Is the ATI brand dead?
The Inquirer reports that AMD is killing the ATI branding on all upcoming products, replacing it with AMD branding - including those products that support Intel.
Source: The Inquirer
I'm surprised that the article supposes that the Radeon brand is going away. I don't see "AMD Radeon" as being any more of a stretch than Sempr0n...The death of the ATI brand will pretty much start immediately, so you can expect that the fall line-up of chipsets and graphic processors will bear AMD branding. It will be certainly interesting to see that actually the best chipset for Conroe, or Core 2 Duo is actually coming from - AMD.
Source: The Inquirer
I just hope that AMD is careful not to squander what ATI has worked so hard to build. It'll be bad for us consumers if nVidia is the only big player in the graphics market.
I heard the intel already pulled the licensing from amd/ati for future chipsets, but not sure if that is true or not.
I'll have to see that to believe it. I've yet to see a 2nd party chipset for an Intel CPU that does as good as an Intel chipset let alone better. Intel has long been capable of producing very solid, fast chipsets for their product line. In fact I've often wished they'd make chipsets for AMD's so that I could get a solid chipset for them.
Sadly guys wanting SLI support will have to go with either the nForce 5 for Conroe or the Intel chipset since nV has decided to write SLI support for the big blue chipsets in the near future.