Nigeria Orders One Million OLPC Laptops
Nigeria has placed an order for one million of the "One Laptop Per Child" project's $100 laptops, which currently (ironically?) cost about $140 each. This order brings the OLPC project 1/5 of the way to being production-ready.
Source: The Inquirer
This also means one million orders for cheap AMD processors...Both Intel and Microsoft have said they think its crap. It's probably pretty good then. They've got their own version which - true to form - costs about three times the price.
Source: The Inquirer
Hopefully these won't be used for spam.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Here's the Register's reporting. Five to ten million paid orders are needed before the laptops can go into production. I'd love to see this project succeed. I just wonder though, what percentage of these computers will actually end up in the hands of children, as is supposedly the intent? But then, it could be a great achievement and benefit regardless.