F@H problem

jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
edited January 2007 in Folding@Home
hey all, just quick question about F@H..I just uninstalled graphical F@H cause of the errors with using openGL and closing open games..and now using the console text only version..and overall it's working but only when I have the window openend in the picture i'm going to provide a link to and everytime I close the window and open it back up from the F@H folder it always restarts the work..is there any way to "hide" this window and still have it work in the background? I circled what i'm talking about in the pic in yellow..i basically don't want it on my taskbar like it currently is and just have it be able to work hiding wise but like I said everytime I close it and open it its always restarting the work at zero (0) -->F@H.JPG.xs.jpg


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2006
    Where did you install the service from, as in which folder on your hard drive?
  • edited October 2006
    Not everyone wants to run it as a service, prof.

    If you want to run the client manually and want it off the taskbar, there is a small app called TrayIt! which you can download from this page here. It will let you iconify the client and when minimized it will go down to the systray icons on the lower right. That is how I like to run all my clients personally, as it makes it easier to stop the client or monitor it's progress. TrayIt! will also let you minimize other stuff that normally will sit on the taskbar too when you minimize then such as WMP. :)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited October 2006
    thanks for the replies guys..prof its installed on my desktop on the C:drive (root drive) is it better to have it running as a service? also is there around it showing like this on my taskbar and still have it run as svc?
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited October 2006
    UPDATE: ok so i took muds advice and use tryit ..excellant programs thx again mud:)..but now another question how do i figure the settings thru the command prompt since this isn't the graphical version..i mean like i was able to when I 1st installed it like settings CPU usage and all that but whenever I try to get back to that menu in the command prompt window showing F@H progress it won't let me ..how do i get to the config menu thru the command prompt for the console vers?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    ...how do i get to the config menu thru the command prompt for the console vers?
    Try this:
    FAH Console Step By Step

    Try this:

    1) Find the FAH502-Console.exe program in the folder from which you installed it.

    2) Right-Click on it and create a shortcut.

    3) Rename it FAH502-Console -configonly (This makes it easy to re-run the configuration program if you decide to change something later)

    4) Right-Click on the shortcut you just made, then left-click on "Properties"

    5) In the "Target" box add -configonly at the end of the ...Console.exe" Make sure there is a space between the last " and the -configonly part (See attached picture)

    6) Click "Apply" then "OK"

    7) Double-Click the shortcut you just made and re-run the configuration dialogue

    8) Type in the items below when requested, hitting {Enter} after answering each question

    9) The proper responses are these:

    User name – be sure and type it exactly as you want it, including case sensitive

    Team Number – 93

    Launch Automatically as a service – Yes

    Ask Before fetching/sending WU’s – No if on “always connected” broadband; Yes if on Dial-up.

    Use Internet Explorer Settings – Yes

    Allow receipt of WU’s greater than 5MB – Yes if 512MB or more of RAM; No if less than 512MB of RAM

    Change Advanced Options – No

    Restart the computer and check Task Manager to make sure it's running alright. :thumbsup:

  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    profdlp wrote:
    Try this:



    I use the same method to install on single laptops as with my Active Directory...except I just double-click the batch file, of course, instead of making a atrtup script...

    works like a charm! (don't knwo where the FAQ is though...sorry no link)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited October 2006
    thx alot prof! couldnt of done it w/o u ..worked like a charm m8:thumbsup: :smiles:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    thx alot prof! couldnt of done it w/o u ..worked like a charm m8:thumbsup: :smiles:
    You're doing pretty well as it is. :D
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited October 2006
    WHOA! i didn't even realize I had that award..what exactly is that award for as in how did i obtain/earn it? and thanks again all and prof:bigggrin:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2006
    Every so often, we applaud our teammates for reaching a new Milestone. This time around we were cheering you on for reaching 5,000 points. :woowoo:

    You'd better start hunting through that forum - you had a thread for 1,000 and 3,000 points, too. :vimp:
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited October 2006
    ahhhh i see.. dont worry i will thank you all!proud to be folding :thumbup
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    hey guys, sorry to reactivate this semi old thread but i didn't wanna make whole new thread on just this simple question/problem..which is whenever the F@H client finishes its WU on 1 of my comps it won't restart a new WU..so i have to manually X out of it and open it back up..any ideas?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    Is it set to turn in and receive work automatically?
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    hey guys, sorry to reactivate this semi old thread but i didn't wanna make whole new thread on just this simple question/problem..which is whenever the F@H client finishes its WU on 1 of my comps it won't restart a new WU..so i have to manually X out of it and open it back up..any ideas?

    sounds kinda like the -runonce flag...?
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    prof, i'm not sure how would i determine if it is or not?techno..could you explain this further as it very well could be it also is there fix for it?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    Attach a copy of the client.cfg file. You can also open it in Notepad and copy the text in a post here. :)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    hopefully this is it...[settings]

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    Try rerunning the configuration process, you can find a guide over here in the Reconfiguring The FAH Console article. If you're not absolutely sure about any of the choices, write them down and ask for advice. Also, when it gets to the part about changing the Advanced Options, say "yes" and go through those as well. :)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    prof, is there just a quick thing i can do like just 1 particular setting to turn on to make it so it restart when the WU is finished? there must be..
  • Datsun-1600Datsun-1600 Sydney.au
    edited November 2006
    Can you remember if, the 'use Internet Explorer Settings' is set to yes or no?

    Datsun 1600
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    ...is there just a quick thing i can do like just 1 particular setting to turn on to make it so it restart when the WU is finished?...
    Possibly, but knowing which one is the problem.

    Try what Datsun 1600 suggested. :)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    Can you remember if, the 'use Internet Explorer Settings' is set to yes or no?

    Datsun 1600
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited November 2006
    As a member but not a team mate, one thing Datsun is on the money use ie setting =no is best, as for the having to X the client I think you called it jmoney, it is almost as if you are using the -oneunit flag, but that would close the client after finishing the WU and sending it. It would only pick up a new WU when you manually restart the client.
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    ya basically, after it has finished the WU and said so on the command prompt i'll let it sit for like 30min or more to see if it will pick up (receive) another work unit..but it doesn't so i hafta manually exit out *close* the command prompt then open the client up again..which it return it picks up a new WU but my other comps do NOT have this problem they receive a WU immediately after finishing the prev. ..how do i fix this?set use IE settings to no?
    EDIT: i got 2 other comps folding 1 of which has the client version (like the 1 i'm having problems with right now) and that 1 has no trouble receiving a new WU after finishing the previous one and my 3rd comp is using the graphical vers so that isn't an issue
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    ...i got 2 other comps folding 1 of which has the client version (like the 1 i'm having problems with right now) and that 1 has no trouble receiving a new WU after finishing the previous one...
    Compare the client.cfg and the fahlog.txt between the two and see if you can spot any differences.
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    this is the FAH.txt from the comp i'm having problems with ..does this reveal anything?
    F@H.txt 63.2K
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited November 2006
    I saw an EUE, The proper way to "kill" the console client is Ctrl-c. It gives folding time to set the checkpoint and shut it down. Also set it not to use IE settings. If it's set as a service, you shouldn't have to shut it down at all when this connection prob. gets fixed.

    How many are set up as a service and how many are the reg. console?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    This one (about 3/4 of the way through the section of the log you posted), indicates a completely normal sequence of events.

    Are you sure it isn't just a case of the assignment server being a little sluggish on occasion?
    [08:06:19] Completed 495000 out of 500000 steps  (99)
    [08:18:59] Writing checkpoint files
    [08:34:03] Writing checkpoint files
    [08:41:24] Writing local files
    [08:41:24] Completed 500000 out of 500000 steps  (100)
    [08:41:24] Writing checkpoint files
    [COLOR="Red"][08:42:25] Finished Work Unit:
    [08:42:25] Leaving Run
    [08:42:27] - Writing 369329 bytes of core data to disk...
    [08:42:27]   ... Done.
    [08:42:27] - Shutting down core
    [08:42:27] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
    [08:42:31] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
    [08:42:31] Sending work to server
    [08:42:31] + Attempting to send results
    [08:42:38] + Results successfully sent
    [08:42:38] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
    [08:42:38] + Number of Units Completed: 4
    [08:42:43] - Preparing to get new work unit...
    [08:42:43] + Attempting to get work packet
    [08:42:43] - Connecting to assignment server
    [08:42:44] - Successful: assigned to (
    [08:42:44] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
    [08:42:44] Loaded queue successfully.[/COLOR]
    [08:42:45] + Closed connections
    [08:42:45] + Processing work unit
    [08:42:45] Core required: FahCore_82.exe
    [08:42:45] Core found.
    [08:42:45] Working on Unit 01 [November 3 08:42:45]
    [08:42:45] + Working ...
    [08:42:45] *------------------------------*
    [08:42:45] Folding@Home PMD Core
    [08:42:45] Version 1.03 (September 7, 2005)
    [08:42:45] Preparing to commence simulation
    [08:42:45] - Looking at optimizations...
    [08:42:45] - Created dyn
    [08:42:45] - Files status OK
    [08:42:46] - Expanded 82541 -> 557656 (decompressed 675.6 percent)
    [08:42:46] Project: 1809 (Run 13, Clone 77, Gen 98)
    [08:42:46] Assembly optimizations on if available.
    [08:42:46] Entering M.D.
    [08:42:52] Protein: p1809_Collagen_POG10new_refolding
    [08:42:52] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps  (0)
    [08:57:50] Writing checkpoint files
    [09:11:05] Writing local files
    [09:11:05] Completed 5000 out of 500000 steps  (1)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    pretty sure prof..hmm, also is it better to have it set as a service or not?and what does that mean when its set as a svc?
  • Datsun-1600Datsun-1600 Sydney.au
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    pretty sure prof..hmm, also is it better to have it set as a service or not?and what does that mean when its set as a svc?
    A service (svc) is a set and forget about the client, no need to worry about shutting the client down, when turning the comp off, it just runs in the background, but it is a good idea to monitor it with EMIII to keep an eye on it.

    Datsun 1600
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