Nifty Little MSConfig Utility
Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
- HERE's a nifty little utility I just ran across. It's called "MSConfig Cleanup".
- Until now, I've always used a VBS script to do what this little utility does.
- This is much more user friendly, however, and I don't have to worry about whether scripts are blocked or not to run it.
- I can refer my clients to it if I need them to remove a startup item from MSConfig.
- The way it works is, you disable the startup item in MSConfig 1st. (remove its check mark)
- Then run the "MSConfig Cleanup" utility.
- The disabled startup item(s) will show up in a list.
- The user then selects the item(s) s/he wants to permanently remove from MSConfig startup then follow the prompts to remove it.
- This beats the hec out of trying to direct someone through the registry, etc. to find the source of the startup entry.
It is because you don't have to search the HKCU & HKLM run entries, + startup processes + startup directories in the start menus. MSConfig gives it to you in one fell swoop and MSConfig Cleanup gives you a way to kill the startup items w/out any further poking around.
Definetly a keeper!
I removed mine the same way prof did.
This will make it much easier to keep it cleaned up.
Good find!