Windows will not Boot up, not even in safe mode

edited October 2006 in Hardware
Hi everyone,

First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read post and any help that you can provide is much appreicated.

My PC has been shutting down due to over heating (not the real problem) but seems to always start back up. two nights ago I had to run and I shut down my pc manually by pressing the power off button. When I logged back on, the PC did not load windows.

the message I get says that the PC was shut down improperly. I have the option to start with the last good config, Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Commend, etc...

I have chosen each one of these option but none of them worked. the PC just keeps going in restart loops. any option I choose will just simply restart the PC and lock up with the same error message.

I will add that when I choose to use the safe mode, it runs or show a bunch of lines or file addresses. I think the lines are files but not sure as to what it is doing as it just shows the file names... I am not sure if this is usefull but i thought I would mention it.

any suggestions as to how to get PC to load again would be great.:scratch:

Thanks again


  • EssoEsso Stockholm, Sweden
    edited October 2006
    You can try to put the XP CD into the CD reader, and during the start see if will correct the startup process.

    Otherwise I'll guess you have to make an XP repair installation,

    Please test the hard disk and memory before you proceed, just in case something bad has happened.
  • edited October 2006
    I have tried to boot windows from the CD with no luck. I choose to set up windows instead of repairing it. during the setup it asks to choose a partition to (only have one) install windows XP, or create a partition or delete a partition. after choosing to install windows on the only partition, I get the following message:

    "the partition is either full, damaged, not formatted, or formatted with incompatible file. to continue installing Windows, setup must format this partition.
    C: Partition1 (unknown) 38170 (38170 MB free)
    on 38171 MB Disk 0 at ID 0 on bus 0 on atapi (MBR)"

    at this point, I exit the setup process as I do not want to lose all of my files.:banghead:

    Next, reboot the PC with the XP cd. this time I choose the repair option. after a few minutes, i get a black screen with saying:
    "Microsoft Windows XP(TM) Recovery Console.
    The Recovery Console provides system repair and recovery funtionality.
    Type EXIT to quite the Recovery Console and restart the computer"

    I am not sure what to do at this point with respect to the repair console.:bawling: Are there any commands I am suppose to imput? please advise.

    PS - not sure if this matter but my PC has XP proffessional edition and the CD i'm using to install/repair from is Home edition...:Pwned:

    please help!!
  • edited October 2006
    :celebrate Just to update everyone. I ran a check disk while in the repair console. I then tried to boot my PC one more time for ****s and giggles and it started in safe mode. after trying to run another check disk and failed. i restarted the PC and it booted up fine!!!:celebrate

    I'm not sure what happened here but I am updating windows as we speak. any additional suggestions on how to maintain my pc or how to avoid this from happening in the future would be appreicated. Thanks agaign!
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    You said your computer was overheating. When (if ever?) was the last time you opened the case and cleaned out the accumulated dust and lint? Think it's time to open her up and blow the dust of the fans and components with either compressed, canned air or with a vacuum cleaner with the airflow reversed. A dirty computer interior is the most common cause of overheating. Also, with the computer running, open it up and ensure all the fans work.
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