Diskless Linux computer
I had enough extra parts to build a folding Linux box but I was missing a harddisk. Yesterday, I assembled the computer and configured to boot with a 128MB USB flash disk and mount /usr, /opt, and /home from my other Linux computer over NFS. It took sometime to figure out but I am very much satisfied with the final configuration. I do not even feel that /usr /opt /home are accessed over the network. It is now running FAH 24/7. Adding a new folding box from now on will be copying the flash disk and editing several files in /etc, no extra harddisks. Are there anyone who has also done something similar? We could exchange some ideas to improve our configurations.
see if general keebler can send it to u
This diskless concept is very interesting. (Rats, I'm too lazy to learn Linux...so far.)
You are using the Ethernet boot ROM and configured a TFTP server on the file server, right? I though about it but I did not do due to two main reasons. First, I wanted to boot at least into a state where root can logon without the network connection. Second, I wanted the make the /tmp and /var directories local. I thought local temporary files would improve the computer's performance. What do you think?
Can you elaborate a little bit? what kind of methods? Is it appearing soon? I would like to see it.
There are two main advantages. First, whichever compuer you login, home directory is the same, no need to synchronize files. Second, when upgrade/install software they are available on every diskless computer instantly, this makes software maintenance easier. Not counting less noise, electric consumption, and harddisk cost. Disadvantage is dependence on network bandwidth. But as I said, I am surprised with the performance, program startup delays are minimal using a simple 100Mbit switch.