Adobe Software on Linux?
Ever since I started college I have been playing games less and less, now I haven't played a game in a month. Except Consoles.
So I am curious if you can run Photoshop and other software packages like it on Linux? Or would it be a waist since I do have Windows2K already.
So I am curious if you can run Photoshop and other software packages like it on Linux? Or would it be a waist since I do have Windows2K already.
I wish
I've been putting off switching to linux due solely to this reason. The only adobe apps that run natively on linux are FrameMaker and Acrobat Reader ..... pfff
But at the same time, I want to LEARN linux, and the only way for me to do that is have a good desire to actually use Linux. I WANT to use it, but I just can't find reasons to switch to it.
I am just getting bored of Windows.
Like IF they had a course on MS Office, I would use MS Office and not OpenOffice. But once I get in the real world, I will use whatever I want
I am gonna see if I can ask my Lecturer tomorrow about why the hell they can't make it for Linux, but they can for MAC. He talks with Adobe people all the damned time.
The only answer to this is VMWare, and it costs and you would need a 1 GIG or bigger RAM based machine with an Enterprise kernel adn then host what you already have within it to get Photoshop running. Adobe would be dumber than snot to release their code to open source, and that is how Linux works-- base code must be open source, though the proprietory stuff would still be licensable if they chose to do that adn release say Photoshop Elements as an Open Soruce core and sell plugins.
If they have an OS X Jaguar or later version that is stable, that is a BSD core OS but memory management might be slightly non-BSD becasue of how MACs work. The G5's are not yet supported by Linux's PowerPC subversion, but that would be the best try to start with-- make a MAC subversion of Linux or BSD map large RAM blocks to lower priority apps of digital graphics sort-- BSD could eventually be extended to do this in part.
Sun StarOffice 7.0 and OpenOffice in latest final flavor and in betas however CAN gen valid pdf files readable by Windows acrobat reader programs and Linux Acrobat Reader (I run 5.0.5 with search in Linux, and it is a Linux subversion of Adobe Acrobat Reader and this might signal an exploring of interest on Adobe's part.) One core problem right now is that many modern cameras that produce digitial photos big enough to need Adobe memory management support are not fully supported by Linux or use EXIM which most Linux apps grok not much at all right now.
OTOH, GIMP does have fuscripts to add functions to it and these are available for relatively small fees from the scripting authors and act in a vein similar to plugins for Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. Basicly, the CORE of GIMPs expansibility is that it supports plugin-like fuscripting and you can batch fuscripts as they are scripts and can be chained by calling them from an uberscript or merged, or functions cut-n-pasted into new fuscripts for your own use.
Cliff's notes: Core obstacle is insufficient memory management size chunks for an individual core thread with many hungry subthreads-- Linux likes more modular threading for the most part. Underlying VMM is not BSD-like enough right now to be able to chunk huge RAM chunks to direct control of an app, and neither BSD nor Linux like hugely branching thread TREES from a single base app well enough yet.
Actually that would be In a word.
Got it, Sonny?
...daggone little skunk had to be right, too... :rolleyes2
Ageek: I thought there was a free non-commercial tree of VMWARE available under debian, maybe I'm wrong though, its been at least a year since i've touched VMWARE.
I would rather have ONE OS so that my folding production doesn't go down, and also so I wouldn't reboot.
But then again, I may try to do a dual boot later on... after I have gotten some time so I can play with gimp some. But that is a big maybe.
Similar to wine, but tested specifially for products like microsoft office, and adobe photoshop.
I use Adobe After Effects, Adobe illustrator, Adobe Image Ready and Adobe Reader, all under that application.
There are no bottle necks, and no noticable speed reductions what so ever.
I have also used mIRC, Outlook express, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Internet Explorer under crossover office for testing reasons.
I prefer corssover office far more then wine, as it is alot faster.
You were asking if it was possible to use asobe photoshop under linux, and my answer is yes, with this program.
I'm not trying to diss you, but what we need is NATIVE support - not emulation. It may emulate 99% but it will never be 100%... And if you need to get real work done and you rely on your systems as a source of livelihood, then you cannot risk your business on emulation.
The question RWB was asking is if he could run the program on linux, I simply told him he could.
If you want native support why use photoshop at all?
GIMP gets the job done.
There is absolutely zero debate as to whether pshop for linux exists. If you refuse to accept the next best solution and dismiss it out of hand simply because it's a dreaded emulator solution, that's your prerogative. Unless you have actually tested this and can honestly say it is unusable, then you should be asking these questions and not starting a derailing argument with someone who did nothing but answer the question.
Now, if there were a good MAC OS X Jaguar emulator for Linux, tha might also be doable for the apps that Adobe is porting to Jaguar.
However, Win4Lin has an upper RAM to Windows client limit of 128 MB, which would limit you to 16 meg files to work on max if resources were about 30% used (70%) free to begin with and if you literally could live with a 1\4 speed to a 1\5th speed emulation because of how Win4lLin handles RAM. So, you have than Win4Lin plus work area for app using OVER 250 MB. Linux likes to use all RAM, with 1 GIG of RAM I got 1\4-15th speed emulation out of Adobe Photoshop Elements and Photoshop would not install much less run. with Wine, Elements would not install EITHER, nor would any graphic app that wanted more than 2X file size in work buffers. More undo means more active copies of file size multiplier grabbed for work buffer in a graphics app. GIMP works in Linux only because it is made of tiny bricks or program parts, thus many threads that are individually controllable. Other than Plugins, this is not so for Photoshop-- the thread strategies and work buffer grab limits conflict. Adobe would have to radically rewrite Photoshop to make it Linux compliant to any great degree, and OX X Jaguar does more as Widnows does than as Linux does so they are porting there first. Second, Linux is graphic support weaker for Radeon cards than for nVidia, adn IIRC Photoshop more favors Radeon or Quadro cards as compared to the other nVidia cards, so graphic support in Linux is skewed the wrong way for Photoshop also. This is why I have a Radeon+Windows 98 SE Barton box that does 90% of my graphics work and all of my Business Accounting and time keeping and appointment work and the P4+nVidia GF2 box surfs 90% and gets email 100%. I use Opera 7.21 when I get sites that do not like Mozilla.