the dat tape saga continues!

Ok, I really don't like the tape drive I have to use- well to be honest it seems to be the software thats bad- but ive tried everything backup style and they all seem to have bugs for me!
However, something i would really like is something where I can view the 'status' of a tape- like how full it is etc, at a very basic level
it looks like something like datman might do it for me- anyone got any other suggestions?
However, something i would really like is something where I can view the 'status' of a tape- like how full it is etc, at a very basic level
it looks like something like datman might do it for me- anyone got any other suggestions?
Hard drive storage is down to just a few pennies a gigabyte.
While that's sound advice for the home user, in the enterprise sector Tape is more efficient for backups. For example I have 4 tapes on a daily rotation, each tape holds 600GB. That's 28 tapes, each holding 600GB that I need to ship backwards and forwards from a secure site. Using removable hard drives for that sort of thing just isn't reasonable.