EMIII not working.

PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
edited August 2006 in Folding@Home
Ok i'm sure by now you guys might be thinking I'm crazy but that's ok because I am. I've tried removing and unzipping the EM111 files with the updates and everything but it doesn't work. I'm not sure if it's me(which it probably is) or the EM111. can someone give me a hand? I promise after this I won't bother you guys. (much) lol I appreciate the help and quick replies that I've gotten from all of you. :vimp:


  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited August 2006
    Do you get the little microscope in the lower right corner?
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    well i'm i'm really flustered. I've tried repeatedly to get the EM111 working but it refuses to. my task manager says it's running but nothing will show up on my screen or in the task bar. HELP ME:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited August 2006
    I don't remember the actual work-around for your problem so..
    End task, delete everything and start over. When you set it up Don't check "Run em3 in stealth mode".

    Make sure you get rid of all EM3 files before you re-install. I usually leave mine in the Unzipped file, and put a shortcut on the desktop until I get it configured.

    I'm sure there is an easier way, I just happen to know this one.
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    well I tried deleting all the files and reinstalling the EM111 but to no avail. it runs in my task manager but not on my desktop. :aol: I think I'm going to give up on the EM111 for now.
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    Ok I have been working on the EM111 for the past 2 days trying to get it to work properly. It is running in my task manager but I can't see it anywhere. I've deleted every file associated with the EM and D/Led it several times but with the same results. I could really use some help with this situation. I appreciate anyones time and patience with this matter.:respect:
  • Park_7677Park_7677 Missouri Member
    edited August 2006
    Try this suggestion I found on Google:
    Yep, other way is:

    make a copy of any program in the EM folder.
    name the copy show.me

    within 30 seconds EM should appear.

    make sure you go to the options menu and clear the stealth mode check box.
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    Well I tried that and still nothing. I guess I'll just have to do w/out an EM. :banghead: :bawling:
  • Park_7677Park_7677 Missouri Member
    edited August 2006
    One more suggestion:

    Start > Run > regedit (press enter)

    Navigate to:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\EM3\Settings]

    Change "StealthMode" to "0". Kill EMIII in the TaskManager and restart it.
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    awesome Park that worked. thank you very much. now i feel 100% complete and ready to become a folding maniac
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    ok it's working but still looks weird like it did when i first had it working earlier this week. here's an attatchment of what it looks like.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited August 2006
    You haven't done anything wrong. It actually looks like EMIII is working correctly. The reason that the EMIII window is rendering so strange is probably due to a low screen resolution on your monitor. What is your monitor's resolution set to? 1024X768? Lower? The EMIII window does not scale well to lower screen resolutions.
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    it's at 1280 x 1024. i set it to the max but it's still showing the same way.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited August 2006
    Just for troubleshooting purposes, click the white icon that looks like a little piece of paper and set the View Change to something other than "(1) Client View". If it's not already on "(1) Client View", set it to that. Experiment and see if any of them make for a change.

    You might try changing the skin, too, just to see if that makes a difference. :)
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    Bingo. Thanx Prof that did it. :celebrate I knew there was a reason I liked this site more than any other I've been to. You guys and gals know what you're doing. :respect:
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    Here's a pic of my EM. it looks ok but the time remaining area is screwy. everything else is good though. any idea how to fix that?
  • Park_7677Park_7677 Missouri Member
    edited August 2006
    You fonts look a little large to me. Are you using a larger font-size in your current theme? Or perhaps using 120 DPI (instead of the default 96 DPI)?
  • PsycoKillrPsycoKillr Mason City, Iowa
    edited August 2006
    well i changed the DPI to 96 and it works. now i just have to get used to the super small font. lol :D
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