Can i fix my laptop???

edited February 2007 in Hardware
New here, joined in hope that i can find some information about my laptop.
Toshiba Tecra M2 PTM20A-0PK1D
nvidia go5200 64mbb grahics card

My problem started a few days ago.
When playing a game the screen started to get all pixely in places and eventually going totally black. then in certain places became white untill the white finally took over the screen, this took 15 seconds.
I couldnt exit the game or any thing, the whole system seemed to freeze, so i restarted it, Upon restart the graphics were set 640 480 and 4 bit color. And also some ugle light purple lines down the screen. I tried to Change my resalution a couple of times with no luck. Restarted and all back to normal.
But in the end this has happened a few times now, tried driver update, reformating with old drivers new drivers etc. Now i cant even get it to start up as the graphics card sends nothing to the screen, But it may start for me again as it did this before also.
So the information i do have is:
This device cannot start (code 10)
Also a big string of numbers letters in divice instanse, but i dont think they are imformative or?

This is still, a nice enoughh laptop, i hope someone can help me as it would be a shame to have to throw it in the rubbish. not to mention the fact i dont want to have to buy a new just yet. Any help will be greatly appiciated


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    The problem really sounds like a video card failing. A power problem would probably result in a blue screen, or even a clean restart with failure to post. But the gradual white-out doesn't seem to be from a power fluctuation. Were it a memory problem, you would probably see a blue screen with a fault code. Do you have a service manual for your laptop? Or, do you know how to remove the video card? Maybe there's a local shop that could test your video card for you.

    Have you tested the laptop on battery power? If it shows the same symptoms, that would probably rule out the power supply as being the problem.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    I was thinking it was a heat related issue. If you leave the laptop off for an hour, does the video go back to normal? Does this ever happen when you NOT playing a game? How about a movie?

    If it is only happening while playing a game, it may be a heat issue with the video card.
  • edited February 2007
    Thanks for your reply Leonardo
    Cant to this point find a service manual(free that is).
    I'm not so interested in taking it to a technician as im in germany and they like to charge crazy prices here for that sort of thing.
    To date the cheapest mainboard i can find if i need to go that way is 200 euro but its in australia.
    AC/DC, AC, DC its all the same results.
    I believe the graphics card is built into the mainboard.
    I will soon pull it to pieces and see if theres not any loose conections, excessive dust or solder joint cracks.
    I will await a for more replys first though.

    What about diagnostic tools, are you aware of any that i could use for this???

    Regards james
  • edited February 2007
    No it doesnt seem to be that way it is totally random as to when it will accour gane or no game.
    also see the other tread ive posted this topic in.

    Thanks and regards
    QCH2002 wrote:
    I was thinking it was a heat related issue. If you leave the laptop off for an hour, does the video go back to normal? Does this ever happen when you NOT playing a game? How about a movie?

    If it is only happening while playing a game, it may be a heat issue with the video card.
  • edited February 2007
    So i was able to boot with the screen working and i ran this diagnstic tool and the only devise failed was the graphics card.
    Does this tell us anything or???
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    Next question is... are you comfortable in taking your laptop apart? I'm not familiar with the Toshiba Tecra M2, but the graphics card SHOULD be replaceable. The next issue becomes looking for a replacement card.

    On many laptops, removing the keyboard gains you access to the graphics card.
  • edited February 2007
    Yer im fairly comfortable taking it to pieces. That is when i have to. I wouldnt just do it for fun as im sure this is something with many unseen dangers. In looking round for parts i havnt seen any graphics cards for sale, mainboards and sound boards but not grahics. Will get on the phone to toshiba tomorrow i think.
    But going inside looks fairly straight forward.
    The thing i havnt found is anyone else who has experianced the same fault, which what i was hoping to find. Patience i supose.
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