tbird 1.2ghz questions

WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
edited August 2006 in Folding@Home
i posted this in the oc forum but i think its appropiate here too
should i try to OC my kr7a-raid with a 1900+
try to OC my 1.2ghz tbird with a kt7a-raid
do either of these two utilize sse or is there no chance
also which type of gromacs would fold on these the best


  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited August 2006
    In my opinion, try both, see which gets you the furthest. Ghz. still rules when it comes to folding. I just went through something similar with 2 pr. of Opterons, 1 set wouldn't clock worth beans and got put into a non-ocing board, other set cranked up 600mhz. Now both sets are running close to same speeds.

    I think they do use SSE. I'm not positive though. It's been over a year since I got rid of mine.
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    well i foudn out that the tbird DO NOT upport SSE... so between that and that the 1900+ starts at 1.67ghz and the most i could possibly OC the 1.2ghz tbird is to 1662.5 (12.5 multiplier MAX and 133 FSB max) the max i would get out of the tbird is the min i would get from the 1900+ i already looked up ways to unlock them and its not overly hard..just some crazy glue/tape/window defogger kit..all of which i have on hand... so you might be seeing some extra folding power coming from urs truly... GO TEAM 93!!!
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited August 2006
    Sorry, I thought they did have sse. (shoot me for not looking it up):tongue:

    Upon re-reading your post, I guess I shouldn't have typed anything. That does it, no computer before the 2nd cup of coffee.:vimp:

    For what it's worth, I do like seeing the extra horsepower added to the cause!
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    Back "in the day" I used both KT7 series boards and a couple KT7 series. For stability - read chipset superiority, the KR7 is considerably better than the KT7. If you are interested in overclocking the 1.2 TB, it's a no-brainer. Go with the KR7. I wouldn't expect more than 250-300MHz OC.
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    welp.. i think i fried out my kt7a-raid i dunno how i did it..all i did was take off the hsf and unlocked it..put it back in..whilst i was doing this i used some articclean cleaner cuz a while ago i put some creamique on the southbridge cuz there used to be a HS therw...so i removed it and now...when i press the power button NOTHING happens..and the power button is in the right place....would this mean that there is a SEVERE mobo problem? should i give it a few days and try again? could there possibly be one short circuit THAT bad that none of the fans or anythinglike that turns on when i throw on the power button
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    Dead CPUs do that.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    Whoa man, slow down! That last post was pretty hard to digest. Let me see if I understand you:

    - you removed the CPU's heatsink
    - you removed CPU from the socket and unlocked the multiplier (pencil trick or conductive ink?)
    - you removed the southbridge heatsink? and did something?
    - you cleaned something with arcticcleaner (whatever that is)
    - did you reapply a thermal interface to the CPU before remounting the heatsink

    I'm not demeaning you. I just did not quite understand your post.

    The symptoms sound almost like a normal day in the life of a KT7 series motherboard! (well, almost)

    OK, seriously, there are several things that could have caused the problem you describe.

    improper/imprecise CPU unlocking
    stray thermal paste on circuit traces or in CPU socket pinholes
    crushed (even minor) CPU core

    EDIT: I reread your thread opening post. Concerning the 1900+, I wouldn't expect any significant OC out of that CPU. I don't recall any of them having much headroom.
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    yea i reapplied the thermal paste...using OCZ silver 5
    there WAS a southbridge HSF but it fell off a while ago and there was some left over creamique there so i used this thermal surface cleaner made by artic silver
    but it seems that in either case i should try to utilize the 1900+ cuz itll have sse enabled...correct? i mean i can at most get around 400mhz out of it...which is the exact amount that the 1900+ STARTS AT so im sure i can give it at least a 100mhz or so OCing and with the sse...im thinknig about the 1900+..any objections..like would the tbird at 1.6ghz have like pure power or sumthing lol
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    You may have somehow damaged the CPU. As Thrax mentioned, a dead CPU will make the symptoms you are reporting.

    Have you reset the CMOS jumper? Removed the CMOS battery? I don't remember - does the KT7A-R have a motherboard power LED? Does it light?
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    thrax and leo were CORRECTO!!!!! i thought i fried the mobo..but as it turns out i must have put too much OCZ silver 5 on it and caused a short...point being you guys have as always and probably always will KICK BUTTOCKS (i used the articleaner on the whole cpu cuz there was a lot of creamique there..i never really thought about it cuz it was there before...it kinda looked like a whole bunch of white paint splatterred across the cpu) but i cleaned it, including the bridges and now its all good to go..time to redo the bridges and see whats up with the OC..
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    after a good amount of work, i finally got FAH to run on Linux with my user name/team 93... i couldnt OC it at all..didnt have the time for that
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    I still have 3 KT7As running, but I haven't touched any of them in almost a year. I don't look at them since anything might upset tehm.
    The only comment that I was going ot make is that there are some compatability issues with the "+" PCUs. I have had to swap a few around to get everybody happy. Some (2000+ or 2100+?) simply will not run in these mobo.
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    thats the beauty of a abit jr7a-raid
    btw i see you have one at 1.6ghz can you give me ur vcore stats etc for ocing... its such a process in these older machines
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