Lost a big farm today
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Sorry guys, it was a six year run at this particular client's shop, but today one of their new employees decided that F@H "slowed her computer down too much" and no amount of technical explanation would satisfy her.
I'm losing approximately 20 machines that range from P4 2.2ghz to 3.2ghz.
I'm losing approximately 20 machines that range from P4 2.2ghz to 3.2ghz.
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
Would it not be possible to get the the client to allow F@H on all the other PC's - except the one who moaned
I would love to have that ID 10 T techie over here to see what you can do with 2 instances of F@H running along with WinAmp in the background and AnyDVD with CloneDVD2 burning a stack of DVD-R's for one of my clients. This guy is so dumb I'm not even going to use any smilies for once. Keep up the great work prime - was a great run!! Jack
Youth- ages; Immaturiy- is outgrown; Ignorance- can be educated; Drunkenness- Sobered...But Stupid- lasts Forever! 'Aristophonies' ...
S-M Byte time!