UK vs US Unreal Tournament
Following much rumblings amongst the fraternity here It has been decided that we should consider an contest, a tournament.
The original Unreal Tournament remains one of the most influential first person shooters around. It's fast and its furious.
So Im proposing to organise a tournament... UK vs US.
A simple shakedown.. with some fun
1) 1 vs 1 = A table of players.. fighting one on one .. UK vs US.. down to a final.. to determine who is the best.
2) Team deathmatch and team Capture the flag.. UK vs US.. fighting to the death and then fighting for the flags.
3) An open free for all deathmatch set of rounds.. who is the fragmaster??!
and last..
4) A single match of last man standing. To determine who is the UT kings.. and where they live.
Sign up here.. and we can make plans
The original Unreal Tournament remains one of the most influential first person shooters around. It's fast and its furious.
So Im proposing to organise a tournament... UK vs US.
A simple shakedown.. with some fun
1) 1 vs 1 = A table of players.. fighting one on one .. UK vs US.. down to a final.. to determine who is the best.
2) Team deathmatch and team Capture the flag.. UK vs US.. fighting to the death and then fighting for the flags.
3) An open free for all deathmatch set of rounds.. who is the fragmaster??!
and last..
4) A single match of last man standing. To determine who is the UT kings.. and where they live.
Sign up here.. and we can make plans
We shall see... and so shall you..
Don't mistake size = performance. I think you may well be surprised
Prepare to experience the american revolution for a second time, my limey friends.
But we let you win that one, We don't want anywhere that treats Tea like that, Shameful just shameful.
Count me in Shorty, The colonists need to relearn their place!
But feel free to use those tactics in the game.. We'll be sure to do the same
Trin >>> <<<< shorty
/me jumps up and waves his can opener in the direction of The United States of slow reflexes and bad co-ordination.
Kanez, we will destroy them.. You are an american, just listening to your radio show, there's no doubt about that.
Sheesh.. it's not like you are gonna win! You know the Brits will kick your arse so hard. I don't understand the thought processes you are having
Spinner.. rofl .. that pic is so saved...omfg yes! hahahahaha and so friggin true!
omgwtf... you pansy brits are SOO gonna get it
Oh no! My knees have started knocking. Mummy, mummy, That nasty man is being mean to me,
Speaking of languages, let me give you a lesson in Latin.
Etymology: Late Latin, city of the dead, from Greek nekropolis, from nekr- + -polis -polis
This is what it’s going to be like when we totally annihilate your asses
Etymology: Late Scouse, Bringer of death, creater of an american UT necropolis
Btw, how are servers gonna be handled? Will we set a ship up in the Atlantic dead center between Wales and New York City so both sides are kind of even in connection terms?
Also, Souriat, do you have a bigger (read: clearer) pic of your avatar? I know someone who'd love it!
Kanez: if you do good in this tournament, you will officially become a US citizen, you know that, right?
Now don't start threatening us, When we win that'll be the end of it,
A list of maps would be useful, I only really play CTF so I am unfamiliar with some of the others. Maybe 'contestants' could agree the maps to play on?
Rule Britannia, we stand Short, and fight like brave men!
Speak for yourself mate I'm 6'3"
Sorry, I meant: Rule Britannia, we stand [with] Shorty, and fight like brave men!