Help In Restoring XP Pro To XP Home Edition
I was wondering if I could restore XP Professional back to XP Home Edition. I wanna do this because upon installing XP Pro, I think I did something wrong (a fresh or clean install, beats me) and now I have no programs whatsoever, ej. Microsoft Works or any other programs that come with a PC. So I'm left wondering if I can fix this or if I would have to reinstall XP Home Edition? The thing is that I don't have a CD for XP Home Edition, as it came pre-installed on the machine, and the XP Pro that was installed initially, err.. um.. was from a legit copy Although I do have the key for the XP Home Edition. Any help? Suggestions? Ideas? (Other than advising not to install "non-legit" software, I learned my lesson here, thanks!) Any help is always appreciated!
Your options at that point would be to either try to get a replacement set of discs from eMachines or buy a legit copy of Windows. You'd need to buy Works or another office suite, too, or go with something like Software for Starving Students.
Open office is really nice, I have it on a few friends computers that can not afford office, and a side from a few UI differences, they like it. I use office mainly for access and because I got it at the student prices which turned out to be less than $50.:tongue2: