Upgrade Reasoning...
I hear talk of upcoming processors, and how bad ass they are. But honestly, do we need them? By that I don't mean they should just stop making new processors, but in terms of upgrading with what you have. Unless you have a 2GHz P4, why upgrade?
Take my system for example, it's a A64 X2 3800+. I can overclock it 600MHz+ and not notice a difference in speed with the 6600GT I have. Granted, that tells me that my gaming is limited by the graphics card, but it still plays most games reasonably well with 2GB of normal PC3200 DDR.
So other than a video card upgrade in October(marking 1 year of no upgrades), I see no reason to upgrade to a AM2 system. Now if it were a A64 3000+, possibly, but even then it seems a bit iffy to me.
I can only see myself upgrading the CPU in maybe 3 years, possibly even 2 if enough has changed. That would make the CPU 3 to 4 years old at that point. My motherboard in 1 to 2 years, making that 2 to 3 years old, and my memory as well. I'd like to stay on the top of the line but that would mean 4x4 CPU, Quad SLI, and too much money :P
Take my system for example, it's a A64 X2 3800+. I can overclock it 600MHz+ and not notice a difference in speed with the 6600GT I have. Granted, that tells me that my gaming is limited by the graphics card, but it still plays most games reasonably well with 2GB of normal PC3200 DDR.
So other than a video card upgrade in October(marking 1 year of no upgrades), I see no reason to upgrade to a AM2 system. Now if it were a A64 3000+, possibly, but even then it seems a bit iffy to me.
I can only see myself upgrading the CPU in maybe 3 years, possibly even 2 if enough has changed. That would make the CPU 3 to 4 years old at that point. My motherboard in 1 to 2 years, making that 2 to 3 years old, and my memory as well. I'd like to stay on the top of the line but that would mean 4x4 CPU, Quad SLI, and too much money :P
My reasoning, more efficient f lding
Right now, my slowest rig is being used for my main rig. (2400xpm) Of course salesmen will convince Joe Six-pack he NEEDS a gazillion gigahurtz to surf the internet-faster.
Yeh, I have a great-uncle that used to code. He said back in those days, your code HAD to be efficient, not only for processor time, but also hd space. He says that programmers today are lazy and not very careful. Sure, it takes longer, but you are left with a snappier program.