
DogDragonDogDragon Jacksonville, Fl Icrontian
edited June 2006 in Folding@Home
OK I have a question for you all I just found out my wife have cancer.
She was keeping it to herself,But now she has to go for surgery so she told me. It's in the thyroid on the right side.
She seen the surgeon and he said he may have to take out the whole thing.
It looked like it spread into the left side.They will do a biopsy while she's
on the table and if need to remove the whole thyroid they will.
Now my question is after this is done is it over??
I mean I know she will need meds to take, but I heard alot of shi*
about it. Cancer spreads like fire when they try to cut it out.
So is that true?
We are taking care of this as fast as we can she goes to surgery on thursday
and she thinks she will be out on friday.
Is that right it's just in and out like that?
She has asthma will that compicate this or get worst?
Ok that the question
I figure we're folding for a cure,SM could give help as advice or where to go
to find some since some members had to deal with cancer.


  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited June 2006
    Very sorry to hear that DogDragon. I don't know a lot about it but I do know more people survive cancer than don't these days, the treatment improves all the time. The people treating your wife are experts and know what they're doing. Have faith in them, I'm sure they will only do something if it's in her best interest. I wish I could say something to make it all ok but I can't. It will be a difficult time but have faith in the doctors and look after her and yourself. I'll say one for you.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    It's almost pot luck. Sometimes it's spread, sometimes it hasn't. My nan had breast cancer and they removed that and she's been fine since (15 years or so ago now) so it's just to go along with the proceedure and hope for the best.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    DodDragon Cancer is a very hard issue to deal with as sometimes it is easy to remove and other times it is very hard. I can't imagine what you guys are going thru, but I will pray for your wife that all goes well and that the doctors will have the knowledge to take care of this issue in the first go at it, and for you that you will be blessed with patience and the strength your wife will need you to have during this ordeal.
  • DogDragonDogDragon Jacksonville, Fl Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    Thank-You for your prays
    But what gone to happen nexts I mean after they take out the it's done. Right?
    or do they have to test to see or wait to see if they got it all?
    I have no clue what to expect.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    They will do more tests to make sure they got it all and hopefully it never comes back, but there is always a chance it could come back.
  • digitaltreedigitaltree Suffern, NY
    edited June 2006
    DogDragon, my uncle and grandma have both had cancer and survived. For my uncle he had to go through surgery and my grandma went through chemo. No matter what the solution to the cancer is, it's difficult, but the docters who make that decision really know what they're doing. Both my uncle and grandma had quite a few check-ups following their treatments, but it's all to be sure that the cancer has infact been taken care of. I'll be sure to keep you and your wife in my prayers, as well, and wish you the strength and determination to stand with your wife through everything.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited June 2006
    Really sorry to hear the news DogDragon. Like bothered said, have faith in the doctors--ask lots of questions, and make sure that they explain themselves well.

    All the best to you and your family. I wish her a speedy recovery!
  • DogDragonDogDragon Jacksonville, Fl Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    I just can't do anything or control what is gone to happen.
    Guess that's driving a little nuts.
    I mean I'm a mason and do punch-out work.
    What that is I go and fix other masons f**k-up and Its done and when I get sick I take meds and it's done.
    With this it looks like it will not be done and that driving me nuts
    you know what I mean
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    Be strong. I'll pray for your wife.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    If my memory serves me... Thyroid Cancer is VERY treatable. I believe the prospects are good for this type. The thyroid is easy to get to and there are medications that can help the body deal with the lack of a full thyroid. She will, no doubt, be on some mix of chemo and possibly radiation. It will suck but Cancer is not the death sentence it once was... she'll be fine.

    I will pray for a successful surgery and a full recovery.

    {EDIT} Found this link.... HERE :thumbsup:
  • DogDragonDogDragon Jacksonville, Fl Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    You know I was thinking shi* what am I gone to do
    and I went to work on thursday and the owner of our company said he wants me and Mike,Vic,Matt to go to Ga.
    We said find and went
    Now we get there and find out it's a vets house we bricking and he was over in Iraq and had a mortal shell go off and kill the 4 guys he was with and he was the only one that lived.
    But he can't walk,talk,move his arms nothing, I don't know how his wife is able to have the outlook she has.
    But she loves him and taking care of him.
    But here's the thing we bricked it for free the owner of the my company gave them the materails and we gave our time.
    It's getting on the news here on ch.47,ch 12 and ch 4
    People from Washington coming on Saturday
    This whole thing is called the "Blackmon Project"
    the person you want to contact about it is Carlos G. Jones
    He gave me these no#
    home 912-576-4320
    cell 912-674-3707
    If you want to send a check send like this payable to the Blackmon Project
    Blackmon Project Att: Carlos G. Jones
    Camden Co. High School
    6300 Laurel fs Pkwy (it's look that way but you have the no#)
    Kingland Ga. 31548

    But the reason I'm saying all this is it made me think and well Bonnie is fine the surgery went find and she'll be home tomorrow.
    So I don't have it that bad.
    But the Blackmons
    My prays go with them
    All I did was give a little time and you know it felt good.
    I'm ex Navy so to me I was helping a Brother.
    I will also be there Saturday when they give the house to the Blackmons
    Another thing they had 7th graders there helping us and I was impress by them it was 96 out and they stay with us helping and sweating.
    You don't find that kind of kids too often and there was a couple teachers there too and we worked but had a good time doing it.
    Yes the house is done
    I'm glad I was apart of it.
    It just shows ya if you think you have it bad God will show you
    you don't
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    DogDragon, that is quite an inspiring story. It always helps to keep things in perspective, something which I am in need of myself right now.

    You have made my day.

    I'll be praying for your wife, and for you, too. :)
  • DogDragonDogDragon Jacksonville, Fl Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    Thank-You profdlp
    and Thank-you all for your comments
    while you are praying don't forgot the Blackmons
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    DogDragon wrote:
    ...while you are praying don't forgot the Blackmons
    Indeed. :)
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited June 2006
    DogDragon wrote:
    All I did was give a little time and you know it felt good.
    It's strange how things work out but the above quote is something I've seen a lot. If you're down, do something for somebody else, it'll fix ya.
    So glad it's all working out.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    Thanks for the good news and the story!
  • edited June 2006
    Sorry to hear that DogDragon. She will be in our prayers, that being the most important thing we can do. I've seen the Lord do great things. Our Pastor had melanoma (cancer) behind the eye! He had cobalt treatments and 21 years later is doing well. Stronger than many young men at 70! He did'nt lose his vision.
    Also, I feel you should always get a second opinion elswhere. He met with three different doctors that had very different points of view on how to deal with it. He ended up with the one he has much confidence in.
    Remember, God today is the same God of the Bible days and he always hears us. I will be praying.
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