Whoa... Annual US Budget Deficit Reaches New High = $374.22 Billion
In 1992, the United States Government exceeds their budget by $290 Billion dollars. This year the US government has set a record of $374.22 Billion and next year's could top $500 Billion.
[blockquote]Administration officials warned the deficit, which they blame on sluggish government revenues and rising expenses related to the war on terrorism, may be even larger in the current 2004 budget year, which began Oct. 1[/blockquote]
Source: --> <a href="http://money.cnn.com/2003/10/20/news/economy/budget.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes" target=blank> CNN</a>
[blockquote]Administration officials warned the deficit, which they blame on sluggish government revenues and rising expenses related to the war on terrorism, may be even larger in the current 2004 budget year, which began Oct. 1[/blockquote]
Source: --> <a href="http://money.cnn.com/2003/10/20/news/economy/budget.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes" target=blank> CNN</a>
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I know some is actually owed to people in things like bonds and such but what else?
<sarcasm> Lets go for $750 Billion deficit!!!! < /sarcasm>
Uh... oh... wait until Thrax gets here. We're going to get a nice lecture about how The republican party is the solution.
Anyways, anyone else like this Senator Kerry?
He seems like a wise man, but i'm not really going to talk politics as I don't think s-m is the place as well as my lack of knowledge in this area.
The economic impact of any president is not felt for 6-8 years after the president has left office.
High school econ books teach this, this is/was commonly quoted by economists, and college level courses teach this as a basic principle to diagram the relation between government policy and the market state.
errrrrr???? i dont get the reference....but seriously...we really should just keep our noses out of others businesses..i mean it was the US who put saddam in power...and it was the US CIA who trained him...if u dont believe me look at bowling for columbine
have u even seen the movie?
Besides, it's defamation of character, and the government can't sue for that.
As for the deficit, while it may the largest numerically, it is not the largest as a percentage of GDP. That's the really meaningful figure. Two factors have contributed to the loss of a budget surplus. Both of which Bush had no control over and one of which Clinton had no role in:
1) War on Terrorism
2) Economic Recession
The recession started in the latter part of the Clinton Administration and it seems that only now do the indicators appear to show we've started to pull out of it.
As for how much we owe, it's nearly 7 Trillion dollars. For up to the minute numbers, check out the Deficit Debt Clock and how much each citizen's share is. We owe the money to those people including American citizens, but mostly other countries and business that buy US Treasury Securities. The interest on the 7 Trillion debt (read interest on all those savings bonds and other government securities) is in the Billions.
from what i remember u didnt read that book either...(neither did i but i still spoke against it until prime pwned us) regardless
/edited out (possible flame)
btw...thanks for telling me about pearl harbor...im bad with dates etc...BUT we were a tad responsible witht that too...as i recall...we were sending ships and weapons to the allies.....but i suppose that can also be considered as just economic trade....a horrible grey area.....and regardless...u think if we got involed they wouldnt have hit pearl harbor...plz...they probably would have hit it either way...regardless
you need to bone up on your history. No historian has ever asserted a reasonable justification for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We were sending weapons and resources to the British and Russians via the Lend-Lease program, but these weapons weren't used against Japan. They were bound for the Eastern Front and Britain to be used against Germany. We did stop selling US oil and lubricants to Japan since they were wandering around slaughtering Chinese and other Asian civilians at the time. Very justified and hardly responsible....
Are you responsible for a burglar breaking into your house if you lock the windows and doors? Your argument holds no logic or truth.
Additionally, I think you mispoke. I believe you meant defamation of character when you said "definition of character." The government can't sue for defamation of character anyways. We have this little right the Founding Fathers gave us called Freedom of Speech. Bowling for Columbine was exactly that..Michael Moore's freedom of cinematic speech.
I apologize for the political nature of this post, but I believe it's a very VERY important message.