I came across this article whilst Stumbling the other day. Might be old news to some but it's quite interesting reading, I thought it might be of interest to some of the short-media punters, too.
I remember reading this, and also another article on it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they didn't have a chip, per say. I thought it was a single transistor that they managed to get working at these speeds. I imagine it's still just a shimmer on the horizon of imagination for chips at these speeds. Still, it shows just how far we could possibly push silicon at one point.
I'm not sure - it's referred to as a chip in the article. Then again, the article may be innaccurate. In either case the object of the research appears to be exactly what you said - to test the limits of silicon.
I wonder when we can expect to see an Athlon +1000000 hit the shelves, though.
I wonder when we can expect to see an Athlon +1000000 hit the shelves, though.
Actually, entropy was right - i think it is only a transistor. There's a bit more about it on the Georgia Institute of Technology website: