SM Editorial: Straight Shooting on the Console Wars
Read Thrax's Straight Shooting on the Next-Gen Console Wars, just published on Short-Media's front page.
The market we have all benefited from since then has been one of heated arguments, razor-thin profit margins, FUD, nonsense, pontificating CEOs, and forum posts that could only be defined as barbaric disrespect for the English language.
Please leave your feedback and thanks for visiting us. Short-Media's content is created by both its staff and members. If you're interested in contributing to the site, please read how you can get published.I am not here to quibble with graphical superiority, the perception of game maturity, or any other subjective facet of console arguments that plague any and all forums that post on or have a section dedicated to platform gaming. While those variables are all well and good, they play a second fiddle to the ability to even purchase the console in question, in addition to what organ must be black-marketed to afford it.
As far as the other two go, I'm more likely to buy a Wii than a 360. I don't see a "killer app" for the 360 that doesn't have a PC equivalent in terms of gameplay. I need a console for RPGs and fighting games, but not for FPS games.
Time will certainly tell to see how close to the mark your predictions are...
Additionally, to address Prime's point, while Nintendo-JAP and Nintendo-USA both use the same brand name, they might as well be independent companies. They both appeal to separate markets, and generate enough revenue to sustain themselves separately, even though there is intra-company cooperation across borders.
I had another thought as to why the 360 is likely to win, in the states at least. This may be a misconception, but an impression that I get of americans is that they like to 'buy american'. I think this might have an impact on sales west of the atlantic. Similarly, I think the Japanese would probably be less likely to buy a foreign console when there are homegrown alternatives.
Not sure if this is relevant cultural insight or ill-eduucated cultural stereotyping, but that's my tuppence worth.
In my opinion, the PS3 is just too expensive for me to ever consider purchasing, and the Wii has the same problem I've always complained about with Nintendo since the end of the N64--their games are not built for adults, or at the very least not for me. I probably wouldn't go out and buy an XBox 360 either any time soon though.
Microsoft should really focus first on edging out Sony and Nintendo in the American markets before they try in Japan though.
Fair enough, second category then. You've all got guns and drive caddies though, right?
Buy American? If they are the same quality and close to the same price as foreign, I'll purchase domestic goods. I'd gladly pay a little more for a Honda or Toyota over Ford or Chevrolet, the latter of which I currently own. American/Canadian cars and trucks are much, much better quality then they were ten or twenty years ago, but the Japanese haven't stood still. As for electronics, scarcely anyone makes finished electronics goods such as computers, stereos, and gadgets outside of Taiwan and the PRC. There are some HP and Dell assembly facilities in the US and I think, Ireland, but not very many. The components, for the most part are made in China and Taiwan.
XBox 360? It may have a US (Microsoft) name, but I really doubt it's made in the US. (correct me if I'm wrong)
EDIT: BTW, Honda, Toyota, and Nissan have plants in the US (and so does Mercedes/Daimler-Benz, BMW, and a couple others).
In my case, I own guns and drive a 30+MPG Ford Escort. For the record, I haven't killed anyone with my guns.
Reassuring to hear that, GHoosdum. Wish I could say the same for me and my Claymore. The screams still haunt me to this day. Then again, there can be only one........
Well that's just downright unamerican. Get out!
November sales numbers:
"While it was expected that the almost impossible to find PS3 would come in last in terms of sales last month, the numbers for the Wii were very good coming in a close second to the Xbox 360."
Right down the market volume lines, as I called it.