Outlook express moving mail?

I have built a new computer and I cant figure out how to move all my mail from one computer to another.I moved the addresses with no problems. I just want to get it on a floppy a disc then put it on the new computer.
There must be a way. How do I do that?
There must be a way. How do I do that?
Thanks for the info. That is all I have to do to get the new computer ready to be the main computer. A64 SD3700 A8N-E
File/Import & Export/Export to a file/Comma Seperated Values (Windows)/Select folder to export
It will save the file, which you can then move from your old system to your new system. You need to repeate the process for each folder (ie inbox, sent box, contacts, etc).
Once it's on the new system, you need to Import it.
File/Import & Export/Import from another program or file/Comma Seperated Values (Windows)/Select file
Hope this helps, and was what you were looking for.
The Identity for Outlook express is located in the Documents and Settings\Username\Local settings\Application Data\Identities\a really big goofy directory name\Microsoft\Outlook Express\
That folder has all your folders and messages in it, they are .dbx files for each folder.
Just open Outlook Express on the new PC, Go to File>Import>Messages choose Outlook Express 6 if that's what your using, click next, choose "Import Mail from an OE6 Store directory" then browse to the location mentioned above and it will ask you if you want to import all folders or only selected ones.
Wham bam and your done
I do it all the time when I travel and need to have updated emails on my Laptop.
If I was smart I would start using Outlook and just copy the PST file
EDIT: Yeah I did a search on both my laptop & desktop and came up blank..
It was real easy and put all of the files in at once it only took less than a minute to do it.
Thanks RyderOCZ and short media for the great help.
When you search make sure to have it search "Hidden Files and Folders" in the "More Advanced Options" area of the search assistant... as the PST file is stored in a Hidden Directory... ie
C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
Or just go right there and copy it where you need it... If you can't see the directory make sure "Show Hidden Files & Folders" is selected from Tools/Folder Options/Views menu of any drive window.
I dunno why it didn't come up earlier. View hidden files & folders was turned on. Anyway, thanks again!
etc., etc. You all get the idea, I'm sure.
If anyone's interested in how to do this for a particular address book, email client or browser, please, let me know and I'll provide instructions.
This is something that intrests me. Especially as I haven't installed MS Office Xp onto my system yet. If you could post the instructions, or PM them to me, that would be muchly appreaciated.
For anyone interested in these instructions (see post # 13), please, let me know the following:
(e.g. Mozilla Firefox 2.0; Microsoft Office XP Outlook; Qualcom Eudora 7.0; Outlook Express; etc.)
Riptied, if you could please, let me know the info. above I'll post the instructions for you. (I believe you want to custom configure MS Outlook XP, yes?)
- Microsoft Office XP Standard (specifically Outlook)
- Windows XP Pro w/ SP2
- 1 user (Jr)
Thankyou, Riptide. I haven't forgotten about you. I'm working on it right now. It'll be a bit. I'll probably have it posted tonite.
If Microsoft Outlook has never been opened yet in this user profile, perform the steps in the 1st group then proceed to the remaining steps: