Unable to download Shockwave player
I would like to download the Shockwave player at www.adobe.com/shockwave/download but cannot:sad2: ; "Unable to connect" and "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at fpdownload.macromedia.com." page appears when I click "Download Now" button on the web page above.
I would deeply appreciate if anyone would help me on this issue.
Thank you for your time and assistance!
I would deeply appreciate if anyone would help me on this issue.
Thank you for your time and assistance!
This discussion has been closed.
I tried to download the player through IE, but could not ; "Click to run an ActiveX control on this webpage" window appears when I click "Install Now" button at the web page.
Would you please tell me which Internet option I should enable/disable to download the player?
Thank you very much!
It downloads fine through my IE 6 with all the default security settings. Just go to Tools> Internet Options..., then click the Security tab and choose "Default Level" for each of the four security groups. It downloads fine through IE with that.
I have the feeling you have something else going on there though.
I could download the player for IE by the method you mentioned above! And, about two weeks later I coulld download the player for firefox too!
As Leo mentioned above, it seems the shockwave site had temporary offline or dysfunctionality for three weeks.
Thank you Leornardo and mtrox for your time and assisstance!!!