Cross Platform Folding Monitor
howdy Icrontian
Ok, so I'm new to folding. I've got my main rig set up on both cores, being monitored by Electron Microscope and I'd like to get my Ubuntu rig folding as well, but was wondering if there was a way for EM or some other app to allow me to monitor it from my main rig. The Ubuntu box is usually on a KVM, but I often bring work home with me and connect other machines to the the KVM instead, always leaving the ethernet and power cable still hooked to the Ubuntu box.
Oh and one other thing, I set up my folding sig this morning and placed [folding_sig1] in my signature but nothing is showing up!?
Oh and one other thing, I set up my folding sig this morning and placed [folding_sig1] in my signature but nothing is showing up!?
Few links where i looked for the Linux info. HTH
Where's that no-good Kwitko when you need him?
IDEA: I'm going to toss this over to our Linux forum and see if someone has a suggestion.
Make sure sshd is turned on for the Ubuntu machine, and connect to it via PuTTY using the username and password for the user you just created.
Now, minimize the PuTTY window and check it whenever you want. The script you just wrote will post your folding stats every minute.