IE 7.0 Problem - HELP!!!
The other day I migrated from IE 6.0 to 7.0. After doing a little surfing I left my PC and went out. When I returned home, I found additional sites in my history file….ones which I've never used recently if at all. One such site was an offshoot of msn's page. Knowing I did not use those sites troubled me, but I thought (guessed??) maybe the history file got corrupted in the migration. Naturally, I freaked out even more when the next day those three additional sites I never visited simply disappeared from the history file. Overlooking the possibility of an alien abduction or a split personalities (unbeknowst to me), I am a total loss to explain this. Any one have any thoughts? MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated!!!!!
To play it safe though, I recommend you go to and perform an online virus check. It also wouldn't hurt to download and run AVG's free Anit-Spyware program. (Both the suggestions would be good for any user, whether or not IE7 has been installed or not.)