My computer is crashing constantly, but only when i try to play some of my games (GunZ, SoldierFront, Counter-Strike 1.6, System Shock 2). However, one of my games, Cronous, is completely unaffected.
While playing System Shock 2, i got an error message with this:
note: That was the only error message i've ever gotten from this, and i remember seeing something about a BIOS update, yet this computer has the latest Compaq BIOS
1.5GHz AMD Athlon XP
512mb RAM
779mb page file (i think that's one problem)
128mb ATI Radeon 9200
For an antivirus, i'm running (because my dad thinks it's awesome, although i can't stand it) the Comcast McAfee SecurityCenter
I keep getting this stop error when i run an analyze pass in PerfectDisk2008. It worked before sp3 RC but during sp3 and after I uninstalled sp3 it hasn't worked since.
I found the problem for me about 2-3 days after I got the message. The computer's last owner had pets, and there was a huge buildup of dust and pet hair inside the processor fan and heatsink, so my computer was overheating the moment any substantial stress was put on the processor, hence my BSOD. Nothing a vacuum on high-power couldn't fix!
I'm really sorry about the link. As I PMed the mod I apologise wholeheartedly for my moment of idiocy, and to anyone it may have affected.
I have followed your advice and ran VundoFix. I tried to install Avast but the link keeps timing out. Is there another link for the FREE Avast anti-virus software?
but i ran up against this same error, tho theres something totally wierd about my error, thing is, i googled the codes it showed me, and i found not a single reply on it :/
error codes are: 0xBF9F8F51 AND 0x9E3DC3E0
there was also a line below the stop message about this file atkdisp.dll and an explanation BF9F8F51, BF9D3000 AND 465F946B.
it would be most appreciated if someone could find a solution for this problem cause as it is, i'm totally clueless about this :'(
Hello Everyone, I’m new to this forum and I will like to say keep up the good job. I have been having a BSOD with the following error code
STOP: 0X0000008E (0XC0000005,……………………….), below is the contents of my dump file
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Opened log file 'c:\debuglog.txt'
kd> .sympath srv*c:\symbols*
Symbol search path is: srv*c:\symbols*
WARNING: Whitespace at end of path element
kd> .reload;!analyze -v;r;kv;lmnt;.logclose;q
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
<o>:p> </o>:p>
This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
Some common problems are exception code 0x80000003. This means a hard
coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG. This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG. This will let us see why this breakpoint is
Arg1: c0000005, The exception code that was not handled
Arg2: 891ef9d2, The address that the exception occurred at
Arg3: 891edc44, Trap Frame
Arg4: 00000000
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Debugging Details:
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".
<o>:p> </o>:p>
891ef9d2 f3a5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]
<o>:p> </o>:p>
TRAP_FRAME: 891edc44 -- (.trap 0xffffffff891edc44)
.trap 0xffffffff891edc44
ErrCode = 00000000
eax=ba4fbb80 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000200 edx=b9721dc8 esi=00000850 edi=896b97b6
eip=891ef9d2 esp=891edcb8 ebp=8928e1e2 iopl=0 vif nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00090206
891ef9d2 f3a5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi] es:0023:896b97b6=???????? ds:0023:00000850=????????
Resetting default scope
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 00000000 to 891ef9d2
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
STACK_COMMAND: dds 891EDCDC-0x20 ; kb
<o>:p> </o>:p>
891edcbc 8928e1e2
891edcc0 891edec8
891edcc4 8a889470
891edcc8 00000000
891edccc 00000000
891edcd0 00000000
891edcd4 00000000
891edcd8 b9eeedae atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+0x48
891edcdc 000001f7
891edce0 8a990374
891edce4 8a9900e8
891edce8 8a990370
891edcec 891edcfc
891edcf0 b9ef6729 atapi!IdeLogSaveTaskFile+0x1f
891edcf4 8a990374
891edcf8 8a9615d0
891edcfc 891edd14
891edd00 b9ef5502 atapi!IdePortNotification+0xee
891edd04 8a955aa0
891edd08 8a990374
891edd0c 806d68a0*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for hal.dll
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for hal.dll
891edd10 8a3e03b4
891edd14 891edd4c
891edd18 b9eefda1 atapi!AtapiInterrupt+0x6ef
891edd1c 00000001
891edd20 8a990370
891edd24 00000000
891edd28 8a9a71b8
891edd2c 8a9900e8
891edd30 804f9fbd nt!KeInsertQueueDpc+0xd9
891edd34 8a9a71b8
891edd38 8a9900e8
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
b9eeedae 5f pop edi
<o>:p> </o>:p>
SYMBOL_NAME: atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+48
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
IMAGE_NAME: atapi.sys
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x8E_atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+48
<o>:p> </o>:p>
BUCKET_ID: 0x8E_atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+48
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Followup: MachineOwner
<o>:p> </o>:p>
eax=ba4fbb80 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000200 edx=b9721dc8 esi=00000850 edi=896b97b6
eip=891ef9d2 esp=891edcb8 ebp=8928e1e2 iopl=0 vif nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00090206
891ef9d2 f3a5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi] es:0023:896b97b6=???????? ds:0023:00000850=????????
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.
8928e1e2 00000000 891eded0 00000000 00000000 0x891ef9d2
start end module name
804d7000 806cdc80 nt ntkrnlpa.exe Wed Feb 28 04:15:53 2007 (45E54849)
806ce000 806ee280 hal hal.dll Mon Nov 15 20:37:02 2004 (419959BE)
b0d73000 b0d8a480 dump_atapi dump_atapi.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:41 2004 (41107B4D)
b0d8b000 b0da3a80 bthpan bthpan.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:37 2004 (41107B0D)
b0da4000 b0db5000 BrSerIf BrSerIf.sys Thu Jan 19 01:44:44 2006 (43CF355C)
b0ddd000 b0e1ff80 bthport bthport.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:34 2004 (41107DDA)
b0e20000 b0e8ea00 mrxsmb mrxsmb.sys Fri May 05 05:41:42 2006 (445B1DD6)
b0eb7000 b0ee1a00 rdbss rdbss.sys Fri May 05 05:47:55 2006 (445B1F4B)
b0ff2000 b1013d00 afd afd.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:13 2004 (41107EB5)
b1014000 b103bc00 netbt netbt.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:36 2004 (41107ECC)
b1064000 b1084f00 ipnat ipnat.sys Wed Sep 29 18:28:36 2004 (415B3714)
b1085000 b109d180 SYMEVENT SYMEVENT.SYS Wed Jul 21 18:43:58 2004 (40FEF1AE)
b109e000 b10ddba0 SYMTDI SYMTDI.SYS Fri Aug 13 21:54:13 2004 (411D70C5)
b10de000 b1136080 tcpip tcpip.sys Thu Apr 20 08:18:33 2006 (44477C19)
b1137000 b1149400 ipsec ipsec.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:27 2004 (41107EC3)
b117a000 b117cf80 mouhid mouhid.sys Fri Aug 17 16:47:57 2001 (3B7D82FD)
b117e000 b1181a00 kbdhid kbdhid.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:33 2004 (41107B09)
b1182000 b1184580 hidusb hidusb.sys Fri Aug 17 17:02:16 2001 (3B7D8658)
b1186000 b1188e80 BrUsbSer BrUsbSer.sys Thu Jan 19 06:17:17 2006 (43CF753D)
b118a000 b118d800 BrScnUsb BrScnUsb.sys Thu Oct 14 23:50:19 2004 (416F48FB)
b91b2000 b91e5200 update update.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:32 2004 (41107B08)
b920e000 b9225800 SCSIPORT SCSIPORT.SYS Wed Aug 04 01:59:39 2004 (41107B4B)
b9226000 b923c980 mcdbus mcdbus.sys Tue Sep 04 13:46:32 2007 (46DD99F8)
b923d000 b926d100 rdpdr rdpdr.sys Wed Aug 04 02:01:10 2004 (41107BA6)
b926e000 b927ee00 psched psched.sys Wed Aug 04 02:04:16 2004 (41107C60)
b927f000 b9295680 ndiswan ndiswan.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:30 2004 (41107EC6)
b92ba000 b92bc280 rasacd rasacd.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:39 2001 (3B7D84CB)
b92be000 b92d1900 parport parport.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:04 2004 (41107B28)
b92d2000 b92fd600 SynTP SynTP.sys Tue Feb 14 17:04:56 2006 (43F25408)
b92fe000 b931d340 aeaudio aeaudio.sys Mon May 17 12:23:46 2004 (40A8E712)
b931e000 b9340680 ks ks.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:20 2004 (41107EF8)
b9341000 b9364980 portcls portcls.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:47 2004 (41107F13)
b9365000 b93a4880 smwdm smwdm.sys Thu Feb 10 16:31:34 2005 (420BD2B6)
b93a5000 b95c0680 w29n51 w29n51.sys Thu Feb 08 16:51:14 2007 (45CB9B52)
b95c1000 b95e3e80 USBPORT USBPORT.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:34 2004 (41107D62)
b95e4000 b960d000 b57xp32 b57xp32.sys Thu Mar 09 20:20:08 2006 (4410D448)
b960d000 b9620780 VIDEOPRT VIDEOPRT.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:07:04 2004 (41107D08)
b9621000 b9766000 ati2mtag ati2mtag.sys Sat Jan 21 22:44:53 2006 (43D2FFB5)
b97b6000 b97c5900 Cdfs Cdfs.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:14:09 2004 (41107EB1)
b97c6000 b97cf480 bthmodem bthmodem.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:38 2004 (41107DDE)
b97d6000 b97e4900 rfcomm rfcomm.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:38 2004 (41107DDE)
b97e6000 b97eed80 HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:18 2004 (41107D52)
b9c06000 b9c09c80 serenum serenum.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:06 2004 (41107B2A)
b9c0a000 b9c0d700 VMkbd VMkbd.sys Wed May 02 00:52:21 2007 (46381905)
b9c36000 b9c39e40 ASPI32 ASPI32.SYS Fri Sep 10 19:46:10 1999 (37D99842)
b9c42000 b9c44d00 ANC ANC.SYS Mon Mar 22 01:08:44 2004 (405E74DC)
b9c4a000 b9c4ca00 VMNET VMNET.SYS Fri Mar 16 06:05:31 2007 (45FA6BEB)
b9c4e000 b9c50680 vmnetadapter vmnetadapter.sys Fri Mar 16 06:06:08 2007 (45FA6C10)
b9c52000 b9c55c80 mssmbios mssmbios.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:47 2004 (41107D33)
b9c8f000 b9c91580 ndistapi ndistapi.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:29 2001 (3B7D84C1)
b9c9b000 b9c9d880 pfc pfc.sys Fri Sep 19 19:47:22 2003 (3F6B958A)
b9c9f000 b9ca1780 ibmpmdrv ibmpmdrv.sys Fri Nov 11 00:56:12 2005 (4374327C)
b9ca3000 b9ca5900 Dxapi Dxapi.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:19 2001 (3B7D843F)
b9ca7000 b9caa700 CmBatt CmBatt.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:39 2004 (41107D2B)
b9cab000 b9cadc00 irenum irenum.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:45 2004 (41107B8D)
b9cd7000 b9cf1580 Mup Mup.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:20 2004 (41107EF8)
b9cf2000 b9d0fec0 snapman snapman.sys Fri Jul 13 06:03:56 2007 (46974E0C)
b9d10000 b9d68640 tdrpman tdrpman.sys Wed Aug 22 17:48:42 2007 (46CCAF3A)
b9d69000 b9dd3380 timntr timntr.sys Wed Aug 29 08:13:12 2007 (46D562D8)
b9dd4000 b9e00a80 NDIS NDIS.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:27 2004 (41107EC3)
b9e01000 b9e8d400 Ntfs Ntfs.sys Fri Feb 09 06:10:31 2007 (45CC56A7)
b9e8e000 b9ea4780 KSecDD KSecDD.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:45 2004 (41107B51)
b9ea5000 b9eba440 DRVMCDB DRVMCDB.SYS Mon Sep 12 17:38:27 2005 (4325F553)
b9ebb000 b9eccf00 sr sr.sys Wed Aug 04 02:06:22 2004 (41107CDE)
b9ecd000 b9eec780 fltMgr fltMgr.sys Mon Aug 21 05:14:57 2006 (44E97991)
b9eed000 b9f04480 atapi atapi.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:41 2004 (41107B4D)
b9f05000 b9f2a700 dmio dmio.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:13 2004 (41107D11)
b9f2b000 b9f49880 ftdisk ftdisk.sys Fri Aug 17 16:52:41 2001 (3B7D8419)
b9f4a000 b9f67480 pcmcia pcmcia.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:45 2004 (41107D31)
b9f68000 b9f78a80 pci pci.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:45 2004 (41107D31)
b9f79000 b9fa6d80 ACPI ACPI.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:35 2004 (41107D27)
ba0a8000 ba0b0c00 isapnp isapnp.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:01 2001 (3B7D8559)
ba0b8000 ba0c2500 MountMgr MountMgr.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:29 2004 (41107B05)
ba0c8000 ba0d6980 Shockprf Shockprf.sys Thu Jan 13 22:20:25 2005 (41E73A79)
ba0d8000 ba0e4c80 VolSnap VolSnap.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:14 2004 (41107B6E)
ba0e8000 ba0f0e00 disk disk.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:53 2004 (41107B59)
ba0f8000 ba104200 CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:14:26 2004 (41107EC2)
ba108000 ba110de0 PxHelp20 PxHelp20.sys Wed Jun 20 18:26:00 2007 (4679A978)
ba148000 ba150700 wanarp wanarp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:04:57 2004 (41107C89)
ba158000 ba160880 Fips Fips.SYS Fri Aug 17 21:31:49 2001 (3B7DC585)
ba198000 ba1a0d00 intelppm intelppm.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:19 2004 (41107B37)
ba1a8000 ba1b6b80 drmk drmk.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:54 2004 (41107D3A)
ba1b8000 ba1c4e00 i8042prt i8042prt.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:36 2004 (41107ECC)
ba1c8000 ba1d7d80 serial serial.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:51 2004 (41107F17)
ba1d8000 ba1e2400 imapi imapi.sys Fri Aug 13 13:17:15 2004 (411CF79B)
ba1e8000 ba1f4180 cdrom cdrom.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:52 2004 (41107B58)
ba1f8000 ba206080 redbook redbook.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:34 2004 (41107B46)
ba208000 ba214880 rasl2tp rasl2tp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:21 2004 (41107EBD)
ba218000 ba222200 raspppoe raspppoe.sys Wed Aug 04 02:05:06 2004 (41107C92)
ba228000 ba233d00 raspptp raspptp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:26 2004 (41107EC2)
ba238000 ba240900 msgpc msgpc.sys Wed Aug 04 02:04:11 2004 (41107C5B)
ba248000 ba251f00 termdd termdd.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:52 2004 (41107B1C)
ba278000 ba285b00 zebrceb zebrceb.sys Fri Apr 13 08:21:11 2007 (461F75B7)
ba288000 ba291480 NDProxy NDProxy.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:55:30 2001 (3B7D84C2)
ba2c8000 ba2d6200 usbhub usbhub.sys Thu Sep 16 16:06:45 2004 (4149F255)
ba308000 ba313060 mfetdik mfetdik.sys Wed Nov 22 17:54:10 2006 (4564D512)
ba318000 ba320700 netbios netbios.sys Wed Aug 04 02:03:19 2004 (41107C27)
ba328000 ba32e200 PCIIDEX PCIIDEX.SYS Wed Aug 04 01:59:40 2004 (41107B4C)
ba330000 ba334900 PartMgr PartMgr.sys Fri Aug 17 21:32:23 2001 (3B7DC5A7)
ba348000 ba34c880 TDI TDI.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:07:47 2004 (41107D33)
ba350000 ba354580 ptilink ptilink.sys Fri Aug 17 16:49:53 2001 (3B7D8371)
ba358000 ba35c080 raspti raspti.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:32 2001 (3B7D84C4)
ba360000 ba365300 psadd psadd.sys Wed Sep 13 13:32:21 2006 (450840A5)
ba378000 ba37d860 DLARTL_N DLARTL_N.SYS Thu Aug 25 15:16:15 2005 (430E18FF)
ba380000 ba386180 HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:15 2004 (41107D4F)
ba388000 ba38d200 vga vga.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:06 2004 (41107D0A)
ba390000 ba394a80 Msfs Msfs.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:00:37 2004 (41107B85)
ba398000 ba39f880 Npfs Npfs.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:00:38 2004 (41107B86)
ba3a0000 ba3a6000 TSMAPIP TSMAPIP.SYS Thu Jun 27 23:59:23 2002 (3D1BDF1B)
ba3a8000 ba3ad000 Tppwrif Tppwrif.sys Tue Nov 30 02:38:22 2004 (41AC236E)
ba3b0000 ba3b4020 TPHKDRV TPHKDRV.SYS Tue Jul 05 01:57:04 2005 (42CA2130)
ba3b8000 ba3be000 TDSMAPI TDSMAPI.SYS Mon Oct 24 05:33:31 2005 (435CAA6B)
ba3c0000 ba3c8000 Smapint Smapint.sys Wed Dec 04 08:58:05 2002 (3DEE09ED)
ba3c8000 ba3cf840 SCDEmu SCDEmu.SYS Sun Jan 20 02:07:58 2008 (4792F34E)
ba3d8000 ba3de180 mferkdk mferkdk.sys Wed Nov 22 17:55:49 2006 (4564D575)
ba3e8000 ba3eca00 BTHUSB BTHUSB.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:33 2004 (41107DD9)
ba3f0000 ba3f6680 tcusb tcusb.sys Fri Sep 10 00:35:56 2004 (41412F2C)
ba3f8000 ba3ffb80 usbccgp usbccgp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:08:45 2004 (41107D6D)
ba400000 ba406500 usbprint usbprint.sys Wed Aug 04 02:01:23 2004 (41107BB3)
ba408000 ba40c280 BthEnum BthEnum.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:38 2004 (41107DDE)
ba418000 ba41c500 watchdog watchdog.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:32 2004 (41107D24)
ba460000 ba465000 usbuhci usbuhci.sys Wed Aug 04 02:08:34 2004 (41107D62)
ba468000 ba46e800 usbehci usbehci.sys Wed Aug 04 02:08:34 2004 (41107D62)
ba470000 ba476000 kbdclass kbdclass.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:32 2004 (41107B08)
ba478000 ba47da00 mouclass mouclass.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:32 2004 (41107B08)
ba480000 ba481000 fdc fdc.sys unavailable (00000000)
ba488000 ba48f000 nscirda nscirda.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:49 2004 (41107B91)
ba490000 ba494580 tpm tpm.sys Sun Oct 09 15:35:27 2005 (434970FF)
ba498000 ba4a0000 Afc Afc.sys Wed Feb 23 01:58:55 2005 (421C29AF)
ba4a0000 ba4a7000 GEARAspiWDM GEARAspiWDM.sys Mon Aug 07 13:11:27 2006 (44D7743F)
ba4a8000 ba4af580 Modem Modem.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:04 2004 (41107D44)
ba4b0000 ba4b4c80 rasirda rasirda.sys Fri Aug 17 16:51:29 2001 (3B7D83D1)
ba4b8000 ba4bb000 BOOTVID BOOTVID.dll Fri Aug 17 16:49:09 2001 (3B7D8345)
ba4bc000 ba4be480 compbatt compbatt.sys Fri Aug 17 16:57:58 2001 (3B7D8556)
ba4c0000 ba4c3700 BATTC BATTC.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:52 2001 (3B7D8550)
ba4c4000 ba4c6d80 ACPIEC ACPIEC.sys Fri Aug 17 16:57:55 2001 (3B7D8553)
ba4c8000 ba4cba00 TPDiskPM TPDiskPM.sys Tue Sep 26 01:13:34 2006 (4518B6FE)
ba4cc000 ba4cfc80 OODrvled OODrvled.sys Wed Sep 22 07:57:13 2004 (41516899)
ba5a8000 ba5a9b80 kdcom kdcom.dll Fri Aug 17 16:49:10 2001 (3B7D8346)
ba5aa000 ba5ab100 WMILIB WMILIB.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:07:23 2001 (3B7D878B)
ba5ac000 ba5ad700 dmload dmload.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:15 2001 (3B7D8567)
ba622000 ba623980 TPInput TPInput.sys Tue Sep 26 01:13:41 2006 (4518B705)
ba624000 ba625280 USBD USBD.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:02:58 2001 (3B7D8682)
ba626000 ba627700 RootMdm RootMdm.sys Fri Aug 17 16:57:36 2001 (3B7D8540)
ba628000 ba629100 swenum swenum.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:41 2004 (41107B11)
ba62a000 ba62b580 zebrwh zebrwh.sys Fri Apr 13 08:19:37 2007 (461F7559)
ba630000 ba632000 i2omgmt i2omgmt.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:00:50 2004 (41107B92)
ba632000 ba6335c0 DLACDBHM DLACDBHM.SYS Thu Aug 25 15:16:50 2005 (430E1922)
ba634000 ba635f00 Fs_Rec Fs_Rec.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:49:37 2001 (3B7D8361)
ba636000 ba637080 Beep Beep.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:47:33 2001 (3B7D82E5)
ba638000 ba639080 mnmdd mnmdd.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:28 2001 (3B7D8538)
ba63a000 ba63b080 RDPCDD RDPCDD.sys Fri Aug 17 16:46:56 2001 (3B7D82C0)
ba63c000 ba63d200 ShockMgr ShockMgr.SYS Thu May 13 23:58:59 2004 (40A44403)
ba63e000 ba63f780 IBMBLDID IBMBLDID.sys Thu Jan 12 10:33:21 2006 (43C676C1)
ba644000 ba645100 dump_WMILIB dump_WMILIB.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:07:23 2001 (3B7D878B)
ba670000 ba670d00 pciide pciide.sys Fri Aug 17 16:51:49 2001 (3B7D83E5)
ba671000 ba671d80 OPRGHDLR OPRGHDLR.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:55 2001 (3B7D8553)
ba69b000 ba69bc00 audstub audstub.sys Fri Aug 17 16:59:40 2001 (3B7D85BC)
ba6cd000 ba6cdd00 dxgthk dxgthk.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:12 2001 (3B7D8438)
ba6e1000 ba6e1b80 Null Null.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:47:39 2001 (3B7D82EB)
ba6fa000 ba6faa80 PQNTDrv PQNTDrv.SYS Wed May 05 23:48:39 2004 (4099B597)
bf000000 bf011580 dxg dxg.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:51 2004 (41107B93)
bf012000 bf049000 ati2dvag ati2dvag.dll Sat Jan 21 22:45:10 2006 (43D2FFC6)
bf049000 bf07d000 ati2cqag ati2cqag.dll Sat Jan 21 21:45:10 2006 (43D2F1B6)
bf07d000 bf0b2000 atikvmag atikvmag.dll Sat Jan 21 22:13:42 2006 (43D2F866)
bf800000 bf9c2300 win32k win32k.sys Thu Mar 08 08:49:35 2007 (45F0146F)
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Unloaded modules:
ba138000 ba141000 processr.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
b9ca3000 b9ca7000 kbdhid.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ba370000 ba375000 Cdaudio.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
b9c12000 b9c15000 Sfloppy.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
Closing open log file c:\debuglog.txt
Can someone please inteprete this dump for me.
Thanks for your assistance in advance
error codes are: 0xBF9F8F51 AND 0x9E3DC3E0
there was also a line below the stop message about this file atkdisp.dll and an explanation BF9F8F51, BF9D3000 AND 465F946B...
Hello Purechaos;
Looks like you possibly have an ASUS MB or Videocard... If you are running the ASUS Enhanced nVidia drivers, other sites suggest disabling ASUS OSD, and ASUS Splendid.
If that does not fix the problem, they suggest getting rid of the ASUS Enhanced drivers altogether and installing nVidia's universal driver.
Looks like you possibly have an ASUS MB or Videocard... If you are running the ASUS Enhanced nVidia drivers, other sites suggest disabling ASUS OSD, and ASUS Splendid.
If that does not fix the problem, they suggest getting rid of the ASUS Enhanced drivers altogether and installing nVidia's universal driver.
yes, you are correct, i have a ASUS Geforce EN8800GTS 640MB, and enhanced drivers but not asus drivers, some other which (lol) i can't remember atm :P a coworker of mine advised on cleaning the memory's and VGA's contact lines with vodka... helped :P
cheers :P
i dont know whats wrong!!!!!!
my pc just goes straight to a blue screen!
i ran norton and a squared anti malware
home edition i had the problem before i ran destructive system recover back to factory setting
we have 2 other pc's and we do the same thing on each one and only the xp media center roll up 2 has the problem.:(
... Since an hour, this error has been bugging me. I've had this computer for over 6 months now, never had one single problem. Until now. Out of no where, it restarts, and at the 'Welcome' splash screen, it gives me the BSOD. Most of the time it is
STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005)
I can't even get to the Start -> Run -> cmd. I can't do anything. However, I DO have the XP-installation CD, which can be used to repair. But how? I guess the best thing I can do is system restore to one or two days ago, but I have no idea how to do that from the DOS thing.
I built my own system a couple years ago, and experienced a ton of BSOD errors when I first built it. Basically, anytime anything used sound, I got a BSOD. I tried everything, updating drivers, switching from onboard sound to sound card, changing hardware, nothing fixed it. Uninstalled Vista and installed XP, voilah, system running flawlessly since.
Until last night when I randomly got a BSOD while surfing the net. No malicious popups, no shady websites, no programs being downloaded, seemingly random BSOD. So I turned my computer back on.
Now I get a BSOD during XP loading almost everytime. Sometimes it's right when the Login screen pops up, sometimes it is just after I click the admisistrator icon. After giving up on it and going to bed, I woke up and turned the computer on. Worked for about 4 minutes and then BSOD. BSOD again everytime I turn it on. I pretty much have 0 access to any diagnostics other than the BSOD code given that I can't even get XP to load.
BSOD codes all start with 0x0000008e (0xC0000005,.....
second parameter varies 0x88E21731 0x88E29731 0x88E2A731 0x88E2B731
I've been baffled for the past week or so. I'm trying to play Civilization IV and this game and only this game crashes randomly during the game. My hardware hasn't ever given me a problem. I've attached my
file so you can view what I'm working with here. I did run MemTest v2.01 twice and both passes on each stick of 1GB showed no errors. I used to have a GeForce 7600GT video card and even went so far as to buy a new Geforce 8500 hoping maybe there was some conflict with the memory on the card.
Nope... still crashing.
Also I have included some of the many BSoD's I have recieved. I'm so very frustrated, I like to think of myself as computer literate (hell I'm a certified MCDST... and still I'm stumped!)
I even tried disable pe386 but got this when I did it in the recovery console:
I did some extra researching and some people mentioned looking into the eventvwr.msc run command. I looked that up and had a bunch of errors in the Application section where the source of the error was was "nview_info" (nview is from the nvidea card), and in the System folder I have a crap-load of "atapi" errors as well as "Service Control Manager" errors. Atapi means IDE cables, right? Could I be crashing because I'm getting errors from the PC trying to read the game CD? aRGH! The BSoD's reference memory problems though. (I hope troll and the others still read this thread...)
Anyway, my PC only crashes for Civ IV... which of course is my favorite game... Thanks in advance!
the past couple days i have been having quite a few problems with my computer i download newer version of ad-aware and when i run it i get a BSOD with the code 0x0000008E(0xc0000005,0x0065006D,0xEE244CF0,0x00000000) the only time i get that BSOD is when i run Ad-Aware 2008 and now yesterday i downloaded SP3 for xp and now when i turn on my computer i get a BSOD in any mode with the code c0000139. i looked that code up and its a problem with the service pack but i don't have a windows xp disk is there any other way to fix this? If anyone could help it would greatly be appreciated.
I am still working on my own STOP problem, 0x0000008E ( 0xC0000005, 0x00000000, 0xEFC24C40, 0x00000000). It's not on the computer I am posting from. Among the numerous things I tried:
I took out the memory cards, cleaned the contacts, and looked at the pins in the sockets to see whether any of them was out of line, bending em gently, armed with reading classes a geek size screwdriver. Meaning
they are supposed to press tightly against the memory cards contacts.
I know, the current design is supposed to prevent this type of #$%^ from happening, but what do I know, and hey, what do you know. First do no harm.
I had no Windows XP Startup/ Install CD - so I found that Microsoft has on its Free Tech Support sites - a) CD burnable ISO images for various XP CD's, which you can download and burn to your own CD-R, or b) if your CD drive in the afflicted computer is not working, you can download a file relating to KB310994 - an exe file that will make a set of 6 1.44 Floppy "Windows XP SP2 recovery console" discs. Using the recovery console boot, you select the Windows installation you want (to try) to fix, and your administrator password. (If you never set your administrator password, you just hit enter at that point, like a doofus, like me.)
Then you type HELP at the C:\ prompt (oh the old days of DOS) to get
a list of available commands.
Then you proceed with caution, typing commands that you want to know more about, such as FIXBOOT /? OR FIXMBR /?.
In other words I am advising that you first learn about what each command does, as using them without knowledge can get you to a hardrive full of lost data in a flash. Being reluctant to do anything
is a good quality to have in this venture.
After all, the name of the game here is to get the functionality and data back without re-installing Windows and each $%^&!@# piece of software. It seem that sometimes biting the bullet on that is easier, but if you are a cheapskate with time on your hand and you just want to tinker, there you go.
On the same site you can also find ISO images that will make a DOS 6.22
CD to boot from, if that helps.
So, using these various tools I was at some point able to get into SAFE MODE. From there I ran many of the available free Virus, Spyware and Trojan cleaners. E.g. AVG, Zonealarm, Avast, Trojan-Remover, Spybot Search and Destroy. Found 124 or so and removed them.
(Note: the bad computer was used by my kids, and by a chinese exchange student, so it just had to be bad. If you disable firewalls and scanners just to play a game, then you must be a stupid kid. Ha!)
After that, I started to look at suspicious looking Registry entries using
the Regedit function. Using that tool means : Caution, one wrong move
and your computer is inoperable. I took out a couple of "really suspicious looking items that had long random *.dat files and in addition had strings that looked like C:\??\Win32+more random stuff. Of course, there is random, and really really random, and how do we know the difference?
Well, we don't, we can only export the suspicious items as "Suspect1.reg"
Suspect2.reg", etc. then back up the registry, delete the suspect item in the registry, then restart and find whether what's deleted "may have been the culprit" or "was simply unnecessary stuff" or "was an essential system file"
If it gets worse, go back to the backed up registry. If gets better, keep going. Takes the patience of an angel, or a bonehead.
At any rate, I am now able to get back into Windows XP Home edition on the regular boot cycle, with what I call "Ultra minimum knowledge"
Although, there is still some kind of Virus generator hidden deep in the System (must be hiding within essential windows files)
that generates Trojans of the kind "PWS.Win32.OnlineGames.xqzs" with a
random four letter extension. My Virus guards capture and delete these things now as soon as they are created. But, something is in there and
I will get to it someday...
Well it helps to hum that old Madonna (or was that Blondie?) song "One way, or another, I am gonna getcha getcha getcha!!! One way or another...
I built my own system a couple years ago, and experienced a ton of BSOD errors when I first built it. Basically, anytime anything used sound, I got a BSOD. I tried everything, updating drivers, switching from onboard sound to sound card, changing hardware, nothing fixed it. Uninstalled Vista and installed XP, voilah, system running flawlessly since.
Until last night when I randomly got a BSOD while surfing the net. No malicious popups, no shady websites, no programs being downloaded, seemingly random BSOD. So I turned my computer back on.
Now I get a BSOD during XP loading almost everytime. Sometimes it's right when the Login screen pops up, sometimes it is just after I click the admisistrator icon. After giving up on it and going to bed, I woke up and turned the computer on. Worked for about 4 minutes and then BSOD. BSOD again everytime I turn it on. I pretty much have 0 access to any diagnostics other than the BSOD code given that I can't even get XP to load.
BSOD codes all start with 0x0000008e (0xC0000005,.....
second parameter varies 0x88E21731 0x88E29731 0x88E2A731 0x88E2B731
So I got a BSOD going on as well. It happens right after a login my account after startup. the error codes are 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x804F9E2C, 0xEBC19A00, 0x00000000.
I tried ruststock Rootkit to no availe, doesn't find anything. I've used memtest98, no problems there. I tried the disable pe386 and it's not there. I've looked in the registry for the listed bad fiels and there not hiding there either. Any suggestion at all would be greatly appreciated. I am running fine in Safe Mode with networking. Hence why I'm able to plea for help here. also I'd like to know how I can enable my CDrom drive in safe mode. I have a bunch of family photos on this machine I don't want to lose and I'd like to back them up. I'm not against slashing and burning at this point if I can back up my data but I'd prefer to figure this out. Thanks! BTW what an awesome forum.
have .dmp file, read it with WinDbg, but dont know what to look at...
STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005,0x8056E2EA,0xF86EE95C,0x00000000)
WinXp startsup in SafeMode...
What to look at first? RAM? Video adapter drivers?
This started after I nonsuccesfully tried to connect new wireless keyboard and mouse...could it be connected? Now back to old ones, but dont help...
Thanx for help
While playing System Shock 2, i got an error message with this:
STOP: 0x0000008E(0xc0000005, 0x804EC957, 0xECA1F928, 0x00000000)
note: That was the only error message i've ever gotten from this, and i remember seeing something about a BIOS update, yet this computer has the latest Compaq BIOS
1.5GHz AMD Athlon XP
512mb RAM
779mb page file (i think that's one problem)
128mb ATI Radeon 9200
For an antivirus, i'm running (because my dad thinks it's awesome, although i can't stand it) the Comcast McAfee SecurityCenter
Stop: 0x0000008E (0xc0000005, 0x8052AE70, 0xA94C2944, 0x00000000)
Best of luck to all of you!
Help! Might have something to do with JavaCore.exe being non-responsive, or perhaps file download from [LINK REMOVED BY ADMIN]
Trying to run Ad-Aware crashes the system and takes me to blue screen land! If there's anyone out there, please please help.
Mods or poster should edit it out so others don't get infected... Fires off my avast right away.
Your infected with a version of Vundo and you seem to not have an antivirus program running?
This program here might remove the JavaCore.exe infection: (Instructions and Program)
Then I would get an antivirus program such as avast from install it and let it do a Boot Scan of your system. (All part of the install)
Have it delete everything it finds, (Which might render your OS not bootable if your system files are infected bad enough...)
If you've been getting those type of files, MOST are infected with nasty stuff, as you've just found out... Your system could be really infected...
Once avast has been run and cleaned up most of it, your should be able to run Ad-Aware and Spybot Search & Destroy to clean up the rest.
You can also run the online scanners to get the stuff avast doesn't pickup.
Good luck!
I'm really sorry about the link. As I PMed the mod I apologise wholeheartedly for my moment of idiocy, and to anyone it may have affected.
I have followed your advice and ran VundoFix. I tried to install Avast but the link keeps timing out. Is there another link for the FREE Avast anti-virus software?
You can get avast from as well:
It'll run for 59 Days then you'll need a key from Avast as well... (Also Free for Home Users)
but i ran up against this same error, tho theres something totally wierd about my error, thing is, i googled the codes it showed me, and i found not a single reply on it :/
error codes are: 0xBF9F8F51 AND 0x9E3DC3E0
there was also a line below the stop message about this file atkdisp.dll and an explanation BF9F8F51, BF9D3000 AND 465F946B.
it would be most appreciated if someone could find a solution for this problem cause as it is, i'm totally clueless about this :'(
STOP: 0X0000008E (0XC0000005,……………………….), below is the contents of my dump file
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Opened log file 'c:\debuglog.txt'
kd> .sympath srv*c:\symbols*
Symbol search path is: srv*c:\symbols*
WARNING: Whitespace at end of path element
kd> .reload;!analyze -v;r;kv;lmnt;.logclose;q
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
<o>:p> </o>:p>
This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
Some common problems are exception code 0x80000003. This means a hard
coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG. This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG. This will let us see why this breakpoint is
Arg1: c0000005, The exception code that was not handled
Arg2: 891ef9d2, The address that the exception occurred at
Arg3: 891edc44, Trap Frame
Arg4: 00000000
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Debugging Details:
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".
<o>:p> </o>:p>
891ef9d2 f3a5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]
<o>:p> </o>:p>
TRAP_FRAME: 891edc44 -- (.trap 0xffffffff891edc44)
.trap 0xffffffff891edc44
ErrCode = 00000000
eax=ba4fbb80 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000200 edx=b9721dc8 esi=00000850 edi=896b97b6
eip=891ef9d2 esp=891edcb8 ebp=8928e1e2 iopl=0 vif nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00090206
891ef9d2 f3a5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi] es:0023:896b97b6=???????? ds:0023:00000850=????????
Resetting default scope
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 00000000 to 891ef9d2
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
STACK_COMMAND: dds 891EDCDC-0x20 ; kb
<o>:p> </o>:p>
891edcbc 8928e1e2
891edcc0 891edec8
891edcc4 8a889470
891edcc8 00000000
891edccc 00000000
891edcd0 00000000
891edcd4 00000000
891edcd8 b9eeedae atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+0x48
891edcdc 000001f7
891edce0 8a990374
891edce4 8a9900e8
891edce8 8a990370
891edcec 891edcfc
891edcf0 b9ef6729 atapi!IdeLogSaveTaskFile+0x1f
891edcf4 8a990374
891edcf8 8a9615d0
891edcfc 891edd14
891edd00 b9ef5502 atapi!IdePortNotification+0xee
891edd04 8a955aa0
891edd08 8a990374
891edd0c 806d68a0*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for hal.dll
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for hal.dll
891edd10 8a3e03b4
891edd14 891edd4c
891edd18 b9eefda1 atapi!AtapiInterrupt+0x6ef
891edd1c 00000001
891edd20 8a990370
891edd24 00000000
891edd28 8a9a71b8
891edd2c 8a9900e8
891edd30 804f9fbd nt!KeInsertQueueDpc+0xd9
891edd34 8a9a71b8
891edd38 8a9900e8
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
b9eeedae 5f pop edi
<o>:p> </o>:p>
SYMBOL_NAME: atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+48
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
IMAGE_NAME: atapi.sys
<o>:p> </o>:p>
<o>:p> </o>:p>
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x8E_atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+48
<o>:p> </o>:p>
BUCKET_ID: 0x8E_atapi!AtapiTaskRegisterSnapshot+48
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Followup: MachineOwner
<o>:p> </o>:p>
eax=ba4fbb80 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000200 edx=b9721dc8 esi=00000850 edi=896b97b6
eip=891ef9d2 esp=891edcb8 ebp=8928e1e2 iopl=0 vif nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00090206
891ef9d2 f3a5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi] es:0023:896b97b6=???????? ds:0023:00000850=????????
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.
8928e1e2 00000000 891eded0 00000000 00000000 0x891ef9d2
start end module name
804d7000 806cdc80 nt ntkrnlpa.exe Wed Feb 28 04:15:53 2007 (45E54849)
806ce000 806ee280 hal hal.dll Mon Nov 15 20:37:02 2004 (419959BE)
b0d73000 b0d8a480 dump_atapi dump_atapi.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:41 2004 (41107B4D)
b0d8b000 b0da3a80 bthpan bthpan.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:37 2004 (41107B0D)
b0da4000 b0db5000 BrSerIf BrSerIf.sys Thu Jan 19 01:44:44 2006 (43CF355C)
b0ddd000 b0e1ff80 bthport bthport.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:34 2004 (41107DDA)
b0e20000 b0e8ea00 mrxsmb mrxsmb.sys Fri May 05 05:41:42 2006 (445B1DD6)
b0eb7000 b0ee1a00 rdbss rdbss.sys Fri May 05 05:47:55 2006 (445B1F4B)
b0ff2000 b1013d00 afd afd.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:13 2004 (41107EB5)
b1014000 b103bc00 netbt netbt.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:36 2004 (41107ECC)
b1064000 b1084f00 ipnat ipnat.sys Wed Sep 29 18:28:36 2004 (415B3714)
b1085000 b109d180 SYMEVENT SYMEVENT.SYS Wed Jul 21 18:43:58 2004 (40FEF1AE)
b109e000 b10ddba0 SYMTDI SYMTDI.SYS Fri Aug 13 21:54:13 2004 (411D70C5)
b10de000 b1136080 tcpip tcpip.sys Thu Apr 20 08:18:33 2006 (44477C19)
b1137000 b1149400 ipsec ipsec.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:27 2004 (41107EC3)
b117a000 b117cf80 mouhid mouhid.sys Fri Aug 17 16:47:57 2001 (3B7D82FD)
b117e000 b1181a00 kbdhid kbdhid.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:33 2004 (41107B09)
b1182000 b1184580 hidusb hidusb.sys Fri Aug 17 17:02:16 2001 (3B7D8658)
b1186000 b1188e80 BrUsbSer BrUsbSer.sys Thu Jan 19 06:17:17 2006 (43CF753D)
b118a000 b118d800 BrScnUsb BrScnUsb.sys Thu Oct 14 23:50:19 2004 (416F48FB)
b91b2000 b91e5200 update update.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:32 2004 (41107B08)
b920e000 b9225800 SCSIPORT SCSIPORT.SYS Wed Aug 04 01:59:39 2004 (41107B4B)
b9226000 b923c980 mcdbus mcdbus.sys Tue Sep 04 13:46:32 2007 (46DD99F8)
b923d000 b926d100 rdpdr rdpdr.sys Wed Aug 04 02:01:10 2004 (41107BA6)
b926e000 b927ee00 psched psched.sys Wed Aug 04 02:04:16 2004 (41107C60)
b927f000 b9295680 ndiswan ndiswan.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:30 2004 (41107EC6)
b92ba000 b92bc280 rasacd rasacd.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:39 2001 (3B7D84CB)
b92be000 b92d1900 parport parport.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:04 2004 (41107B28)
b92d2000 b92fd600 SynTP SynTP.sys Tue Feb 14 17:04:56 2006 (43F25408)
b92fe000 b931d340 aeaudio aeaudio.sys Mon May 17 12:23:46 2004 (40A8E712)
b931e000 b9340680 ks ks.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:20 2004 (41107EF8)
b9341000 b9364980 portcls portcls.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:47 2004 (41107F13)
b9365000 b93a4880 smwdm smwdm.sys Thu Feb 10 16:31:34 2005 (420BD2B6)
b93a5000 b95c0680 w29n51 w29n51.sys Thu Feb 08 16:51:14 2007 (45CB9B52)
b95c1000 b95e3e80 USBPORT USBPORT.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:34 2004 (41107D62)
b95e4000 b960d000 b57xp32 b57xp32.sys Thu Mar 09 20:20:08 2006 (4410D448)
b960d000 b9620780 VIDEOPRT VIDEOPRT.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:07:04 2004 (41107D08)
b9621000 b9766000 ati2mtag ati2mtag.sys Sat Jan 21 22:44:53 2006 (43D2FFB5)
b97b6000 b97c5900 Cdfs Cdfs.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:14:09 2004 (41107EB1)
b97c6000 b97cf480 bthmodem bthmodem.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:38 2004 (41107DDE)
b97d6000 b97e4900 rfcomm rfcomm.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:38 2004 (41107DDE)
b97e6000 b97eed80 HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:18 2004 (41107D52)
b9c06000 b9c09c80 serenum serenum.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:06 2004 (41107B2A)
b9c0a000 b9c0d700 VMkbd VMkbd.sys Wed May 02 00:52:21 2007 (46381905)
b9c36000 b9c39e40 ASPI32 ASPI32.SYS Fri Sep 10 19:46:10 1999 (37D99842)
b9c42000 b9c44d00 ANC ANC.SYS Mon Mar 22 01:08:44 2004 (405E74DC)
b9c4a000 b9c4ca00 VMNET VMNET.SYS Fri Mar 16 06:05:31 2007 (45FA6BEB)
b9c4e000 b9c50680 vmnetadapter vmnetadapter.sys Fri Mar 16 06:06:08 2007 (45FA6C10)
b9c52000 b9c55c80 mssmbios mssmbios.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:47 2004 (41107D33)
b9c8f000 b9c91580 ndistapi ndistapi.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:29 2001 (3B7D84C1)
b9c9b000 b9c9d880 pfc pfc.sys Fri Sep 19 19:47:22 2003 (3F6B958A)
b9c9f000 b9ca1780 ibmpmdrv ibmpmdrv.sys Fri Nov 11 00:56:12 2005 (4374327C)
b9ca3000 b9ca5900 Dxapi Dxapi.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:19 2001 (3B7D843F)
b9ca7000 b9caa700 CmBatt CmBatt.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:39 2004 (41107D2B)
b9cab000 b9cadc00 irenum irenum.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:45 2004 (41107B8D)
b9cd7000 b9cf1580 Mup Mup.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:20 2004 (41107EF8)
b9cf2000 b9d0fec0 snapman snapman.sys Fri Jul 13 06:03:56 2007 (46974E0C)
b9d10000 b9d68640 tdrpman tdrpman.sys Wed Aug 22 17:48:42 2007 (46CCAF3A)
b9d69000 b9dd3380 timntr timntr.sys Wed Aug 29 08:13:12 2007 (46D562D8)
b9dd4000 b9e00a80 NDIS NDIS.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:27 2004 (41107EC3)
b9e01000 b9e8d400 Ntfs Ntfs.sys Fri Feb 09 06:10:31 2007 (45CC56A7)
b9e8e000 b9ea4780 KSecDD KSecDD.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:45 2004 (41107B51)
b9ea5000 b9eba440 DRVMCDB DRVMCDB.SYS Mon Sep 12 17:38:27 2005 (4325F553)
b9ebb000 b9eccf00 sr sr.sys Wed Aug 04 02:06:22 2004 (41107CDE)
b9ecd000 b9eec780 fltMgr fltMgr.sys Mon Aug 21 05:14:57 2006 (44E97991)
b9eed000 b9f04480 atapi atapi.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:41 2004 (41107B4D)
b9f05000 b9f2a700 dmio dmio.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:13 2004 (41107D11)
b9f2b000 b9f49880 ftdisk ftdisk.sys Fri Aug 17 16:52:41 2001 (3B7D8419)
b9f4a000 b9f67480 pcmcia pcmcia.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:45 2004 (41107D31)
b9f68000 b9f78a80 pci pci.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:45 2004 (41107D31)
b9f79000 b9fa6d80 ACPI ACPI.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:35 2004 (41107D27)
ba0a8000 ba0b0c00 isapnp isapnp.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:01 2001 (3B7D8559)
ba0b8000 ba0c2500 MountMgr MountMgr.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:29 2004 (41107B05)
ba0c8000 ba0d6980 Shockprf Shockprf.sys Thu Jan 13 22:20:25 2005 (41E73A79)
ba0d8000 ba0e4c80 VolSnap VolSnap.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:14 2004 (41107B6E)
ba0e8000 ba0f0e00 disk disk.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:53 2004 (41107B59)
ba0f8000 ba104200 CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:14:26 2004 (41107EC2)
ba108000 ba110de0 PxHelp20 PxHelp20.sys Wed Jun 20 18:26:00 2007 (4679A978)
ba148000 ba150700 wanarp wanarp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:04:57 2004 (41107C89)
ba158000 ba160880 Fips Fips.SYS Fri Aug 17 21:31:49 2001 (3B7DC585)
ba198000 ba1a0d00 intelppm intelppm.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:19 2004 (41107B37)
ba1a8000 ba1b6b80 drmk drmk.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:54 2004 (41107D3A)
ba1b8000 ba1c4e00 i8042prt i8042prt.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:36 2004 (41107ECC)
ba1c8000 ba1d7d80 serial serial.sys Wed Aug 04 02:15:51 2004 (41107F17)
ba1d8000 ba1e2400 imapi imapi.sys Fri Aug 13 13:17:15 2004 (411CF79B)
ba1e8000 ba1f4180 cdrom cdrom.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:52 2004 (41107B58)
ba1f8000 ba206080 redbook redbook.sys Wed Aug 04 01:59:34 2004 (41107B46)
ba208000 ba214880 rasl2tp rasl2tp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:21 2004 (41107EBD)
ba218000 ba222200 raspppoe raspppoe.sys Wed Aug 04 02:05:06 2004 (41107C92)
ba228000 ba233d00 raspptp raspptp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:14:26 2004 (41107EC2)
ba238000 ba240900 msgpc msgpc.sys Wed Aug 04 02:04:11 2004 (41107C5B)
ba248000 ba251f00 termdd termdd.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:52 2004 (41107B1C)
ba278000 ba285b00 zebrceb zebrceb.sys Fri Apr 13 08:21:11 2007 (461F75B7)
ba288000 ba291480 NDProxy NDProxy.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:55:30 2001 (3B7D84C2)
ba2c8000 ba2d6200 usbhub usbhub.sys Thu Sep 16 16:06:45 2004 (4149F255)
ba308000 ba313060 mfetdik mfetdik.sys Wed Nov 22 17:54:10 2006 (4564D512)
ba318000 ba320700 netbios netbios.sys Wed Aug 04 02:03:19 2004 (41107C27)
ba328000 ba32e200 PCIIDEX PCIIDEX.SYS Wed Aug 04 01:59:40 2004 (41107B4C)
ba330000 ba334900 PartMgr PartMgr.sys Fri Aug 17 21:32:23 2001 (3B7DC5A7)
ba348000 ba34c880 TDI TDI.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:07:47 2004 (41107D33)
ba350000 ba354580 ptilink ptilink.sys Fri Aug 17 16:49:53 2001 (3B7D8371)
ba358000 ba35c080 raspti raspti.sys Fri Aug 17 16:55:32 2001 (3B7D84C4)
ba360000 ba365300 psadd psadd.sys Wed Sep 13 13:32:21 2006 (450840A5)
ba378000 ba37d860 DLARTL_N DLARTL_N.SYS Thu Aug 25 15:16:15 2005 (430E18FF)
ba380000 ba386180 HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:15 2004 (41107D4F)
ba388000 ba38d200 vga vga.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:06 2004 (41107D0A)
ba390000 ba394a80 Msfs Msfs.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:00:37 2004 (41107B85)
ba398000 ba39f880 Npfs Npfs.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:00:38 2004 (41107B86)
ba3a0000 ba3a6000 TSMAPIP TSMAPIP.SYS Thu Jun 27 23:59:23 2002 (3D1BDF1B)
ba3a8000 ba3ad000 Tppwrif Tppwrif.sys Tue Nov 30 02:38:22 2004 (41AC236E)
ba3b0000 ba3b4020 TPHKDRV TPHKDRV.SYS Tue Jul 05 01:57:04 2005 (42CA2130)
ba3b8000 ba3be000 TDSMAPI TDSMAPI.SYS Mon Oct 24 05:33:31 2005 (435CAA6B)
ba3c0000 ba3c8000 Smapint Smapint.sys Wed Dec 04 08:58:05 2002 (3DEE09ED)
ba3c8000 ba3cf840 SCDEmu SCDEmu.SYS Sun Jan 20 02:07:58 2008 (4792F34E)
ba3d8000 ba3de180 mferkdk mferkdk.sys Wed Nov 22 17:55:49 2006 (4564D575)
ba3e8000 ba3eca00 BTHUSB BTHUSB.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:33 2004 (41107DD9)
ba3f0000 ba3f6680 tcusb tcusb.sys Fri Sep 10 00:35:56 2004 (41412F2C)
ba3f8000 ba3ffb80 usbccgp usbccgp.sys Wed Aug 04 02:08:45 2004 (41107D6D)
ba400000 ba406500 usbprint usbprint.sys Wed Aug 04 02:01:23 2004 (41107BB3)
ba408000 ba40c280 BthEnum BthEnum.sys Wed Aug 04 02:10:38 2004 (41107DDE)
ba418000 ba41c500 watchdog watchdog.sys Wed Aug 04 02:07:32 2004 (41107D24)
ba460000 ba465000 usbuhci usbuhci.sys Wed Aug 04 02:08:34 2004 (41107D62)
ba468000 ba46e800 usbehci usbehci.sys Wed Aug 04 02:08:34 2004 (41107D62)
ba470000 ba476000 kbdclass kbdclass.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:32 2004 (41107B08)
ba478000 ba47da00 mouclass mouclass.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:32 2004 (41107B08)
ba480000 ba481000 fdc fdc.sys unavailable (00000000)
ba488000 ba48f000 nscirda nscirda.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:49 2004 (41107B91)
ba490000 ba494580 tpm tpm.sys Sun Oct 09 15:35:27 2005 (434970FF)
ba498000 ba4a0000 Afc Afc.sys Wed Feb 23 01:58:55 2005 (421C29AF)
ba4a0000 ba4a7000 GEARAspiWDM GEARAspiWDM.sys Mon Aug 07 13:11:27 2006 (44D7743F)
ba4a8000 ba4af580 Modem Modem.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:08:04 2004 (41107D44)
ba4b0000 ba4b4c80 rasirda rasirda.sys Fri Aug 17 16:51:29 2001 (3B7D83D1)
ba4b8000 ba4bb000 BOOTVID BOOTVID.dll Fri Aug 17 16:49:09 2001 (3B7D8345)
ba4bc000 ba4be480 compbatt compbatt.sys Fri Aug 17 16:57:58 2001 (3B7D8556)
ba4c0000 ba4c3700 BATTC BATTC.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:52 2001 (3B7D8550)
ba4c4000 ba4c6d80 ACPIEC ACPIEC.sys Fri Aug 17 16:57:55 2001 (3B7D8553)
ba4c8000 ba4cba00 TPDiskPM TPDiskPM.sys Tue Sep 26 01:13:34 2006 (4518B6FE)
ba4cc000 ba4cfc80 OODrvled OODrvled.sys Wed Sep 22 07:57:13 2004 (41516899)
ba5a8000 ba5a9b80 kdcom kdcom.dll Fri Aug 17 16:49:10 2001 (3B7D8346)
ba5aa000 ba5ab100 WMILIB WMILIB.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:07:23 2001 (3B7D878B)
ba5ac000 ba5ad700 dmload dmload.sys Fri Aug 17 16:58:15 2001 (3B7D8567)
ba622000 ba623980 TPInput TPInput.sys Tue Sep 26 01:13:41 2006 (4518B705)
ba624000 ba625280 USBD USBD.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:02:58 2001 (3B7D8682)
ba626000 ba627700 RootMdm RootMdm.sys Fri Aug 17 16:57:36 2001 (3B7D8540)
ba628000 ba629100 swenum swenum.sys Wed Aug 04 01:58:41 2004 (41107B11)
ba62a000 ba62b580 zebrwh zebrwh.sys Fri Apr 13 08:19:37 2007 (461F7559)
ba630000 ba632000 i2omgmt i2omgmt.SYS Wed Aug 04 02:00:50 2004 (41107B92)
ba632000 ba6335c0 DLACDBHM DLACDBHM.SYS Thu Aug 25 15:16:50 2005 (430E1922)
ba634000 ba635f00 Fs_Rec Fs_Rec.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:49:37 2001 (3B7D8361)
ba636000 ba637080 Beep Beep.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:47:33 2001 (3B7D82E5)
ba638000 ba639080 mnmdd mnmdd.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:28 2001 (3B7D8538)
ba63a000 ba63b080 RDPCDD RDPCDD.sys Fri Aug 17 16:46:56 2001 (3B7D82C0)
ba63c000 ba63d200 ShockMgr ShockMgr.SYS Thu May 13 23:58:59 2004 (40A44403)
ba63e000 ba63f780 IBMBLDID IBMBLDID.sys Thu Jan 12 10:33:21 2006 (43C676C1)
ba644000 ba645100 dump_WMILIB dump_WMILIB.SYS Fri Aug 17 17:07:23 2001 (3B7D878B)
ba670000 ba670d00 pciide pciide.sys Fri Aug 17 16:51:49 2001 (3B7D83E5)
ba671000 ba671d80 OPRGHDLR OPRGHDLR.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:57:55 2001 (3B7D8553)
ba69b000 ba69bc00 audstub audstub.sys Fri Aug 17 16:59:40 2001 (3B7D85BC)
ba6cd000 ba6cdd00 dxgthk dxgthk.sys Fri Aug 17 16:53:12 2001 (3B7D8438)
ba6e1000 ba6e1b80 Null Null.SYS Fri Aug 17 16:47:39 2001 (3B7D82EB)
ba6fa000 ba6faa80 PQNTDrv PQNTDrv.SYS Wed May 05 23:48:39 2004 (4099B597)
bf000000 bf011580 dxg dxg.sys Wed Aug 04 02:00:51 2004 (41107B93)
bf012000 bf049000 ati2dvag ati2dvag.dll Sat Jan 21 22:45:10 2006 (43D2FFC6)
bf049000 bf07d000 ati2cqag ati2cqag.dll Sat Jan 21 21:45:10 2006 (43D2F1B6)
bf07d000 bf0b2000 atikvmag atikvmag.dll Sat Jan 21 22:13:42 2006 (43D2F866)
bf800000 bf9c2300 win32k win32k.sys Thu Mar 08 08:49:35 2007 (45F0146F)
<o>:p> </o>:p>
Unloaded modules:
ba138000 ba141000 processr.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
b9ca3000 b9ca7000 kbdhid.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ba370000 ba375000 Cdaudio.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
b9c12000 b9c15000 Sfloppy.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
Closing open log file c:\debuglog.txt
Can someone please inteprete this dump for me.
Thanks for your assistance in advance
Hello Purechaos;
Looks like you possibly have an ASUS MB or Videocard... If you are running the ASUS Enhanced nVidia drivers, other sites suggest disabling ASUS OSD, and ASUS Splendid.
If that does not fix the problem, they suggest getting rid of the ASUS Enhanced drivers altogether and installing nVidia's universal driver.
Looks to me like a possible memory problem, download a copy of memtest86+ from
Create a boot floppy or cdrom and boot from it, any red lines that appear on the screen show bad ram.
yes, you are correct, i have a ASUS Geforce EN8800GTS 640MB, and enhanced drivers but not asus drivers, some other which (lol) i can't remember atm :P a coworker of mine advised on cleaning the memory's and VGA's contact lines with vodka... helped :P
cheers :P
Memtest didnt reveal any issues, and I forgot to mention earlier I can login in safe mode.
my pc just goes straight to a blue screen!
i ran norton and a squared anti malware
home edition i had the problem before i ran destructive system recover back to factory setting
we have 2 other pc's and we do the same thing on each one and only the xp media center roll up 2 has the problem.:(
0x0000008e (0xcoooooo5,0x804EF526,0XF7450,0X00000000)
this is the code i get. the physical dump is fast so i probably have 250 something of RAM
i thought i was pc savy until i got this error message
please help
ps i have a broadband connetction 2.o speeed
and i connected it and it caused my pc to direct straight to the blue screen
as for the error message then i didnt catch it
please help me
my pc and i have been through alot
STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005)
I can't even get to the Start -> Run -> cmd. I can't do anything. However, I DO have the XP-installation CD, which can be used to repair. But how? I guess the best thing I can do is system restore to one or two days ago, but I have no idea how to do that from the DOS thing.
Many thanks to whomever helps me out. :[
EDIT: Complete error code:
STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x89C68731, 0xBA4A9C3C, 0x00000000)
I built my own system a couple years ago, and experienced a ton of BSOD errors when I first built it. Basically, anytime anything used sound, I got a BSOD. I tried everything, updating drivers, switching from onboard sound to sound card, changing hardware, nothing fixed it. Uninstalled Vista and installed XP, voilah, system running flawlessly since.
Until last night when I randomly got a BSOD while surfing the net. No malicious popups, no shady websites, no programs being downloaded, seemingly random BSOD. So I turned my computer back on.
Now I get a BSOD during XP loading almost everytime. Sometimes it's right when the Login screen pops up, sometimes it is just after I click the admisistrator icon. After giving up on it and going to bed, I woke up and turned the computer on. Worked for about 4 minutes and then BSOD. BSOD again everytime I turn it on. I pretty much have 0 access to any diagnostics other than the BSOD code given that I can't even get XP to load.
BSOD codes all start with 0x0000008e (0xC0000005,.....
second parameter varies 0x88E21731 0x88E29731 0x88E2A731 0x88E2B731
third parameter is always 0xBACCFC3C
fourth is almost 0x00000000
Any help would be much appreciated.
I've been baffled for the past week or so. I'm trying to play Civilization IV and this game and only this game crashes randomly during the game. My hardware hasn't ever given me a problem. I've attached my
Nope... still crashing.
Also I have included some of the many BSoD's I have recieved. I'm so very frustrated, I like to think of myself as computer literate (hell I'm a certified MCDST... and still I'm stumped!)
I even tried disable pe386 but got this when I did it in the recovery console:
I did some extra researching and some people mentioned looking into the eventvwr.msc run command. I looked that up and had a bunch of errors in the Application section where the source of the error was was "nview_info" (nview is from the nvidea card), and in the System folder I have a crap-load of "atapi" errors as well as "Service Control Manager" errors. Atapi means IDE cables, right? Could I be crashing because I'm getting errors from the PC trying to read the game CD? aRGH! The BSoD's reference memory problems though. (I hope troll and the others still read this thread...)
Anyway, my PC only crashes for Civ IV... which of course is my favorite game... Thanks in advance!
I took out the memory cards, cleaned the contacts, and looked at the pins in the sockets to see whether any of them was out of line, bending em gently, armed with reading classes a geek size screwdriver. Meaning
they are supposed to press tightly against the memory cards contacts.
I know, the current design is supposed to prevent this type of #$%^ from happening, but what do I know, and hey, what do you know. First do no harm.
I had no Windows XP Startup/ Install CD - so I found that Microsoft has on its Free Tech Support sites - a) CD burnable ISO images for various XP CD's, which you can download and burn to your own CD-R, or b) if your CD drive in the afflicted computer is not working, you can download a file relating to KB310994 - an exe file that will make a set of 6 1.44 Floppy "Windows XP SP2 recovery console" discs. Using the recovery console boot, you select the Windows installation you want (to try) to fix, and your administrator password. (If you never set your administrator password, you just hit enter at that point, like a doofus, like me.)
Then you type HELP at the C:\ prompt (oh the old days of DOS) to get
a list of available commands.
Then you proceed with caution, typing commands that you want to know more about, such as FIXBOOT /? OR FIXMBR /?.
In other words I am advising that you first learn about what each command does, as using them without knowledge can get you to a hardrive full of lost data in a flash. Being reluctant to do anything
is a good quality to have in this venture.
After all, the name of the game here is to get the functionality and data back without re-installing Windows and each $%^&!@# piece of software. It seem that sometimes biting the bullet on that is easier, but if you are a cheapskate with time on your hand and you just want to tinker, there you go.
On the same site you can also find ISO images that will make a DOS 6.22
CD to boot from, if that helps.
So, using these various tools I was at some point able to get into SAFE MODE. From there I ran many of the available free Virus, Spyware and Trojan cleaners. E.g. AVG, Zonealarm, Avast, Trojan-Remover, Spybot Search and Destroy. Found 124 or so and removed them.
(Note: the bad computer was used by my kids, and by a chinese exchange student, so it just had to be bad. If you disable firewalls and scanners just to play a game, then you must be a stupid kid. Ha!)
After that, I started to look at suspicious looking Registry entries using
the Regedit function. Using that tool means : Caution, one wrong move
and your computer is inoperable. I took out a couple of "really suspicious looking items that had long random *.dat files and in addition had strings that looked like C:\??\Win32+more random stuff. Of course, there is random, and really really random, and how do we know the difference?
Well, we don't, we can only export the suspicious items as "Suspect1.reg"
Suspect2.reg", etc. then back up the registry, delete the suspect item in the registry, then restart and find whether what's deleted "may have been the culprit" or "was simply unnecessary stuff" or "was an essential system file"
If it gets worse, go back to the backed up registry. If gets better, keep going. Takes the patience of an angel, or a bonehead.
At any rate, I am now able to get back into Windows XP Home edition on the regular boot cycle, with what I call "Ultra minimum knowledge"
Although, there is still some kind of Virus generator hidden deep in the System (must be hiding within essential windows files)
that generates Trojans of the kind "PWS.Win32.OnlineGames.xqzs" with a
random four letter extension. My Virus guards capture and delete these things now as soon as they are created. But, something is in there and
I will get to it someday...
Well it helps to hum that old Madonna (or was that Blondie?) song "One way, or another, I am gonna getcha getcha getcha!!! One way or another...
And it's only Civ IV...
From what I read, Civ IV seems to have had really bad bugs for the past 3 years...
Do you run the original exe or a "Special" version of the exe... possibly try switching to one or the other. Your not going to fix a buggy game.
Atapi errors are usually CD /DVD errors reading disks.
ServiceControl errors need more info...
nview_info - nView Desktop Manager Running? Disable it.
Stop 0xfc error:
Driver not compatible with DEP.
Stop 0x8e error:
Possible nvidia driver error or conflict etc... (Desktop Manager?)
Stop 0x50 error:
Stop error message after you insert media into a removable disk
All I can find...
I had the special and non special versions and both crashed equally... Thanks for all the input though guys!
I tried ruststock Rootkit to no availe, doesn't find anything. I've used memtest98, no problems there. I tried the disable pe386 and it's not there. I've looked in the registry for the listed bad fiels and there not hiding there either. Any suggestion at all would be greatly appreciated. I am running fine in Safe Mode with networking. Hence why I'm able to plea for help here. also I'd like to know how I can enable my CDrom drive in safe mode. I have a bunch of family photos on this machine I don't want to lose and I'd like to back them up. I'm not against slashing and burning at this point if I can back up my data but I'd prefer to figure this out. Thanks! BTW what an awesome forum.
Stop:0x0000008E (0xc0000005 , 0xB1381DD2 , 0xb16c2A1C , 0x00000000)
Can you help me to fix this?