Question about Folding

RiptideRiptide Northern Canada New
edited January 2007 in Folding@Home
I've had a quick look at the Folding info, and was thinking about signing up. However I don't yet have internet at home, as I'm still doing reno's in what will eventually be my computer room. And I haven't gotten fed up with staying late, stealing net from work.

Reno's also take a long time, when you're lazy (read stressful 65hr per week job), and comfortably setup on the kitchen table infront of the 42" plasma. I mean, who actually eats at the kitchen table anyway?!

But back to my question, would it be possible to install the app required on a system that doesn't have net, and probably won't for the indefinate furture?


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    I believe you can run Folding from a thumb drive, given the capacity of the drive is large enough. You could take the drive to work when it's nearly finished with a work unit and let your work machine upload the finished units and download fresh ones.
  • RiptideRiptide Northern Canada New
    edited January 2007
    I just went and signed up a couple of hrs ago. Another question (which could probably be answered by reading something somewhere...).

    My laptop (which I've been using since installing the folding app, says it's done 200/20000, but must have just changed to that, as I checked a little while ago and it was saying 0/20000. Meanwhile my desktop at work said 2/50 almost right away. Also, what happens after the machine hits 20000, or 50? Does it just keep counting up, and keep a running total?
  • BlueDragonBlueDragon Longwood, FL USA New
    edited January 2007
    as far as i can tell if you have an internet connection then it will atuomatically change the finished one in for a new one. but dont qoute me i have only done 2 workunits so far
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