What Is Wrong With My Computer!!

airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
edited July 2006 in Folding@Home
Okay, does it strike anybody as odd that it tooke almost 1.5 days to fold one work unit, i mean, maybe this is the norm, but it seems horrible to me. I am attaching the log at the bottom if you want to work, but it looks like my system is crawing like a slug, EMIII said the workunit I was on now would tak 65 MORE HOURS!

I am folding at 100% as the service.:bawling:


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    I don't think there's anything wrong with your computer. Some work units just take longer than others. One thing that is slowing you down a little bit is the 15 minute automatic checkpoint setting. The checkpoint merely saves your work as the work unit progresses. Open the client.cfg file (opens with Word Pad) and change "checkpoint=15" to "checkpoint=30."

    Often a better gauge of performance than time per frame is points per day. Recommend you download and install Electron Microscope. Ensure you install the Calculator add-on.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    That's pretty common for some WUs.
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited July 2006
    1815- worth 153 pts. preferred deadline is 30 days, final deadline is 44 days.

    Your doing just fine.
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    hmm, okay, seemed a little slow to me. I am going to switch over to 30 minute intervals and see if I can improve the times a little bit, I am already feeling the folding disease, suddenly, I have a stronger urge to oc my computer; and to buy a faster one. To bad F@H cant utilize the GPU, cause my 6800GT would help out a little, especially sicne I have it oc'd nicely.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    Ocing does help ...as long as the OC is stable. If unstable you will lose wu's ...however the client will turn in what you've done for some points but that doesn't help the project any.

    Take your time on the oc ...with f@h raw cpu power is everything. Lots of ram helps.

    What are your specs?
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    A64 2800 on S754 (I know, crappy)
    1 GB OCZ Platinum EL Revision 2; 2-2-2-5 DDR400
    6800GT oc'd a la andy spec.

    I had the processor oc'd to 2.3 or so once, and it was stable and all, but the gains I got from it were minimal, and I didnt think it was worth it, this processor isnt very overclockable, I wish it was though. I am doubtfull of any gains from a crappy processor. it really isnt that good, and not being able to use dual channel memory. sucks.

    Hey, I have a question though, I am using F@H, but if I persuaded some friends to let me put it on their computer, how could I monitor their clients on my computer, that is the purpose of EMIII isnt it?
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    No, you wouldn't be able to monitor remotewith EMIII, unless they were on your wireless LAN on wired home network. EMIII can be used to monitor from one to several computers. It's a convenience monitor, that's all. It compiles a lot of data, analyzes it into useful statistics, and displays it all in one window. You can also calculate production with it and view the client log files.

    Well, I suppose you could monitor clients not on your network if you had Go To My PC or some other remote monitoring software installed. Don't know if your friends would appreciate that! :zombie:
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited July 2006
    It can really suck if you overload it anyway. I used to monitor 25 rigs with it over an 80211b wireless and it took forever to load. Not the programs fault at all though really but it was a hassle some times.
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