closed, passworded game, or an IP game?
  • NorgeNorge Sidney, Ohio
    edited October 2003
    Doesn't really matter to me. If we do an IP game just make sure whoever host has the beefiest PC. I'm up for anything. I'll make a new character if we go open/IP or I have 3 accounts full of characters on US East is we go closed.

  • panzerkwpanzerkw New York City
    edited October 2003
    Unless you want strangers popping in, some sort of passworded game would be best.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Deffinately not US West or Asia as West is too laggy and Asia is just a figment of peoples imagination. It doesn't exist, never has, and never will, they just try to make you think it exists.

  • JLunarJLunar the t dot.
    edited October 2003
    either is fine for me. what version are we playing? no patches? or do y'all want 1.10 so we're prepped when it gets unleashed? (or is that only realm play)

    I vote for a closed, passworded game.

    I think we can start with seven, yes?

    and dang. gotta find my disks and install!! it's been a while.
  • NorgeNorge Sidney, Ohio
    edited October 2003
    I wouldn't mind using the 1.10 beta patch. I've been having fun testing out different character combination with it and wouldn't mind giving another a shot. So far it seems that Necro skeletons have a huge boost so I can raise us an army of undead moron... errr... minions. Just remember though that if we use the beta 1.10 patch IP is our only choice as that is the only form of multiplayer available.

  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    JL: You can delete your own posts.

    Norge: That would suck as overseas to someone hosting 8 players would lag like GTA on a 14.4,

  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    I agree with Nightshade..IP games are bad for lag...

    I think I closed, 1.09, on...what realm? US East or Europe? I say europe myself...
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited October 2003
    uswest 4 life.
  • JLunarJLunar the t dot.
    edited October 2003
    East, west, europe. Don't matter to me. I'll be starting over again.

  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    West has the worst ping and lag out of all the servers so if you use that then count me out.

  • Rot-KatzeRot-Katze Pensacola, Florida
    edited October 2003
    Yeah West is horrid for me as well.
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