F@H problem



  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    when you say "turning the comp off" you mean just like hibernate or standby? not by a complete system shut down because obviously then the PC'd be turned off and couldn't run at all correct? and also is it better to set it as svc or no?
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited November 2006
    IMO, with folding rigs, they're either on or off. no hibernate or standby. As far as which is better... personal opinion I guess. My wifes machine is set as a service (so it doesn't get touched) my rigs are the standard console client using Tray-it to dock it like the graphical client. EM3 monitors all.
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    yeah but if your computer is turned completely off as in you go start>shutdown then turn off even the power supply to it..then obviously its not folding anymore correct?since the machine is completely off...
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited November 2006
    Correct, which is why my light bill is a couple hundred a month. (our local power provider and line carrier aren't cheap, as you might know)

    In fact spent a few hours this morning trying to get loving wifes machine running again. Seems upon a re-boot I discovered the PSU was dying. 12v rail was dipping to much to keep the Pent.D fed.
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    ok, it did it again and ive posted screenshot on to show you what i mean it hangs at this point and i hafta manually X out this window that i took S.S of and open new box up..untitledot3.png
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    JM, please go to the folder where Folding@Home is installed and open client.cfg with Wordpad. Please copy and paste the information in a post.
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006

  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    and i have NO problem like this on my other comp. that has the console client
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    and i'm @ my wits end on this comp lol :wow2:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    If it were me, I'd just go for the Service install and be done with it. :)
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    profdlp wrote:
    If it were me, I'd just go for the Service install and be done with it. :)

    I agree. Just be done with it, don't torture yourself... :)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    I agree. Just be done with it, don't torture yourself... :)
    how do i do the "Service install" as prof suggested? is it a whole new download? would i just delete my current F@H folder..?
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    how do i do the "Service install" as prof suggested? is it a whole new download? would i just delete my current F@H folder..?

    easiest way is with the bluetentacle app. check out the procedure and links here, that'll get you on track towards the simplest install...
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    thanks techno, but im curious though, i was NOT having this problem on my other comp..wich yes is alot faster and newer but still, do you know why this comp would be having problems like the screen shot i posted? while my other 1 doesnt..wich like i said yea its alot faster (processor, RAM etc) but it still should be able to fold..any comp should just speeds on getting WU done and such will obviously vary depending on the comp specs etc
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    thanks techno, but im curious though, i was NOT having this problem on my other comp..wich yes is alot faster and newer but still, do you know why this comp would be having problems like the screen shot i posted? while my other 1 doesnt..wich like i said yea its alot faster (processor, RAM etc) but it still should be able to fold..any comp should just speeds on getting WU done and such will obviously vary depending on the comp specs etc

    I think pretty much any comp that can run WinXP can fold without problems, providing there isn't already other issues going on with the machine. I think the only reason you wouldn't want to do this on some 400mhz machine is because it would take too long on some machines to be worth the electrical expense...
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    ya exactly n the comp im having problems w/ like on the SS has XP 1.6ghz etc n that obviously shouldnt be any problems at all..do you know what would be causing it to not finish the wu? its like a runner who runs up just til the finish line but doesnt cross it to finish the race..its like 99.9% done but doesnt officially restart? do you know why or some possible reasons ?
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    ok go how do i do that install also, theres long steps? is there just some easy quick way i can install F@H directly as service install...?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    Get the
    Windows NT/2000/XP
    "No nonsense" text-only console (with built-in Windows-service-install option)
    and put it in a new folder you've created on your hard drive. Being the creative sort, I named mine FAH. :p

    Then just double-click it and answer the questions, being sure to say "yes" to the one about letting it run automatically as a service. When it's done it will download the core it needs and a new WU, then just sit there. At that point, reboot, then check to see that the service did indeed start automatically.

    Make sure you disable the old one or you'll run into problems. :honoes:
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    profdlp wrote:
    Get the and put it in a new folder you've created on your hard drive. Being the creative sort, I named mine FAH. :p

    Then just double-click it and answer the questions, being sure to say "yes" to the one about letting it run automatically as a service. When it's done it will download the core it needs and a new WU, then just sit there. At that point, reboot, then check to see that the service did indeed start automatically.

    Make sure you disable the old one or you'll run into problems. :honoes:
    oh ok thx alot prof just quick question..is there wait to just delete the old F@H service?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    oh ok thx alot prof just quick question..is there wait to just delete the old F@H service?
    If you rerun the -config shortcut and say "NO" to "Fold automatically as a service" it ought to go away. If not, just disable it. :)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    profdlp wrote:
    If you rerun the -config shortcut and say "NO" to "Fold automatically as a service" it ought to go away. If not, just disable it. :)
    i ran the config shortcut & there was no option that said "fold automatically as a service" only something like that run as a service..is that it? thanks again prof
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited November 2006
    When you see the word "Service" in the question, say "Yes". :fold:
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    Say "Yes" to "Service"
    No to drugs
    Yes to caffeine
    No to Prof

    It's Prof's fault.
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    jmoney3457 wrote:
    oh ok thx alot prof just quick question..is there wait to just delete the old F@H service?

    you could open up a cmd prompt and type:

    net stop "oldservicename"

    and then

    sc delete "oldservicename"

    ...but prof's right, it's easier just to disable it... :)
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited November 2006
    thanks prof/techo.. LOL leo:bigggrin:
  • jmoney3457jmoney3457 Maine
    edited January 2007
    thread resolved..thanks guys!:bigggrin:
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