Mac U. Is There For You
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
A man in Illinois has formed a nonprofit group to help new Mac users make the switch from Windows-based PCs.
Besides, if Macs are so easy to use, why would anyone need group therapy to help them learn? Not to mention day-long "boot camps" to figure out how to make a movie.
Source: ECT News Network
If you are too stupid to figure out the on/off switch you might be better off parking your dumb butt on the couch and watching TV instead of trying to learn any computer system."You could consider our group as a Macintosh University," said Barry Crawshaw, a director and Web master. "We have the novice to the most-experienced user. We have high school students all the way up to senior citizens. Our group has some people just figuring out the on/off switch."
Besides, if Macs are so easy to use, why would anyone need group therapy to help them learn? Not to mention day-long "boot camps" to figure out how to make a movie.
Source: ECT News Network
My mom still cannot figure out how to add an email account to Outlook Express, and she's on her fifth computer...
If Windows and it's software is so great, why does John Scherer (CEO and Founder of Video Professor TM), have a job?
My favorite people are the Mac folks, generally speaking if they have a problem it's on our end, unless they are being dumb. But I love it when they call in immediately telling me, "I have a MAC... it works EVERYWHERE ELSE BUT HERE!".... it's great when it's becuase the cable is unplugged.
As far as morons (let's just use the term computer inept), I have been amazed at the number of people who've used computers for year and didn't know that you could put files anywhere other than the desktop....or, very, very daring, in "My Documents."
My mom and dad are a living, breathing example of that, my dad didnt know that you could make folders, and my mom thinks that if you put links/folders on the desktop that it will slow the computer to a halt. I tell her that she know enough to be dangerous, which in the computer world, isnt much. ALthough, I let her go on in her glory of thinking she know all and sees all.
See kids this is why we don't do drugs. They make it so you can't find the on/off switch to a computer.
Your Fired
/me sells
[News Anchor Voice]
This just in,
It appears, that Steve, aka profdlp, has been sold to Donald Trump through some lucrative deal.:Pwned:
I hope he doesn't make me rinse out his toupee for him every night...
Which one?