Vijay Pande: "...the best is yet to come!"
Wake up and smell the glaciersEagle River, Alaska Icrontian
A message Vijay Pande:
For those of you who don't know, Dr. Pande, Stanford University directs the "Pande Group" the scientists and programmers who run the Folding@Home project. He is also the founder of Folding. His message I posted here was a PM reply he sent to me that I thought I'd share with my Team 93 teammates. I had PMed him at the Folding@Home Support Forum.
So if you think Folding has become a little less exciting than before....just wait!
We've got some really exciting new projects and new results that will be announced in the Fall -- the best is yet to come!
For those of you who don't know, Dr. Pande, Stanford University directs the "Pande Group" the scientists and programmers who run the Folding@Home project. He is also the founder of Folding. His message I posted here was a PM reply he sent to me that I thought I'd share with my Team 93 teammates. I had PMed him at the Folding@Home Support Forum.
So if you think Folding has become a little less exciting than before....just wait!
Though I must admit, the news is causing me to speculate a little. Timeless Gromacs? They were supposed to be released, but I haven't seen them yet. The return of the QMD (QMD 2)? I also thought I read about the possibility of some WUs that were absolutly HUGE compared to anything that has been done so far (a month or better to complete on a fast machine.)