Electron Microscope III v2.4.0 (Update)
Double click tray icon
More Language Support
Skins listed in alphabetical order
Gromacs Time per Frame issue fixed
If you double click the EM tray icon, EM will hide or show itself depending on what state it is in when you double click the icon. If visible, it hides, if hidden, it becomes visible.
All windows in EM have been updated to support the current language file. When you switch to any languge but English, an asterisk (*) will appear in front of the words that need to be translated. If you want to translate those words and phrases, please feel free to do so. Then send me the modified language file so I can update it for everyone. I'm still looking for a full translation for Spanish and Russian. I would also be happy to add any other language you the user wants. Just translate the file to your language and send it to me in an email. I will then add the new language to the main distributed file. Most of the work needs to be done on page 6 of the options menu, the queue.dat file display menu, and the protein image right-click menu. Just look for the asterisk.
The skins listed in the skin menu are now in alphabetical order.
When EM monitored a Gromacs work unit and it finished, when the client downloaded the next work unit and it happened to be another Gromacs work unit, there tended to be a glitch in the way EM calculated the first frame. It would usually go very fast, then give an error alert because EM thought the time-per-frame was too long. After much testing that issue seems to be fixed.
Get it here: http://www.em-dc.com
More Language Support
Skins listed in alphabetical order
Gromacs Time per Frame issue fixed
If you double click the EM tray icon, EM will hide or show itself depending on what state it is in when you double click the icon. If visible, it hides, if hidden, it becomes visible.
All windows in EM have been updated to support the current language file. When you switch to any languge but English, an asterisk (*) will appear in front of the words that need to be translated. If you want to translate those words and phrases, please feel free to do so. Then send me the modified language file so I can update it for everyone. I'm still looking for a full translation for Spanish and Russian. I would also be happy to add any other language you the user wants. Just translate the file to your language and send it to me in an email. I will then add the new language to the main distributed file. Most of the work needs to be done on page 6 of the options menu, the queue.dat file display menu, and the protein image right-click menu. Just look for the asterisk.
The skins listed in the skin menu are now in alphabetical order.
When EM monitored a Gromacs work unit and it finished, when the client downloaded the next work unit and it happened to be another Gromacs work unit, there tended to be a glitch in the way EM calculated the first frame. It would usually go very fast, then give an error alert because EM thought the time-per-frame was too long. After much testing that issue seems to be fixed.
Get it here: http://www.em-dc.com
The file has to be named show.me
Note the period between the words show and me
That works 100% of the time...