How do you make an image of your operating system?
Ok, say I do a system recovery, and after installing all my programs, updates, etc. I want to be able to make an image or boot disk of everything in working order, so that in the case of another virus hitting my system, I can just perform the system recovery and have an image/boot disk so that it will restore all my programs, etc. from the disk without having to reinstall everything all over. Is this possible? If so, I'd apprieciate any info. on how or what tools are needed?
Is your goal to make a complete drive image? Backing up your data? Or do you need a LiveCD to run from the CD ROM?
EDIT: Here's the Norton Ghost download page. It may very well be that Acronis $99 price is worth the $30 premium over Ghost's. I would try to get the opinion of someone who has used both programs.