Processor problems

edited January 2007 in Hardware
Alright well, I've gone to quite a few places and technical support sites/chat rooms, starting to get tired of typing the same thing over and over haha.

I'm going to state the problem first to see if any of you have any quick god like solutions ha.

Simply put, my computer has 2 processors. Under performance in my task manager, my CPU Usage is always above 50% (or around 50%) and it never goes below 40 usually. Also, in the 2 performance history graphs for the processors, the one on the left shows one processor as if its doing alot of work, with the graph up almost as high as it can go. The other one is normal, or average (looks like about 10% of it is being used).

I would also like you to note that this is all happening when I am doing nothing with my computer. My first thoughts were, its a process operating in the background taking up the one processor. I checked my processes and sorted them by CPU usage, system idle process is the one at the top. Nothing else is using much of any of my CPU.

So after searching around for a little while I found out what system idle process is, its meant to be a placeholder for when the computer is idle or not doing anything. So pretty much when your not doing anything, its CPU usage is going to be around 88-98 or so. This doesn't mean that its draining your computer, just means thats the % of CPU not being used! (according to this website I found that explained it)

So wait... if my system idle process is telling me I have 88-98% of my pc currently doing nothing, that means my overall CPU usage should be around 10% or so.

So, why is my system idle process contradicting my actual cpu usage. The computer is running very obviously slow, half as fast as normal I would say, possibly a little slower.

-Picture of my pc's performance graphs-

-picture of my pc's system idle process cpu usage-
Ok, so I am running AIM and IE, thats just because I'm still trying to figure out whats wrong.
Anyway thats the basic explination of my problem...

Some extra things you should know...

-When I run my pc in safemode, everything works fine, so it can't be a hardware issue, can it? (it could I guess I'm not really sure).

-I've already checked my hardware device manager, it lists both processors as running purfectly normal.

-I have just recently reformatted my computer (about 4 weeks ago or so).

-I have norton antivirus, and did a full system scan, and came up with nothing (my norton is also up to date).

-About 2-3 days after my reformat, I also upgraded my pc's RAM to 1gig, I went from one stick of 512mb sd ddr ram at 333mhz, to 2 sticks of 512, I used my computers owners manual to find the specs on the type of ram I needed.

-I also installed a wireless pci card onto my computer the same day (we got a wireless network in our house now).

-I also opened my cpu multiple times and checked and rechecked the ram and the pci card to make sure it was installed properly.

-The problem occured after a game I was playing crashed/closed (I acidentally hit Alt F4 when I was assigning keyboard commands for the game).
When I went to start the game again it was opperating very slow, and choppy.

-My pc is a dell dimension 4550, but it was customized when I ordered it online from dell. Both processors are 3.06 GHz Pentium 4's, I have an ATI Radeon 9700 TX Gfx Card. I don't know what else you might want to know.

-Also, I have tried Dell Tech Support, and that didn't help very much haha.

Please help me lol..


  • ThraxThrax šŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Something is definitely tying up your system resources on CPU0. WTF?

    This is a hunch, and for now it's just something to do as a first step: Download and run this. I know you said you recently formatted, but it's worth a try.
  • edited January 2007
    Well I finished running the check for that worm, it didn't find anything.

    What I don't understand is I dont have this problem when I run my pc in safemode... only when I start up normally. This led me to think it was a process, but according to the cpu usage for my processes, none of them seem to be causing the problem. The fact that it works in safemode would then also rule out a hardware problem also I would imagine.

    I have no idea why or how but I know it had to do with crashing the game I was running. The game I was playing at the time is often unstable, its called planetside, and its made by sony. It always has problems when exiting and tends to crash usually because its a very demanding game. Its almost as if one of the processors is stuck.

    I honestly don't know alot about having more then one processor, but I would imagine disconnecting CPU 0 and reconnecting it could possibly do somthing? I don't know.

    I'd like refer to reformating again as the last option, I don't really feel like doing that just yet.
  • ThraxThrax šŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Planetside itself is <i>extremely</i> buggy and poorly-coded. It's not a terribly demanding game, it was just made by Sony. My dad and I have been long-time PS players, and it's always been an unstable piece of crap that has no distinct engine optimization, and responds very poorly to massive upgrades in computer horsepower.

    At any rate, it's time to get something better than task manager. Head HERE and pick up Process Explorer. Download link is at the bottom. Run it, and click the tiny green-lined graph button at the top of the program. Check "Use one graph per CPU," and then mouse over the left CPU usage meter. It'll tell you which process is using CPU time.
  • edited January 2007
    Wow, this programs pretty complicated haha...

    Ok well, when I mouse over the left graph, it doesnt say any specific process.
    Its got

    -CPU 0 95% to about 99%
    -DPC's about 46%-49%
    -And the time... 10:13 pm

    I don't see where its suppsoed to tell me what process is using that CPU the most.

    I am looking at the process explorer though, and for dpcs it lists it as using about 46-50 % cpu.

    I'm not quite sure how to read everything on here though, but I guess that might have somthing to do with it, its in system idle process. I don't know, I didn't see any process listed in that graph you told me to look at.

    EDIT: Haha... I'm a moron, I didn't realize till after I posted that, that DPC's was the process haha, ok I see DPC's is a part of system idle process, so what should I do exactly...

    Actualy, now it makes more sense, well it doesn't but, it makes sense now that system idle process is telling me the correct ammount of my pc that is truely idle XD still don't know what is taking up my other processor.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    I don't know anything about planetside explorer but this should tell you what you want to know ...just double click on the cpu tab til you see what's occupying your processes.
  • ThraxThrax šŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Can you give me a screenshot of both the main window and the expanded usage window side by side?
  • edited January 2007
    csimon wrote:
    I don't know anything about planetside explorer but this should tell you what you want to know ...just double click on the cpu tab til you see what's occupying your processes.


    It is being sorted by CPU, and it is saying system idle is occupying my processor which doesn't make sense.

    I can't post links because I am a new user to this forum I was refered here by a friend, so I can't properly link to the image.

    EDIT: Yeah heres a picture of the 2 windows side by side, it doesn't show anything taking up the other processor.


    EDIT: I have to go, need to get some sleep, also it still doesn't seem to want to let me post links, it'll probably work tomarrow though. Thanks for the help so far though.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    I fixed it so you can post links, apoc4lypse. :)
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Ah 50% cpu usage.
  • ThraxThrax šŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Reading around, virtually <i>every</i> thread regarding your problem has a <b>Dell</b> computer. Most of these computers also come with nVidia video cards, but this is not the case for you. There are a couple things I need you to do:

    1. Follow the steps in the MORE INFORMATION section HERE
    2. Reinstall your video drivers, and make sure they are the newest version.
    3. Run windows update and download <i>every</i> update except Windows Media Player 11 and IE7 if you want to save download time.
    4. If you're up for a LONG read, go HERE and read the thread; every person in here is experiencing your exact problem, and there are a <i>lot</i> of possible fixes for you to try.

    Good luck.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    I have been doing this **** for straight up years and I have never, in all my decades of travels, come across the term "interrupt storm"..

    Wow... that sounds like an impressive thing to have wrong ;D
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited January 2007
    Is it possible that the System Idle Process only sees one CPU and that one CPU it sees is the idle one?
  • ThraxThrax šŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    No, because the idle process is tied to the HAL, and the HAL sees two CPUs.
  • edited January 2007
    Thrax wrote:
    Reading around, virtually <i>every</i> thread regarding your problem has a <b>Dell</b> computer. Most of these computers also come with nVidia video cards, but this is not the case for you. There are a couple things I need you to do:

    1. Follow the steps in the MORE INFORMATION section ""
    2. Reinstall your video drivers, and make sure they are the newest version.
    3. Run windows update and download <i>every</i> update except Windows Media Player 11 and IE7 if you want to save download time.
    4. If you're up for a LONG read, go "" and read the thread; every person in here is experiencing your exact problem, and there are a <i>lot</i> of possible fixes for you to try.

    Good luck.

    Ok well, I completed number 1 with the registry editing, didn't do anything. I Reinstalled my video drivers and that didn't work either. My computer is already up-to-date with windows updates, and now I'm reading through that thread.

    Another thing I want to mention, but went away. The first 2 times I started my computer after this problem occured, it started up with a multicolored pixel looking screen. So I had to shut it off then turn it back on. After the second time it happened, I turned off my pc opened it up and re-seated the AGP card, to ensure it wasn't loose or anything, and that seemed to fix it. I don't know if it had any relation to this problem I'm having, thought it was just a loose connection.

    Another thing I still can't post links here, so I had to edit the links out of your post I am quoting XD.

    EDIT: I found out that the wireless card I installed is giving me errors when I turn off my computer for some reason PCARmDrv.exe is an application ascociated with the wireless card I installed, and it gives me an error when my computer is turning off, I can't really read the error because it goes away to fast, somthing along the lines of failing to start.

    XD I think this might be the problem....
  • ThraxThrax šŸŒ Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Do you have a spare PCI or AGP video card floating around? Something we can test with? I still have the feeling this is video-related; it'd follow a trend.
  • edited January 2007
    Thrax wrote:
    Do you have a spare PCI or AGP video card floating around? Something we can test with? I still have the feeling this is video-related; it'd follow a trend.

    Alright well... lol I just have to laugh because of the ammount of things that went wrong with my computer over the past 2-3 days.

    Alright well, the good news is everything is fixed and working normally.

    The bad new would be I still have no idea what was actually causing the problem in the first place. (The DPC's taking up CPU 0)

    Alright well, after I tried all of those things you specified before, reinstalling drivers and such, as well as reading through some of that enourmous thread (I swear my eyes were starting to go cross eyed from staring at the monitor for so long:zombie: ). I decided to just try reinstalling windows xp (not reformating, just reinstalling).

    Anyways, the reinstall never fully completed the first time (I don't think anyway) because I screwed up badly. I had still been removing PCI cards out of my computer and switching stuff around to test out different things before doing the reinstall, and while it was reinstalling I went to go and push my computer back, because it was out still from me messing with it. So I went to push it back against the wall, but I wasn't really looking entirely as I pushed it, and managed to press the power button.
    Me = :Pwned:

    After I did this I screamed ****, as I watched my computer screen flick off then on, then after a few seconds of it saying "Windows is starting" (right before the logon screen) I was greeted with a nice big blue screen.

    Anyways, normally blue screens when I get them don't specify anything, this one specified a file, I didn't write it down though. It was somthing like atidrvr.sys or somthing, all I remember is its name sounded like it was the driver for my graphics card, though I don't know what it had to do with this.

    It gets worse though, I turned my computer off after seeing this, went to try and start it again, blue screen same meassage, with the same file. So, I decided lets try to reinstall again, that didn't do anything, still same old blue screen, I couldn't even start up in safemode.

    Now, I just want to restate the fact that I would have never gotten this problem if I didn't decide to try and reassign some commands on my planetside game's keyboard layout. Not to mention it was completely a mistake hitting alt f4 and the game crashing/exiting. This led to the processor malfunction, or what ever was going on, which led to me reinstalling xp, which led to me accidentaly tapping the power button during installation, which led to blue screens, and the inability to start my computer.

    Now another thing that I realized during this reformat I just did. I don't think I correctly installed all of the drivers when I did the first reformat, I think I missed some. Yet another mistake leading to this big mess of problems.

    The irony of this all is that everything that happened seems to all be linked to human error at the worst possible times when using my computer. I mean what are the chances of me hitting alt f4 if I know what it does, or striking the powerbutton on accident while reinstalling xp lmao.

    Anyway, I think the main source though was the first reformat, I did not correctly install all of the drivers. Which pretty much set me up for everything else to go wrong. I know I reinstalled my video drivers but it didn't have to do with those, it was my chipset/processor drivers, I don't really know how but planetside must have agitated an ongoing problem from not having those drivers installed correctly.

    Well, thanks for the help thrax, was interesting trying to hunt down the cause of this problem, in the end I just wound up reformatting haha.

    You said you also play planetside btw? What name do you play under usually?

    Maybe I'll see you on there or somthing.

    EDIT: I almost forgot... I still have that error msg, from that PcARm.exe file or what ever, it has to do with my wireless card, and I honestly have no idea whats causing that error... the drivers and everything for it are installed correctly so I don't know..
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    That's quite a story! It made me laugh - at you as well as myself as it brought back some less than 'fun' memories.

    As for your wireless card. Wish I had advice for you. Wireless cards can be a huge pain, even when you install them completely by the book, er, manual I should say. Wireless USB devices can be even a bigger pain. In the future, just stick with Linksys. In my experience, their wireless products have been a notch above the other brands in reliability and ease of setup.
  • edited January 2007
    Hey all,

    Just got finished reading the bulk of the information provided here, and thought I would add a few things to help get to the bottom of this.

    To start, I have the exact same issue on 2 computers on my network. Here are the specs on the current computers being affected by this:

    System 1:

    Motherboard: Asus A7N8X-VM
    RAM: Corsair DDR 333 (2x512)
    CPU: AMD Athlon XP - 2083MHz (2.8GHz effective)
    GPU: Nvidia BFG 6800 GT OC 256 (AGP)
    Audio: Turtle Beach: Santa Cruz
    NIC: D-link DWL-G520
    HDD: Maxtor Ultra ATA 133 (2x250GB)
    PSU: 580W ATX

    System 2:

    Motherboard: EVGA 122-CK-NF68-AR
    RAM: Corsair DDR2 800 (2x1GB)
    CPU: Intel EX6800 2.93GHz
    GPU: Nvidia BFG 8800GTX (PCIe)
    Audio: Creative Audigy 2 ZS Platinum
    NIC: Encore ENLWI-SG
    HDD: Seagate SATA 3Gbs (1x500GB)
    PSU: 750W ATX

    System 1 has 5-20% CPU usage
    System 2 has 20-60% CPU usage

    I am suspecting the wireless NICs to be the reason, or part of the reason for the high CPU usage for 2 reasons. My first reasoning is, although both computers do use Nvidia graphic cards, I have had this issue on system 1, while using an ATI 9800pro on a fresh installation of windows in the past. My next reason for wanting to blame the network cards, and probably the most solid reason is, whenever I disable the wireless cards in the device manager on both systems, the problem goes away 100%.

    I have a few other computers on the network that are hardwired to the router, and they seem to be unaffected by this. I am thinking the router is at the bottom of the issue, but I cannot pin it on this for sure. It is mainly a hunch at this point, but I am thinking that the router might be causing lots of network traffic, or something along those lines, that in return is causing the computers connected to it to go crazy. Once again, this is purely a theory, and is probably wrong.

    I have noticed some weird traffic being picked up on my wireless cards, which does help confirm this hunch. Iā€™m going to poke around with the router later tonight and see if I can confirm anything.

    If anyone has found any more information as to how to fix this, please do share. I have reformatted a few times now, and the problem persists.
  • edited January 2007
    Well, our problems are simillar but the causes are different, reformatting my computer fixed everything for me. I'm still not really sure what the problem was, my guess was the chipset drivers for my computer got messed up, or corrupt.
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